9 Replies to “Honey, I Finished The Internet”

  1. Neolithic stone balls always seemed rather straight forward to me. I, always, assumed that they were the neolithic era version of the Coat of Arms. Eventually, the Coat of Arms was transferred to a shield…but most shields in the neolithic era would have been animal hides or wood and subject to wear and tear. So, the medium of choice was stone. It would explain the variance in appearance. It would explain why they were found in a solitary fashion. And, it would explain why some were found in graves (considering the end of a lineage).

    But, let’s listen to the experts who think they were toys. Or, they were one time use missiles (sure, spend weeks carving a stone and use it once….that makes sense).

    1. Or, they were one time use missiles (sure, spend weeks carving a stone and use it once….that makes sense).

      We spend $Trillions on one time use only missiles.

  2. I suspect a lot of these are just ‘art.’

    Imagine digging up a current cemetery or landfill in a few thousand years and trying to guess what those strange objects were used for.

    1. i had a book one time , about a future excavation of a motel . interpreted as a temple with the TV on a hutch as an idol on an alter, circa 1980 , even more truthful now .

      the bathroom was an ablution room

      1. I remember seeing that book in high school back in the day. From what I recall, the bathroom toilet was a throne. I think the book is called “Motel of the Mysteries”… had to look it up for the title.

  3. So these are unidentifiable objects JUST from the British Isles. Now do the whole world. And let me know when the science is settled …

  4. Archy ooglists of the future will probably think that silicon chips were jewelery or currency.

  5. As the old archaeology joke goes, “if you don’t know what it is, it’s ‘probably ceremonial’.”
