It’s Good To Be King

National Post- Airplane food cost more than $220K on Trudeau’s Indo-Pacific trip

The catering costs had previously been pegged closer to $180K but a response to an order paper question in the House of Commons reveals the final tally was $223,234.

Meals on-board the plane included beef brisket with mashed parsley potatoes with truffle oil, pan fried beef tenderloin with port wine sauce, braised lamb shanks with steamed broccoli and boiled baby potatoes, and baked cheesecake with pistachio brittle.

33 Replies to “It’s Good To Be King”

  1. Nothing is too good for the narcissistic, pronoid Crime Minister. All hail the Leech in Chief, and his thuggish ministers in waiting.

  2. Well, as long as there were no $16.00 glasses of orange juice à la Bev Oda I guess the $223, 234 cost is okay. After all these are Grits living it up, not those orange juice swilling Conservatives.

    Is Justin’s personal motto is L’État, c’est moi?

      1. Self made standards. The correct response to this stuff is F U and then double down but instead conservatives bow down to libtards and then lose.

  3. What juthtin spent on food for his junket could feed 40 canadian families for a year. He really cares about us.

  4. Well … yeah … but Trump greedily TAKES two scoops of ice cream!! Glutton Trump!!!

  5. This is a great example of Federal Government support for Canadian beef and lamb farmers.

  6. Goddamm, all I ever got was a box lunch on them gubmit airplanes. Not sure why I’m the carbon footprint problem.

  7. Yawn! Haven’t you noticed he flies several times a week? Nothing to see ,move on.

  8. Yawn! Haven’t you noticed he flies several times a week? Nothing to see ,move on.
    If the opposition had a brain they would publish a summary of his travel expenses since taking office. And those of his ministers. As I recall, it cost like a quarter million to move Butts from Toronto to Ottawa. There is so much graft it’s pretty hard to keep track of.

    1. – and surely every Canadian noticed that in (not sure which) recent budget, there was no money to increase the Auditor General’s staff, but a $quarter-million to refurb budget-Barbie’s office? Happily, by the sound of the latest Abacus poll (Kate’s June 16 “How It Started”), many Canadians did.

  9. And don’t forget to raise hell about Poilievre buying a swimming pool from Costco and building a fence around it.

    Whoever said the proper response should be FU is 100% right.

    Oh and defund the CBC

  10. THAT’S why he is refusing to resign. The guy likes the perks too much. I think he is living in a fantasy land and does not grasp how much he is disliked by Canadians.

  11. All Trudeau does especially these days is travel for illegal campaigning and mostly unneeded foreign country visits, bringing along lap dog Ministers, his entourage of well paid helpers/security and friendly journalists. He is allergic to desk work and homework.

    He will be known as the worst PM we have ever had, leaving our grandchildren in debt. His ex-wife doesn’t even like him.

    He will have his illegally funded Trudeau Foundation to manage his life after office, although lots of people will soon tire of his thin opinions if he tries to become a consultant.


  12. There are so many Liberal government scandals, so many occurrences of over spending and incompetence, shady deals, pork barreling and fraud that we can’t remember them all. There’s a new one every day. Perhaps a two page major news outlet spread listing them all would be a good Conservative campaign strategy. Just remind us of the totality of the mess.

  13. “If you provide subsidized meals to an employee (such as in an employee dining room or cafeteria), these meals are not considered a taxable benefit if the employee pays a reasonable charge. A reasonable charge is one that covers the cost of the food, its preparation, and service.
    If the charge is not reasonable, the value of the benefit is the cost of the meals, minus any payment the employee makes.
    Include the taxable benefit in box 14, “Employment income,” and in the “Other information” area under code 40 at the bottom of the employee’s T4 slip.”

    Does the government report these meals as taxable income on the Liberal’s T4? or is that just for the little people.

  14. For far too many sheeple in this country: “If the legacy media didn’t report it, it never happened.” Same goes for when the legacy media downplays it.
