92 Replies to “June 18, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. Post all the videos you want, but I still will never support this gigantic Biden Crime Family money laundering operation posing as yet another meat-grinder forever war, especially when we’re piling up a trillion dollars in new debt every 100 days.

      1. Aw, don’t be such a wet blanket. Imagine the fun they’re having…on SDA, not over there.

      2. The choice is between Ukrainians being eliminated as a nation, more gulag, more genocide or not letting that happen.

  1. I wonder where WEF, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and Barack Obama would fit into Ottawa investigations of “foreign influences on Canada’s members of parliament?” I am going to guess “overlooked by design” because basically, globalist politicians in all countries are working not for people of their country but for people at Davos and associates. Whatever you make of agendas of UN and Davos, it amounts to foreign interference, exactly same as in some case of a member of parliament working for interests of China, Iran, Russia or any other country.

    Yet politicians will say quite openly they are proud to be advancing those agendas, which were formulated not by Canadians or their political parties, but by international elites not answerable to any voters anywhere.

    If they make a big deal out of some backbencher with little influence being helped by the PRC, and ignore ties between senior government leaders and the WEF, one can ask, what is the point? China gains a very small amount of influence, probably a guy to tell them what is going on or advocate in open caucus for their interests, but the WEF gains total control of Canadian government policies, and is not even identified as a threat, let alone sanctioned (nor are its helpers sanctioned). The voters would need to do that, and should do it. But 90% of voters won’t even see WEF-Davos-UN links to our leaders as problematic.

    1. The 2015 election was clear interference with Team Obama strategists and software being used by the Liberals party.

      This was stated by Gerald Butts on stage to all attendees at “Liberal University” held in November 2014 in Hamilton, to train the Liberal campaigners.

      He also stated that he and the Young Liberals had flowned down to the USA and assisted Team Obama in their nomination campaign against Hillary Clinton.

      1. Sickening. Remember that lawyer hell-bent on dragging out the Duffy trial into the election? ? Who was paying him? Then, after the election, there was a huge public sign with Trudeau and his buddy Obama. The intention was to manipulate the voters.

  2. Cribbed off another web site. One of the victims in the double murder/suicide is one Arash Missaghi:

    The guy on the left in the link above. He has been involved in a multimillion dollar fraud as explained in the March 6 Star article above. The perp in Misagh’s murder also murdered a woman in the office. Our country winks and nods at huge white collar frauds. What is happening is that people are settling scores on their own.

      1. But mentions nothing of Missaghi’s connection to the fraud crime. It just sticks to the “guns are scary” narrative.

  3. The Freeland capital gains tax will cost Canadian farmers about 1$ million when they pass their farms onto their children.
    Who is driving this policy?
    Bill Gates is buying massive amounts of farm land, as are other billionaires.

    About 8.00 in this clip:

    1. “With over 40 per cent of farmers nearing retirement over the next decade, this tax increase introduces substantial uncertainty into their retirement planning,” said Andre Harpe, GGC Chair and a grain grower who farms alongside his wife and daughter in Alberta. “Despite Budget 2024’s title of ‘Fairness for Every Generation,’ this change will actually burden the next generation of farmers, who are already grappling with costly transfers.”


      1. “And you believe Putin?”

        Not me. I believe the statements made by Ukrainian negotiator Oleksandr Chalyi, and the actual copies of the draft agreement.

        1. Yawn, in the end it means you believe Pootin (you’re just too much of a bitch to admit it). His end game hasn’t changed since his demands preceding the unprovoked invasion. Demands not just re Ukraine but re Central Europe in general. Any “peace” would just gave him time to regroup and attack again.

    1. Hah! After suggesting they should drop dead, the Lieberals sent me a membership application.
