13 Replies to “Tuesday On Turtle Island”

  1. Trudeau is talking out of his arse! I want an election to turf his corrupt Liberal arse out right now!

  2. The solution Canada wants IS an election to remove PM Authoritarian.
    Of course that’s only one solution.

  3. My wife & I have decided that, regardless of our overwhelming reluctance, we’d bite the proverbial bullet and drag ourselves down to the nearest polling station, (even before it opened), to vote his ass out.

  4. Infuriating actually how this imbecile scumbag knows what us-Canadians want and don’t want. Many times Castro jr goes in the media with this BS: (pause for effect and fake the grave face) “Canadians are worried/concerned/want-this/that”. No, you idiot. We just want you and your fellow Libranos out. Now.

  5. How the interview should have ended.
    “So what you are saying Prime Minister is that Canadians don’t want an election.”
    “Then you are either drunk or incredibly stupid”
    “I can assure you I am not drunk”

  6. Re: Trump
    As I have said many times, it’s not just about Trump but it’s a rejection of the Uniparty’s bungling, boondoggles, and failed policies that leave Middle America out in the cold.
    That said, Trump has a knack for finding markets and bringing the sales pitch to them. I think most politicians would have accepted the status quo and not made the effort. Credit where it’s due. In other news: https://pjmedia.com/matt-margolis/2024/06/17/this-could-be-the-biggest-news-of-the-2024-campaign-yet-n4929943

    1. seems this is an area where the Donald’s business skill ie sizing up the market has kicked in big time.
      also something biden is possibly utterly unawares of. especially alarming if in fact at one time did but no longer.

  7. Trudeau is correct about Canadians not being in a decision mode. They have already decided and most want him gone –yesterday.Trudeau is such a phoney. I think he believes his own BS.

  8. LinaL has it right.
    The “decision” has already been made,goodbye Dear Leader.
    Amazing how the Little Ponce once cited Polls as the will of the people,had his bureaus fake up many such push polls, yet now when even his pet media shows the hatred and contempt in which he is held??
    “Canadians are not in decision mode”..
    An accidental truth from a serial liar.
    Cause that decision has been made,all we wait for is an election ,which like a door mat,we can use to wipe the dogshit off our boots.

    Sure 29% are incurable fools or full time bureaucratic bandits, but that still leaves Dear Leader and his hapless hench-persons out of power..
    And hopefully on the way to the gallows.
    Treason shall prosper,when none dare call it treason.

  9. The Spawn is employing some moves similar to what Adolph Hitler did in 1933/34 in securing power in a minority parliamentary situation. Corrupting the head of state (the G.G.) to take up partisan issues is just one example. Hitler had a 2 million man / thug S.A. whereas the Spawn has the CBC, most media, academia, and the public sector, their unions including their NDP lap dogs.

  10. I trust Justin to know exactly what I’m thinking because… no, wait… He doesn’t even know what he’s thinking until Katie or Gerald tells him. If the CBC doesn’t want to become even more of an irrelevant and biased press agency it should tell its reporters that they are not in the PR business.

  11. “US spent $1 billion on military strikes against Houthis; Houthi arsenal unaffected

    Despite numerous Houthi operations being intercepted, the report indicates that the group’s arsenal does not appear to be significantly depleted, even with the continuous US and UK strikes against them, as stated by Behnam Ben Taleblu, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD).

    The impact of Houthi interceptions has been felt globally, with reports showing that they have affected the interests of over 65 countries, leading to rerouting of cargo for at least 29 major shipping and energy companies away from the region.”


  12. Juthtin Turdhole speaking out of his turdhole, again… I wonder how much poutine the bald headed Liberal/NDP “journalist” was rewarded after this “interview”…. I also wonder if he ate the poutine right out of Supreme Turdholes ahhhh, hand.
    Klaus Schwab doesnt want an election… why should he / He owns more than half of the cabinet countless bureaucrats along with, Mr. Turdhole and his pet, Jagderp.
    Its funny when Supreme Dickface Juthtin the Turdhole pretends to be the PM when we all know Klaus anal Schwab is the Dictator of Turdholeland.
    Nice try Turdhole.
