8 Replies to “Americans Should Feel Much Safer Now”

  1. Anyways, I’m so glad Canada’s Conservative Parties are speaking out loudly and clearly against this kind of rot every chance they get.


  2. I’m not the only one who notes that “Father’s Day” is right in the middle of “Pride Month” and it’s worth knowing that none of y’all would be here if it wasn’t for actual fathers (AND mom’s) whereas without pride month at least 3 or 4% of them may be offended but in reality may feel next to nothing.

    I don’t “feel” safer, and I’m certainly not safer. I feel endangered as I now know fully what the western governments built upon guaranteeing our safety are now capable of jabbing us all to follow their depopulation agenda, and replacing us with 3rd world heathens not capable of critical thought.

    1. Men’s Health Month is also at the same time…

      Try to find a statement from any corporation recognizing it.

    2. Well they were going to have Pride month in July, but the schools are empty at that time of year so there is no opportunity fro grooming.

  3. I noted the sponsors of the nail painting were specially TARGETING … “men who have never had their nails painted before …”

    Yeah, the gays are always recruiting fresh meat. They all fantasize that in every heterosexual lies dormant a closeted queer. Yes … the gay “community” is just as insane as the “trans” queer community.

    1. Kenji,
      They fantasize that because they are insecure little fairies who are frightened of real heterosexual men.
      It is an unconscious admission that they realize, deep down, that they are perverted.

  4. If they weren’t celebrating pride they’d be busy working on more ways to screw over trump and his supporters. We’re all better off when they’re distracted.
