Wednesday On Turtle Island

Woke Britain:  The self love in group hate.    Your morning meme.   A cartoon.  Another cartoon.

Dementia Joe’s America:  Celebrate Pride Month.  Jordan Peterson explains why young women are more woke.

Blackie’s Canada:  Ontario students ambushed.  Toronto needs more money for Wakanda Square (CBC).  Government defends China.  Taxpayer money used to trash Conservatives.

Today In Islam:  Inverted red triangles.  Hamas’s Al-Jazeera.

24 Replies to “Wednesday On Turtle Island”

  1. Indeed. Indeed.

    The article “Self love in Group hate” led to what looks like an awesome subscription to some great emagazines.

  2. From “inverted red triangles”:

    “no one has the right to damage property whether public or private and intimidate people in their homes.”

    There is no exception to that when the actors change or the scale of property or intimidation is increased to an entire region.

    Yet many people have allowed themselves to become mentally compartmentalized to the point they imagine an exception can exist.

    All killing of all innocents must stop immediately. Everyone knows this.

    1. All killing of all innocents must stop immediately. Everyone knows this.

      Yet hamas does NOT listen.

    2. well there is a bloody exception to the damage thing according to cops in my town a tenant that knocked me on the floor and caused thousands in property damage including putting a rock thru my fron $600 screen door has (exact quote) “occupancy rights”.

      this attitude is what led me to call up cop jurisdictions that lose one of their own and tell them how uproariously funny it is.
      l was bullied relentlessy when l was a kid including teachers, and al arge portion from other ‘authorities’ given that is also the exception apparently, it delights me to state my muther was a sexual auser who wound up sprawled out dead in front of me: “massve brain hemorrhage”
      glory be unbeknownst at the time an early example of the intervention of Karma.
      and the cops? over the course of some mere 3 1/2 years a total of SEVEN of them and 3 family membahs around here wound up DEAD and that too is Karma. a short period when the death rate was some THIRTY TIMES average.
      yep. had to be Karma. thank you Karma for killing cops the WORST bullies lve EVER dealt with.

  3. Whenever we see a Hamas/Palestine flag we should cover over with a pride flag.

    1. I believe they are working on a brand new VICTIM flag amalgam … which will include the “Palestinian” stripes to go with the rainbow/BLM/Indigenous/Pacific Islander/woman flag.

  4. Social media in the Arab world found itself in a tempest as outlets belonging to Al-Jazeera, mouthpiece of Hamas leaders’ haven Qatar, were caught red handed censoring Gazan contempt for Hamas.

    Well DUH!

      1. Soon as you find some ( innocent people in Gaza)

        By the way, no it doesn’t. Just proves to all. Al-Jazeera/hamas lies.

      2. “Doesn’t that demonstrate there are indeed innocent people in Gaza?”

        Yes, a few (very few). Those would also be the same Gazans who are smart enough to *leave an area* when Hamas shows up. They usually aren’t the ones being killed, because they don’t allow Hamas to use them as human shields.

        (and they also aren’t the ones who followed Hamas into Israel on Oct. 7th to rape, kidnap, torture and murder women and children, or to desecrate corpses and steal anything that wasn’t nailed down…nor did they line the roads in Gaza to swear at, spit on and throw things at the hostages as they were paraded by.)

      3. There were good Germans caught up in the bombing raids, etc. from 1940 to 1945. What’s your point?

  5. Regarding the U of A economist hired to trash the CPC, I’ll just remind readers that the CPC used it’s donor’s funds to hire a rabid Liberal hack named Warren Kinsella to trash Max Bernier in the media.

    Oh, and Keann Bexte is trying (and flailing) to trash Max over a “villa” in Florida.

    It has no driveway, no drywall, is under 2000 sq ft, and is a single level fixer upper. $1.1 million USD just isn’t much in today’s real estate market, yet Bexte would have you believe that Bernier is somehow “selling us out” by buying a modest vacation home that’s going to need a LOT of work.

    No matter how much you hate “journalists”, you don’t hate them enough.

    1. “Oh, and Keann Bexte is trying (and flailing) to trash Max over a “villa” in Florida.”

      Yeah, I’m not understanding his rationale there at all. The problem with that is?…

      1. He considers it to undermine Max’s credibility and expose him and the party needlessly to criticism. He may have a point, Max’s credibility with me has never been great enough to assess seriously so I’m not the guy to ask.

    2. Unless Bernier has a day job, the money came from our generous political donation system. Was donated (tax credit) money used in the purchase? My objections to Bernier are not about his principled stands but that three elections out, he is still feeding at the trough.

  6. Fascinating stat from the Jordan Peterson discussion that in 1970 … young college women were more conservative than their male counterparts. Now, it’s swung wildly the other way around.

    And Peterson posits that because females are delaying childbirth to later in life, their innate compassion and nurturing instincts now get transferred to “the Palestinians” … or “the gays” … when it would otherwise go toward their own children. Sounds about right. No wonder the Left love abortion.

  7. I think hiring a guy named Leach by the government is a bit on the nose.

    And Councillor Moise is the one pushing to eliminate the Name Dundas, and replace it with a Ghana name, ignoring that Dundas was an abolitionist, and Ghana was neck deep in the trans-Atlantic slave trade until the Royal navy put an end to it.

  8. Hey , perhaps that LIberal/NDP flack, Morrison is one of those CCP traitors we keep hearing about but the corrupt KLaus Schwab Government in Ottawa keeps the list of traitors secret.
    I think we found one and hes a Deputy Minister that loves CCP slave labour.

  9. “From the Archive: Nelson Mandela and the Jews
    By Adam Soclof December 5, 2013

    February 27, 1990 – Mandela raises eyebrows when he embraces PLO leader Yasser Arafat in Lusaka, Zambia, likening the Palestinian-Israeli conflict to the struggle against South African apartheid. “If the truth alienates the powerful Jewish community in South Africa, that’s too bad,” says Mandela.”

  10. RE: ‘Ontario students ambushed’
    All it would take would be for a jurisdiction to pass a law making K-12 a politics free zone with a zero tolerance clause. Cut outs for civic or current affairs courses would be permitted. This would mean that the enablers for this speaker would be fired and the rest of the teachers could go back to what they are paid to do – teach.
