The Implosion Continues

Now that Manitoba’s Conservatives have lost a by-election for a supposedly safe seat that they held for forty years, some in-depth self-reflection might be in order. If they were serious about reconnecting with disaffected voters, much of that reflection ought to dwell on their ham-fisted pandemic policies. I’m not holding my breath.

The affluent Tuxedo riding — a Tory stronghold for its entire four decades of existence — flipped to the NDP for the first time ever in Tuesday’s byelection.

24 Replies to “The Implosion Continues”

  1. Manitoba PCs are really Liberals, which is why the Liberals have next to no seats. Brian Pallister and Heather Stephanson both lived on Wellington Crescent in swanky Tuxedo and Manitobans know they need a seat at the trough so they held their nose and voted for Wobbly Canoe’s party of largesse. Wab Kinew lives in River Heights which is right next door to the Tuxedo riding, so make of it what you will.

    1. “Manitoba PCs are really Liberals, ”

      Here in BC, we had PCs that were branded as “Social Credit”, who then switched to being BC Liberals.

      1. And in Alberta, we had the Liberal Party that took over the PC party, which is why the Wildrose was formed.

  2. The in-country head of state/colony is the governor general. The weasel show merely distracts.

  3. The Conservative government became too comfortable,as always happens with any political party. They were among the worst in Canada,according to friends in Manitoba during the great big pandemic.

    Only thing I noticed while visiting; Winnipeg’s roads are so full of potholes it’s like a third world country,and the rural areas are just as bad.

    I don’t know how Kinew and his crew will do, I guess we’ll see after their term is up.

    1. Kinew already proudly announced some time ago that he will be putting NO money into infrastructure. Bye the way, the majority of rural roads are so bad they are barely drivable. In Brandon there are 4ft pylons stuck in the craters in the middle of the lanes all over the place as a warning. Thankfully Winnipeg is on the fast track to full implosion. Good riddance to the whole putrid lot.

  4. Centre right voters…
    No …fat lethargic centre right voters sleep through elections.
    That’s how Calgary was lost.

  5. Bottom line is Pallister was an uninspiring leader, member, and candidate. He had no vision for government beyond business as usual, with his only purpose to be in charge of it. He was not only incapable of addressing concerns of conservative voters, but unable to even comprehend what they were.

    When Blackie imposed a new carbon tax on gas (and everything else) that we couldn’t afford, Pallister took it to a rigged federal court. Kinew and the NDP went along with the carbon tax as required, and dumped the regular gas tax instead.

    We will all suffer in the long run if conservative party inc. continues to chase after power while offering no vision or platform to differentiate themselves from any other power seeking statetheist.

    “Don’t cry for me afuera!”

    1. Cryin’ Brian is sipping drinks in Costa Rica and living on his savings. He’s sure not suffering through Winnipeg’s pothole season.

  6. …says the Dominion Voting Machines…ppppffffttttt!!!

    Anybody check the machines and their accuracy and/or watched the voter tabulations?

  7. You get what you vote for.
    Manitoba’s NDiPpers cancelled hundreds of out of province hip and knee replacements just because “We don’t believe in paying private clinics for health care”.
    Sticking up for the working class……..Yeah right……..

      1. And with the deplorable state of the roads you can lie down in your own state sponsored coffin.

  8. Has anybody learned that the problem isn’t who is running the State, but the State itself.

  9. Come on now–Manitoba has always been Ontario without the factories and mines dominated by two or three large urban centres that vote for parties that are either slightly or overwhelmingly left.

  10. During the provincial elections, I spoiled my ballot. Couldn’t bring myself to vote conservative after their behaviour during the “Covid yeats.” I know a few conservatives less cynical than me that did the same. May as well have the nazi you know is a nazi.

    1. Soiled yer ballot?
      By the by, hiw’s that TO bye-erection with 83 candidates going? The Rhinos are having fun pushing for the largest ballot evah!

    2. So instead of shooting yourself in the foot, you choose to shoot yourself in the thigh instead?

  11. The PC loss may be more of a sign of shifting demographics in that area as the only people getting rich in MB now are native leaders, union leaders and government workers.
