19 Replies to “We Want … Unlimited Power(and more money)”

  1. My Inner Cynic warns me that a great way to kill off the half of the population that you hate would be to first cause that half to mistrust government medicine by openly wrecking your response to a Chinese/NIH virus, and then introducing a new Killer Bird Flu manufactured by NIH.

  2. The last government cures were worse the disease, so maybe no plan is ok. A lot of seniors died from other causes plus social isolation.

  3. Politicians got a taste of absolute power and, as the saying goes, it corrupted them absolutely. Greed, corruption, authoritarian control are a powerful addiction. No surprise that they’re craving another pandemic emergency. Hopefully people are less naive about propaganda and are more cynical of authority figures after covid.

  4. The next pandemic is already planned. They’ll likely run the same playbook. It’s up to people to resist the fear and control mechanisms.

    1. If it’s already planned, it’s because they know the level of resistance to expect.

  5. Watching a WHO top dog a while ago.
    We don’t know what the next pandemic will be, but we are already working on a vaccine for it……………..

  6. I guess the pandemic plan formulated after SARS that Theresa Tam was part of and shelved when COVID hit doesn’t count. We only spent millions putting it together. Picard obviously chose to forget that plan to publish this crap.

  7. covid 6? million
    unexpected deaths 22 million.

    Possible causes for unexpected deaths in no particular order.
    People not getting treatment because you could catch covid while getting treatment
    People not getting treatment because told to stay home.
    bounce back in lesser diseases that immunity dropped to while they where not exposed because of stay at home.
    a increase of mistrust in vaccinations in general.
    vaccination side effects
    a increase in random crap caused by forever chemicals, microplastics,ultraprocessed foods, pick your pet cause.
    people feeling they are too poor to seek medical treatment because of paying taxes for covid and lack of pay because of not working.

    so a great deal of that 22 million is possibly from the government and people reaction to covid and not from covid itself.

    Money is not unlimited, how many lives will be lost by the billions spent on preparing for the next pandemic and not x

  8. One thing we cannot allow is the economy to be destroyed due to a pandemic. We have to figure out how to contain a contagion without turning society into a prison camp.

    1. South Korea did it, pretty sure Taiwan did too. SEA had a much better go of it in general than we did.

      1. Probably because both of those countries counted TRUE COVID deaths as opposed to those “with” COVID. Sweden also did the right thing.

  9. I don’t believe they will go with another pandemic, would expect a spiral towards war if Democrats can’t work out a plan to steal the 2024 election. I would stock up, plan to remain off grid and out of sight for weeks or months and come out after most short term havoc has come and gone. There is a significant chance of a major disruption of normal living, and a large reduction in population. I am not certain, just saying it is a significant chance.

    A second pandemic would need to involve a much more lethal virus unless the only goal is to prevent Trump’s election. It would be a very risky strategy to unleash a weak-sauce fauxdemic like COVID a second time with that obvious intent, as millions of angry and armed Americans might decide this was the time to resist actively.

    What’s needed is to de-normalize the WEF globalist model of top-down government and get all of their disciples and apparatchiks out of government and authority. I can’t see that happening through normal political or electoral processes. It will take a period of dictatorship; the alternative is to submit to the dictatorship of Davos.

    Sad to see it coming to this, a few tried to warn their fellow citizens from earlier stages of the now nearly complete globalist revolution, but our side lost, we never gained enough support and don’t have it now either. Controlled opposition will vacuum up about two thirds of those who think they are opposing, and the other third will find they have no voice (and increasingly, no rights).

    Globalists won because they cunningly went slow-motion and took a very long approach, taking care to brainwash the kids in school to neutralize family dynamics. We now have a nation of 2/3 liberal older adults, 1/3 conservative, and 4/5 liberal younger adults, 1/5 either anarchist or confused. A young conservative nowadays is quite a rare phenomenon. In many cases, families have settled into an ostrich model where people pretend not to see anything. If you make clear statements about what you see, the wymyn get nervous and start talking about crazy uncles. They are afraid of crazy uncles but unconcerned about what mad grandfather Schwab is saying and doing. And their offspring will pay the price, because crazy Schwab and his robots will slowly dismantle western civilization until we are back to feudalism. This of course suits rich men who live in castles very well.

  10. Wow, fours years in and there are still idiots here that think you can contain an air-borne respiratory virus.

    1. There is nothing Daddy Government can’t do.
      Ask any of our Progressive Comrades.
      As you say 4 years in and still these idiots insist they can rule the winds and decree the weather.
      Maybe burial just below the high tide mark will cure what ails them?
