25 Replies to “Celebrate Diversity in Canada”

    1. in fact what is the clear spelling of the mock slurred words? ‘many many . . . . . . . . ? ‘
      help me here .its gotta be good l know.

      1. It is Hebrew for “You have been weighed, you have been measured and you have been found wanting”. It is a reference to the hand manifested and writing on the wall in the Book of Daniel for the son of Nebuchadnezzar II. Belshazzar took the golden vessels that had been acquired and stored since the fall of Jerusalem from its temple and used them for a big party, and God was not pleased. And when Daniel was asked about the meaning, he told King Belshazzar that his empire would be stripped away from him that very night and as history records, Babylon fell to Cyrus the Persian as predicted.

      2. You know, these Bible references don’t usually amuse a general audience. But many – many! – tickle a parson!

  1. I say boot out all of the Muslims. Their religion is not consistent with almost all Western values.

    1. They hate fags and trannies. They’re smart enough to not let women out unsupervised.
      The more times goes by the more I realize I have more in common with the muzzies than I do with most of my fellow Canadians.

    2. Bringing them in is where all the problems started in The UK France Sweden Germany and now Canada

  2. I used to think that the Ministry of Education should be eliminated because it’s not really good at it’s primary function.

    I was wrong. The TDSB and it’s ilk should be eliminated, and each school gets an allotment based on the number of students enrolled. Why does the local school board need funding for it’s various puzzle palaces and “curriculum consultants” that are so obtuse they often fail at educating students.

  3. mene mene tekel upharsin
    And our ‘king’ is partying on with his ‘noble’ toadies.

  4. So then … Toronto has become ‘Somalia North’ ?

    You can take the immigrant OUT of Somalia, but you can’t take the Somali shithole out of the immigrant …

    1. oh good grief yooure not kidding.
      its taken Ms Karma some 66 years to go after elementary teachers after they bullied me, half of mine of which in 4 years not 1 word of praise, assistance. now look. google it. ontario elementary school violence.
      l suspect given the mystery of that actually works, l like to surmise she is capable of even *recycling* the very quantum energy *they* used to beat up kids for 150 years including me.

      l never knew about hitting until ms grade 1 did it.

      for losing my place in reading circle.

  5. That truck tells the real story about the US and Canada. Refugees my *ss. I’m surprised we don’t already have minarets on Westminster Abby and Notre Dame

  6. In Canada we’ve restricted prayers within our institutions. While I agree, where am I mistaken?

  7. We all knew this is where it would lead, but we’re just xenophobic homophobic transphobic misogynistic far right neo Nazi white supremacists. I don’t care anymore.
    You broke it, you bought it, live with the consequences. All I have now is schadenfreude.

    1. l suspect Rusty and hope for all us in this demographic; speaking for myself, lm set. lm retired dont have to walk on eggshells on the job. my autism wd have me offend from the CEO down to doorman in a week.
      thus half career wandering around multi million $ mainframes, little hoomahn contact, or independent where my skill set came thru the door first and clients ONLY wanted theirs systems working not a rats ass about etiquette subtlety. it was down my alley. l got good at preliminary diagnosing and being right just tell youre colleagues, give me a reference and believe me in 80s 90s LOTS of work keeping Windows systems running. tq Bill. and tq autism, l still use you.
      we’re ok.
      like l just wrapped consultations with a communications consultant,
      lm disengaging.
      its all a newfound Shakespeare play being presented 1st time on stage.

      me & my 3 part mastiffs.

    2. oh. and allow me Rusty intro myself the white protestant retired racist male its all my fault for being so godam poor l had to fish pop bottles out of the trash Pt Stanley lake erie iearly 60s.

      and went on to have a mixed race child.
      and rent rooms to lesbian, black, muslim . . .
      etc etc.
      but, all my fault and l have no say shouted down even by ‘caring christians’ well scaREEWWW you too buy bull thumper.

      but l still consider myself a rare and still genuine hippie as opposed to the narcissist hippies more common.

      and l am on understanding terms with Him that l am special to Him but l dont DARE take advantage of or for granted.

  8. Jew hate is all the rage.. Isn’t it?.. Going out of your way to ban things that are not on the curriculum?.. Its really is time to clean house in our schools.. Open a window, let some air into that place..

    Muslims in the park?.. I don’t care.. But I’m also not looking for the “Call to Prayer” blasting through my neighborhood 3 times a day.. Or 1000 asses up in the air blocking my freedom of movement..

    Any more than any other group >> Disturbing the peace..

    1. Context: Daniel chapter 5. A dissolute son of a king (hey, sounds familiar!) in Babylon parties with sacred vessels from the Temple in Jerusalem. It does not turn out well. Lesson: don’t mess around with Yahweh’s stuff or His kids. Israel like us need the Lord but God is not finished with them yet.

    1. A day late but I am IMPRESSED with your biblical allusions. Did you go to an Orthodox day school like I did?

      Regardless, it’s past time for our Balshatzar to “need the bathroom” and be barred from entry on his return. It’s up to Gd how emphatic the barring is. But I’d like to see it BB”A.
