Embrace Hollywood!

“Democrats need to embrace Hollywood because this is where they need to come to learn how to tell a story.“. – Michael Moore.

I could draw a lot of parallels between where Star Wars is at now, and where Doctor Who is at as a franchise. It’s that feeling of the game is almost up, we’re running out of time, running out of money, and it’s just like, we’re into pure “f*** you mode” now. We know you don’t like what we’re making, and we just say f*** you, we’re just going to put everything in that we want to put in: All the sociopolitical messaging, all of our own personal hang-ups, all of our own personal politics, all of it. It’s just going to get rammed down your throat, because we know we’re in The Last Chance Saloon right now, so why not? Why not just throw all the s*** up a wall and see what sticks, and Doctor Who’s exactly the same way.

32 Replies to “Embrace Hollywood!”

  1. I truly don’t understand how or why they did this. Same with gaming. They looked at the demo actually watching scifi, playing games, and said “let’s get rid of these verminous hetero men representing nearly 50% of the world’s population and see what we can do with the vast LGBTQRASTASEREGHO community”

    1. They are under the impression that by making it more “inclusive”, they will attract more customers than they lose by their actions, and that those who approve of the changes can look down their noses, and sneer slurs at those that are not interested in the changes.

      Another example is recently, Games Workshop has decided that there needs to be a female Adaptus Custodes, because have the Emperor of mankind’s personal guard all male is “problematic” with boosters of this decision declaring that anyone who doesn’t agree with the retcon is “sexist”, nevermind there are who armies made up of females in the lore.

    2. Like a certain gambling app (OJO I believe) that thinks using trannies will make it more attractive to problem gamblers.

    3. That’s EXACTLY what they’re doing. They’re REPLACING their male audience with soppy women, queers, and incels. Good luck with that.

    4. The gaming community, at least, is having some success at fighting back.
      Of course, the right doesn’t care, because the gaming community enjoys fanservice, ie sexy hot women in their games, instead of the California Innesmouth look.

    5. I truly don’t understand how or why they did this

      People don’t understand the financial dynamics. It’s not “get woke, go broke”. It’s the other way around. Every single instance of corporate woke suicide was pre-ceded by declining cash flow, revenue, or other financial problems. This is especially true for nerd media, which has been suffering from poor quality, oversaturation and failing business models for more than a decade.

      Most businesses big enough for you to have heard of them do not actually know how to be successful in business. They’ve lucked into a captive market, and when something radically changes in the market they have no idea what to do. The same old same old stops working, the executives get desperate, and along comes Professor Harold Hill to sell them a solution.

  2. “I truly don’t understand how or why they did this.”

    Because it was their goal.

    1. Right on. Destroy the creativity of those who came before you. That’s it. That’s the goal. I’m waiting for Just Stop Oil to try and vandalize the pyramids next.

      1. Well the Richmond, CA city council just voted to TAX the Chevron refinery $1.00/bbl of oil processed … in addition to all the other taxes they already pay. Of course the Richmond residents will vote to tax that BIG OIL co. A new approx. $40M/yr. tax on the refinery.


        I look forward to paying $7.00/gal. for gasoline in the Bay Area. Yes, it is time for ALL refineries to ALL … at once … shut down completely … for “maintenance”. The Chevron Richmond refinery may as well BE the pyramids…

        1. “Chevron, one of the world’s largest oil companies, could end up paying much more to do business in the East Bay, as Richmond city leaders Tuesday are set to vote on a proposed new tax measure on the company’s refinery.”

          The stupid, it burns…

          Chevron will pass the costs, plus the assorted compliance costs that go with it to their customers.

          1. But, but, but … all the poor black children in Richmond go to the emergency room to treat their asthma made worse by a BILLION dollar corporation that makes $Billions in … ewwwww … PROFITS … while killing little brown children … and their puppies too!

            No, we aren’t demanding they STOP … or MOVE. Nope … we just want a piece of their wealth. We want it transferred into OUR pockets … as reparations for all the dead brown children … killed by Chevron.

            This is what they want. And we KNOW nobody is dying or struggling to survive next to the refineries. Frankly … if I were CHEVRON … I’d just SHUT IT DOWN. Because fossil fuels are baaaaaad MmmmKay? Let the people of CA live with the results of this extortion and insanity.

  3. Part of the 16 year plan frens. Trump wasn’t supposed to win in 2016, so they have to make up for 4 years of lost time. They know they are going to lose anyways, but won’t stop them from trying , it’s just life or death situation for many.

  4. The Acolyte now has a 14% audience rating on Rotten Tomatoes. It’s official: the Holiday Special is no longer the worst Star Wars product.

  5. I paid $3.99 for one month of Disney last winter to catch up on a few things i hadnt seen.
    Now Disney + emails me once a week trying to get me to sign back up. Down to $1.99 a month now. No thanks. Not worth it.

    1. But, but, but … what about the cost of all O’Keefe’s UBER rides??

      I amuse myself.

  6. Disney’s stuff isn’t even worth the bandwidth to pirate it. In fact, I wouldn’t watch it even if I was paid minimum wage to do so. Maybe for $30/hr.
    Listening to the Turd speak would cost closer to $300/hr, its hard on my blood pressure, and therefore requires danger pay.

    1. Agreed entirely. Except I think you’ve underpriced the cost to have to listen to Justatwit by a lot. More than about five minutes and I would be smashing the monitor.

      1. You may be right. I’ve never been able to stomach more than 10 seconds before I stop in disgust.

  7. is this message on Auto Replay as it shows up at least once a month.
    yes it still applies – BUT – we have seen it endless times already

    1. As was the Indiana Jones serial … I guess Sat. matinee films aimed at 10yo boys (in all of us) are wildly popular and profitable. Scolding matinee’s aimed at angry, frustrated, mean-faced 20yo lesbians … not so much.

      1. The Indiana Jones films were James Bond films with a different skin. Are Bond films for 10 year old boys?

    2. No, it wasn’t. It was Lucas’ paean to the cinema he loved, but adults, women and grandparents were all lining up for a year to see it in 1977.

  8. Virtually all politicians already tell stories, the implication is that “a story” more often than not contains embellishments, a few exaggerations here and there, etc., ala Hollywood.

    Contrast that with “The story”, which if properly told consists of the unvarnished truth.

  9. Truth and integrity. That’s how it should be done. We are so screwed and tattoed.

    1. Somehow that got through, but multiple attempts at my original reply keep disappearing. Shrug…
