16 Replies to “Mayor Jyoti Gondek” Is Not A Character In A Tim Burton Movie”

  1. City governments should focus less on solving the world’s problems and more on fixing their own broken stuff.

    1. There is nothing more dangerous than a two-bit politician hell-bent on changing the world. Especially when bureaucrats are on-board with the politicians.

  2. But the rainbow cross walks are nice. And all those services for the non taxpayers, addicts and homeless are worth the inconvenience of not having water. You get what you vote for Calgary!

  3. The hubris of man..

    “Charity begins at home..”

    Spend less on things Rainbow crosswalks and Nenshi’s Coçk Ring and worry about infrastructure!

    Some places, now in the urban area of Calgary, are still on septic and wells, like up in Rocky Ridge, have to put signs up saying “This property is Irrigated with well water.” to avoid the onslaught of Karens..

  4. At the last WEF meeting they discussed getting more control over water. You see where this is going. I don’t water my lawn anyway but I do water my vegie garden.

  5. I’m somewhat torn between arguing for unlimited use of water, and having local city gov’t telling everyone that Calgary is “out” of new water connections, and thereby closing the door locally to more massive immigration to the area, courtesy of our tier 2 federal gov’t. Someone ought to tell the imbecile PM in Ottawa that we’re out of water…

    So, as the old FB meme used to say during the last boom here… “Calgary, gateway to the new west” some brave soul had copied instead, “Calgary, “F-off we’re full”

    I’d add as well that Calgary is out of sunshine if I thought it would help keep the easterners away.

    *When I first moved to Calgary, we didn’t have water meters on our house water connection, I’d told my parents in Regina (the city which rhymes with “fun”) that during the warm period of June-August we put the lawn sprinkler on top of the house and just let it run all day to help cool the house.

    Also it was a real treat not seeing any orange and black NDP signs out during the elections… (in Braeside, it seems so long ago…)

      1. And the new guy has no idea how a toilet works or why there’s a sink right next to it.

  6. Good article. He pointed out the lack of control of the Council being led by and covering for the 30,000 strong politicized leviathan that does what it wants. The city, if properly run from the senior bureaucrat level, forget politicians, could chop a third of it’s numbers and still provide essential services as much of what they do is counterproductive particularly their planning for green theocracy.

  7. I live in Calgary…..I have noticed a steady shift from the concept of the citizens being the boss to the City itself bossing the citizens. That is going to stop in the next election….the first thing that needs to happen is for Duckworth to get fired and then move down the pecking order line.

    1. Don’t hold your breath. The few of us who actually take time to find out who we’re voting for are outnumbered by the brain-dead sheeple who vote strictly on “name recognition” regardless how much of an a$$hole. The jerk with the hyphenated first name comes to mind.

      1. I think the awakening is taking place. There might be a few NDP hacks on council next time, but you can only emerge from the Trojan Horse so many times before the jig is up.

  8. GotDick GoonDick needs to go! These communists are just trying to find ways to take more rights away. To the point, where an actual emergency will be overlooked by the unwashed masses!

  9. In the spirit of being neighborly, I have invited my few relatives who live in Calgary to “come on out” and use our well water.
    No limit shower $10.00
    Dump $10.00
    Shower and dump $15.00
    Buy a book of 10 coupons for the price of 9;
