More Like Austin Powers Than James Bond

I’m sure the Russkies were shaking in their boots.

Blacklocks- Claims It Was Secret Mission

Cuba’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the visit of the Margaret Brooke was a routine courtesy call “on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of our uninterrupted diplomatic relations” with Canada. Minister Blair yesterday insisted there was a secret military purpose.

“How could the Margaret Brooke be a deterrent?” asked a reporter. “Presence is deterrence,” replied Blair. “We were present.”

24 Replies to “More Like Austin Powers Than James Bond”

    1. “How much deterrence is brought by an ice breaker in the Caribbean?”

      The Russians brought an ice breaker as well.

  1. The Margaret Brooke is a patrol boat, and is hardly a show of military might. It is, however, very modern, and presumably carries advanced communications equipment capable of listening to everything the Russian vessels transmit. That might cramp their style a bit, and they might even be stupid enough to say something useful.

    1. I recall someone else saying something like this few days ago, others had doubts 🙂

      1. It should sound familiar. I stole it from you, with some enhancements. It makes sense, though, particularly given how modern the MB is.

        1. Exactly, she has thousands of tons of unused displacement, you can fit anything there, I did not see anything unusual on her outside but those things are so secret that I could have been staring at it and not know what it was. Overall if the theory is true this was a very well played operation. Pulled right next to ruskies and

      1. I’m no fan of the Trudeau government, but I’m also no fan of taking a partisan position on every single story.

  2. I was going to make a joke about how the name “Margaret Brooke” would instill gravitas and all that, until I first took the time to find out about who Margaret Brooke was. She was what was once the best of the “old Stock” Canadians used to be. Look her up.
    That said, Bill Blair is an asshole of epic proportions. Margaret would likely slap his putty face.

  3. the vets just noted the 80th anniversary.
    is this the way we won that one? . . . . . . NAHHHH

  4. “Presence is deterrence”

    That’s like saying we defend the world against tyranny because we are a member of the UN.

  5. Volodymyr Zelenskyy is demanding … ONE MILLION DOLLARS!! from Canada!! Because that’s all the money they have … presently.

  6. Told you.

    Blair is an idiot and Libranos don’t even know how to talk about Canadian military because military is icky, but someone there appears to have used their brain (likely jumpstarted by Americans). Her job was not deterrence it was intel, but Blair cannot say that because it would be kinda odd to confess that Canadian Navy was conducting intel inside a Cuban harbor. So he mumbled nonsense while our defense minister played dumber that she is (a hard job indeed).

    As for icebreaker jokes, Brooke has almost 7K nautical miles range, that is close to 13K km. Just because she is capable of operating in the Arctic it does not mean she cannot operate elsewhere. She is a long range OPV with a good degree of autonomy. A lot of navies have those, the unique characteristic of Canadian (and Danish and Norwegian) OPVs is the requirement to operate near ice. That capability or not, she is exactly the kind of vessel you want to use for shadowing and coms and elint gathering.

    Browse cold war pictures of NATO or Warsaw Pact navies exercises, you often see an unassuming, practically unarmed, vessel from the other side tagging along and keeping an eye.

    What Libranos should have said all along was “we do not yield to russians. We had our visit planned and we will not back out just because russians were there” And leave it at that, instead the morons keep digging.

  7. “Blair yesterday insisted there was a secret military purpose”

    A secret military purpose for what country? Given the scandal surrounding numerous Trudeau Liberal-NDP government MPs working for countries other than Canada, the secret military purpose might have been for a nation hostile to Canadian interests. Can we be sure that the Trudeau government’s secret mission wasn’t a collaboration with Cuba or China or some other country? They tend to harm Canadian citizens far more than they help Canadian citizens. Maybe they were passing info on pipeline and refinery targets in Alberta. /s

    Release the names

  8. Blair is obviously a full blown nutcase. Good God…..yeah, as if Russia would be the least bit concerned about the Canadian Navy.

  9. — “Presence is deterrence,” replied Blair. “We were present.”–

    Living in La La Land. Capability is deterrence. I doubt the Canadian presence altered Russian intentions one iota. Everything the high school council in cabinet does is for riding-targeted domestic political optics. Leaders outside Canada see through this easily, which is a reason why Canada has lost all credibility in these matters.

    1. Makes me laugh when someone would have us believe that Canada could credibly engage in a Spy vs Spy game. This is the Country that hired Chicomm spyentists to work in its most Top Secret bio lab.
