Y2Kyoto: I’ll Miss The Polar Ice Caps

No Tricks Zone;

Per a new study, more than 2200 historical aerial photos of a 2000 km stretch of ice in East Antarctica have been recently uncovered. The rare images reveal what the glaciers in this region looked like in 1937.

Interestingly, the photos show all these East Antarctic glaciers have remained stable, thickened, gained mass, and/or increased in elevation over the last 85 years, with much of the growth and mass gains occurring since 1985.

There has been no warming in this region since the 1950s. This suggests that “global warming” plays a minimal role in ice thickness changes.

14 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: I’ll Miss The Polar Ice Caps”

  1. Another “100% Wrong from Gang Green” on the “Melting Icecaps”.
    Funny how so much of Gang Green’s hysteria is based on linear interpretations of cyclic data.
    Is it possible this whole hoax is down to the failure of “Public Education” to teach mathematics?
    For years I have been astounded by the ignorance,wilful ignorance, of our would be planet savers.

    Yes they really are that stupid.
    Gang Green is the true and natural disposition of our Progressive Comrades.
    Parasites to the bitter end.
    Or as we say in Can Ahh Duh;”Environment Canada’s Science”..

  2. As you do Kate, I live on a glacial plain. 11,000 years ago we would have been buried under a mile of ice. I suspect it has warmed by more than 2 degrees. By all of todays narrative we should be dead. They are working on it!

  3. yes , the cyclic nature of the ice. the arctic shrinks at the Antarctic grows. they knew that for years.

    what they never say is the mars icecaps also have the same cycle. I mentioned that in a blog once and someone said , well humans have had a machine on mars since 1976 . so its not a base line .

  4. Can’t wait to watch CBC News report on this evidence-based scientific research in opposition to global warming claims they usually spout.

    No, no they won’t.

    1. grok,
      that is how more and more people are having their eyes opened.
      There are never any mentions, of “new information” that is counter to the general narrative. For us here that read sda daily, it’s been obvious for years. But more and more people(particularly the younger population), don’t watch cbcglobalctvcitynbccbsabccnn, ever. I think that is the reason Media is shocked with the polling for young people , both in the USA and Canada.
      Young people or anybody who has started to cut ties with the Media, realize that the stories they report always go one way!

      1. It’s very much the same way we were treated about COVID. There shall be NO discussion about ANY other course of treatment other than the “vaccine”. All other therapies and information shall be derided and labeled as misinformation.

        Do you see a pattern here with the Totalitarian government types? The science is settled … when your government TELLS you it is … now OBEY!

  5. I have noticed that “the left” keep going further and further out of most peoples reach when they make their outlandish claims. Now that their claims about the Artic and Antarctic and all areas in between have been shown for the shams they really are. Where will they go next?

  6. “This suggests that “global warming” plays a minimal role in ice thickness changes.”

    Translation, global warming is Marxism with a green light on it. Otherwise known as bullsh*t.

    Which I’ve known since they first tried to sell it to me in university, waaaay back in the 1970s. Hilarious they’ve been so successful with something that’s so self-refuting. Lying works pretty good, eh?

  7. Please forward a copy to Steven Guilbeault and cc Justin Trudeau. Although there is little hope of muddling there obsession with facts it can’t hurt

    1. Steven and Justin are the science just like Fauci is. Steven and Justin direct funding only to those scientists and institutions that agree with their world view. We are paying billions for what Steven and Justin are thinking and not what a scientific process should produce. One cent is too much for the value those two could intellectually produce. Remember the budget will balance itself?

  8. When there is raw political power to be secured and the submission of capitalism and the middle class to the next iteration of collectivist dystopia to achieve, evidence against the justifying narrative is to be ignored, censored, put down, called racist, whatever it takes and the Jacobins and Bolsheviks have the networking and resources to attempt to keep it out of the mainstream.

  9. 90% of the Antarctic never gets above -30C. One peninsula juts out toward South America and occasionally sheds some ice, so let’s end our way of life, and cause mass starvation, to prevent nothing.
