77 Replies to “June 19, 2024: Reader Tips”

      1. “You are mentally retarded.”

        And he rarely reads past the headline, or he would have noticed the explanation about every navy having trouble with these tiles and it being not at all unusual.

        1. Yes, it is normal for an oiler and a rescue tug to follow a nuclear powered sub. Sure it is.

    1. Main sources of that article are Ukrainian bloggers.

      Sail any boat halfway around the world, it will probably need some maintenance.

      1. Those are nuclear submarines genius, that can stay underwater for months.

        1. Cass COLON
          wait till you figure out how a nuclear sub actually works.
          Just like your bullschiff about the f-35, which is nick named the flying can. Try figuring that one out also. You are about as ignorant of facts as the unDORK is.
          Oh , yah, the Russian war ship that the yanks sunk, it wasn’t the ghost of snake island who did that, you god dam fool.

        2. “Those are nuclear submarines genius, that can stay underwater for months.”

          There are also two other warships in the flotilla, genius.

          1. Yes, a naval equivalent of a palace guard and a rescue tug. Nothing to see here move along.

      1. “The tug is for the sub and the oiler is for the tug.”

        The three ships and the submarine came across the Atlantic separately, so no. The Âkademik Pashin is a replenishment oiler or replenishment tanker, a naval auxiliary ship with fuel tanks and dry cargo holds which can supply both fuel and dry stores during underway replenishment (UNREP) at sea. The Nikolay Chiker, which everyone is calling a ‘rescue tug’ or ‘salvage tug’ is also an icebreaker.

        1. So why do they need an icebreaker? If all four ships made it separately and are scheduled to comeback in the summer… do tell.

          The AOR is also a repair ship.

          1. “So why do they need an icebreaker?”

            Who said they need one? It’s a PR exercise…they picked random ships that were located close enough to rendezvous just before entering Cuban waters.

            ” If all four ships made it separately and are scheduled to comeback in the summer… do tell. ”

            They could have chosen any combination (or number) of ships. They chose these ones, for reasons of their own. They will come back by any route they want, and whenever they want.

          2. Show some common sense. They need the ice breaker for the global warming and the oiler for the hockey, obviously.

          3. Who says it is a PR exercise? You and ork propaganda? Great add 2.50 to that and you can get a cup at Timmy’s anytime. Given their track record (Kursk, Kuznetsov, Moskva* and so many others) and apparent rough condition this sub is in, the hypothesis that the sub needed emergency repairs or else she may have went Kursk, is perfectly reasonable. You just don’t want to consider it because in your demoted head russia is a superpower in great condition, when in fact it is a dump filled with shit eating orks.

            *Fun fact: about three quarters of fire extinguishers on Moskva were stolen. The captain ordered the remaining extinguishers locked in a secure location to which only he had the key. Turns out they could not have gotten to them in time. A perfect microcosm for everything russia.

  1. My very first big league game was in 1964, when I was 8-1/2 years old. My grandfather (step grandfather, a 6’-5” ex minor league baseball player) took me to the game. It was the San Francisco Giants at candlestick park. We sat in fabulous seats on the 3rd base line. Yes, I became a lifelong Willie Mays fan after seeing him play that day. And yes, Robert … he was a fabulous human being. RIP Willie … you excited this little boy and inspired him in ways I’m not sure you fully understood until now.

    1. Great story Kenji. The closest I can come to that is that my Dad saw Mickey Mantle in BB ball . He hit one way over the lights.

      But Willy Mays and his over the shoulder catches are something to remind us what people can do when they want to bad enough.

      1. It’s not about Mays (or even baseball) but my favourite sports story is this (see link). We lived in Montreal and the company my mother worked for (Electrolux) had season tickets to the Canadiens. Company management was generous in handing out the tickets during the season and my mother got a pair for this game. I recall the standing ovation Howe received after scoring his 600th goal and the booing and toe rubbers on the ice after the “incident” with Tremblay. I also remember the Red Wings killing a penalty when Howe got the puck and skated circles around the Montreal players for what seemed like an eternity. The crowd starting booing – not at Howe, but at Montreal for their inability to get the puck away from Howe.


  2. Coming up is the Supreme Court ruling relative to Trump’s Executive Immunity. That’s common knowledge. What isn’t common knowledge is that they are erecting barriers and barricades around the Supreme Court building right now. This is NOT done for every decision session. The last time it was done was when they handed down the overturn of Roe v. Wade. This pre-emptive enhanced security is rare, but always coincides with decisions where it is anticipated that a certain faction will not be very happy and has a history of violence (if you get my drift).

    Your guess is as good as mine on how they will rule. But, they may be telegraphing it in advance with these actions.

