30 Replies to “I, Napoleon”

    1. Thinkers, think! Then they think some more…then they tell you what they think…then they attempt to make you think what they think…then they pass laws that make you think what they think…I think???

  1. I still haven’t figured out this transgender BS. So was this person born XX and wants to be XY? Or the other way ’round. Maybe he/she/it would be better off in the Canadian AF with tampons available in either latrine.

  2. I’m all for increased funding for mental health and insane asylums. Throw the druggies in there too!

    1. JD said, “No one in it’s command will take it seriously.”

      Although it does make me fighting mad.

  3. Training and Doctrine Command.

    Pootin shivers, Xi shakes, and the Ayatollahs cower.

  4. In a world of gender pretense, the Major pretends to command and his subordinates pretend to follow and just as in Viet Nam, Officers trying to make names for themselves at the flagrant expense of their conscripts lives tended to get fragged.

  5. On a serious note this type of behavior was a HUGE RED FLAG when it came to security clearances. Are we no longer using this?

    1. Well … here in the USA … our WOKE Generals told their ChiCom counterparts that they’d let them know in advance of any military hostilities planned by President Trump. So OUR Generals are actually working for the other side. Security clearance? Bwaaaa hahaha ha ha … we eliminated those long ago … unless the Leftists simply didn’t want to give one to Jared Kushner for political reasons

    2. The public argument was that such behaviour made individuals susceptible to blackmail because society was sooooo bigoted. But the real reason internally was that the military/intelligence communities knew that these people were mentally ill and unstable and could not be trusted with confidential information.

  6. How sad…once the most powerful military the world had ever seen, now an international laughingstock.

    Thanks, Democrats.

    1. It’s good to know that WW3 isn’t looming or we’d be authentically screwed.

  7. I wasn’t sure at first, but I’ve noticed something about these type postings. They all seem to come out (pardon the pun) in a flurry. A couple days ago a memo was issued to the DOD, Pentagon, CIA, FBI etc….highlighting a “transgender” employee of the intelligence community, and how being a “transgender” assisted him in performing his duties. That seemed odd to me until you look at it this way:

    Posts, memos etc. with this type content are coming through official channels and landing on the desks of a voluminous number government employee’s computers. There is going to be feedback. There are going to be comments at the water cooler. There are going to be recorded conversations, off comments in meetings and so on. I was wondering how an organization like the FBI which has 10’s of thousands of employees is able to infiltrate the rank and file and get all the E-5′ E-6’s and E-7’s to go along with their obvious political agenda. Why such a minimal number of whistleblowers? Well, here you have it….posts like the one above are a trap to get a read on employees political leanings. If you are along for the chosen agenda….a single comment on how this guy has a bald spot, or the like get you removed. I really think these posts are to weed out the opposition.

  8. “There are people who believe they’re Napoleon, too. But we don’t give them a battalion of troops and a road map of Russia”.

    Pretty much illustrates the problem.

    There is no resolution at this time.

  9. A commander in chief interested in the security of the United States would cashier all these freaks, degenerates, and weirdos and they’d be lucky to escape without a dishonorable discharge and a court-martial.

  10. Every time you see one of these, its a fat terminal O-4 trying to save the last vestige of their career – hoping they can ride the DIE train to O-5 before mandatory separation for failing to promote on time.