  3. “Electric-vehicle manufacturer Fisker Automotive has filed for bankruptcy protection in the U.S., with reports that it is trying to sell some of its assets and restructure its debt to stay alive. This comes on the heels of a similar filing in Austria, where its Ocean SUV is built.”

    “In April of 2024, Fisker dropped the Canadian price of the Ocean from $79,799 to $48,799, saying it was “strategically positioning the Ocean to be a more affordable and compelling EV choice.” The reduction was on model-year-2023 Oceans – the company still has thousands of unsold units from last year’s production”


  4. Don’t you love it when future budget cuts identify themselves.
    Trudeau has hired every available environmental activist into Environment Canada. By using voodoo science to deceive the public they have placed themselves on the chopping block. Environment Canada can be pruned to weather reporting and keeping statistics without any loss of service. We don’t owe these activists a government paycheque. If half of EC is embedded activists then a 50% budget cut is reasonable, as a start.

    1. We owe them nothing and they owe us for hoaxing and being fraudulent agents of the state.

  5. More on the double-murder/suicide in North Toronto:

    “Alan Kats felt the justice system failed him for not prosecuting an group of alleged fraudsters who he blamed for scamming his family out of their life savings in an elaborate mortgage fraud. His widow of identified the father of two as the third fatality in a triple shooting in Toronto that left two of the alleged fraudsters dead. Alisa Pogorelovsky said Mr. Kats suffered ‘fear and depression ‘ engulfed Mr. Kats after the couple lost $1.37-million in a scheme organized by Arash Mussagi…”.

    (Under a paywall but the investigative article is good reading about how our (in)justice system leads to frontier justice where little children are terrorized in the process).

  6. I like others never watch U.S. TV news, and its Democratic party propaganda. I had thought at this late date that the news and tech oligarchs would have started a a serious discussion of Biden’s decline:

    But now the media cartel are still lying about what is obvious to everyone. The trouble is the West is inching to nuclear war with Russia and China with a senile president as commander in chief. Yet still the corporate media lies. We may not make it to the November election.

  7. The Globe and Mail fingers former Senator Victor Oh and Liberal Senator Yuen Pau Woo as traitor-politicians working for China:

    “In a submission to the inquiry Tuesday, the Concern Group of Chinese Canadians’ on Chinese Communist Party Human Rights Violations, urged the commission to be cautious in its dealings with Independent Senator Yuen Pau Woo Conservative Senator Victor Oh, who retired from the Red Chamber upon reaching 75.

    ‘The Concern Group wishes to emphasize the close ties these Senators have with the Chinese government and their pro-CPP community leaders in Canada ‘, the group wrote, referring to the Chinese Communist Party(CPP). ‘Sens. Woo and Oh appear intent of discrediting efforts to uncover and
    investigate Chinese interference in Canada’ “.

    (paywalled but the Globe is the only medium giving voice to the Chinese pro-democracy groups in Canada. The CTV and CBC news-duopoly censor the pro-democracy side).

  8. Why it might be wise to view Pakistani doctors working in Britain with some caution

    The reason for posting this, is that I recently had a test the hospital requisitioned from a private medical imaging clinic in Toronto. The ultrasound by a hijab wearing technician with a heavy Indian accent showed I was clear.

    When the specialist (at a different Toronto hospital) saw where the test was done, he had it immediately redone and the results were completely different.

    1. Companies are filling most job openings with foreigners rather than qualified Canadians even though that is against the law but all the parties have supported this.

      Companies get very cheap labor and the foreigners get Canadian experience which puts them to the head of the immigration lineup.

      Stats Canada only says there are all these new jobs being filled which the government loves but don’t say almost none of the jobs are going to Canadians.

    1. “Just Stop Oil activists have sprayed Stonehenge orange on the eve of the summer solstice.

      Sightseers screamed ‘no’ and ran to block the campaigners, named by the group as Rajan Naidu, 73, and Niamh Lynch, 21, as they approached the stone circle on Wednesday.”

      When are we going to create our own group: “Just Stop Lunatic Activists”?

    1. The RCMP defines a “hate group” as any organization or collection of individuals “whose goals and activities attack or vilify an entire group of people on the basis of colour, race, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or mental or physical disability.”

      In its report, the RCMP blames the “rise of populist politics and the normalization of racist and incendiary political rhetoric” on the rise of said groups without pointing to specific examples.

      The RCMP notes that while hate groups are still “overwhelmingly white and male” there’s been a recent shift in the demographic.

      1. I think the RCMP believes that “hate groups” includes conservative, Christians, Jews, those against open borders, anybody who doesn’t believe in the 57-1/2 genders, those who think it is a crime to diddle kiddies, those who question pisslam, and those who won’t give Justin a bj when he commands you.
