51 Replies to “June 20, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. Two Trudeaus, a lying Media and a big bunch of dumbass #@!$@!*&%* Liberal voters was all it took to kill Canada.
      50 years of idiocy.
      Currently delivering the consequences.
      With lots to come.
      Of course, one mustn’t forget the part played by the feckless, inept, useless, appropriately-named Stupid Party.
      Imagine getting your ass handed to you regularly by Liberals!
      Ruled by Quebec.
      Stupid Party indeed.

    2. Something tells me YouTube would not allow this 4 years ago. CTV would call it hate-speech.

  1. Video here, 17 minutes of what most may already know…


    I tried to post this on Failbook, but it says “something happened” and it can’t find the place to post this… suspect Failbook itself is preventing this from being posted. Maybe they consider it “news” in tier 2 Canada?
    Twitter / X doesn’t seem to care what you may call this…

    1. “How much can I charge? Can I move my pasta from $25 to $40 before people shoot me on the street? Of course not,” said Emad Yacoub.“

      Good grief. How many gallons of olive oil does “Emad” drown his entrees in?

      1. “The lessons of ww2 is exactly why Ukraine must be allowed to defend itself.”

        But not the people living in the Donbass, right Allan? They had no right to self defense and they should have just rolled over and died for daring to want independence from Ukraine.

        Ukraine shouldn’t have been bribed, coerced and deceived into started something that they couldn’t finish.

        1. You just buy the Russian propaganda no questions asked. Did you also believe Iraq had undeclared WMD?


          Ask yourself, why on earth would Ukraine pick a fight with Russia?

          1. “Ask yourself, why on earth would Ukraine pick a fight with Russia?”

            I know, I know something incoherent about Biolabs, “globohomo”, Soros, WEF, Bilderberg, CIA etc etc etc.

            When morons don’t have a logical answer they reach for the boogieman.

          2. “You just buy the Russian propaganda no questions asked. ”

            Not even close. Unlike you, I get my news from more than one source and make up my own mind based on what I read, see and hear. When something doesn’t add up, I investigate…when people, governments or news organizations deliberately try misdirect, obfuscate or otherwise manipulate my search, then I REALLY investigate. You should try it some time. Don;t be a Useful Idiot your whole life, Allan.

            “Did you also believe Iraq had undeclared WMD?”

            Absolutely, as did anyone else with an internet connection, reasonable intelligence and a grasp of basic logic.


            You really are, yes. You and your ilk won’t be satisfied until every Ukrainian of fighting age is DEAD, will you?

            “Ask yourself, why on earth would Ukraine pick a fight with Russia?”

            What part of “bribed, coerced and deceived ” did you not understand?

            (or were you talking about Colon’s neo-Nazi buddies in the Azov Brigades deciding that it was an opportune time to murder a few thousand ethnic Russians? You’d have to ask *them* why they thought Putin would allow it…)

        2. The only defense people in Donbas needed was from russian and russian bankrolled terrorists like Girkin. Ukrainians weren’t killing people in Donbas. Those people don’t get to be independent either. They either get to be a part of russia or Ukraine. Those who want to be russian, should have been sent to russia.

          Ukraine did not start anything, russia did.

          Your crocodile tears for “people of Donbas” are fooling no one. Ugly, dishonest and stupid is not way to go through life.

          1. “The only defense people in Donbas needed was from russian and russian bankrolled terrorists like Girkin. Ukrainians weren’t killing people in Donbas.

            Must be convenient to live in a Alternate Reality the way you do. So all those thousands of people *slaughtered* by your buddies for the crime of wanting to continue to speak Russian weren’t really killed at all, right? Or maybe they were, but it is okay because they were “subhumans” to you?

            “Those people don’t get to be independent either. They either get to be a part of russia or Ukraine. Those who want to be russian, should have been sent to russia. ”

            The United Nations begs to differ. Get a grip.

      2. You mean it’s a repeat, Allan S, but with the US playing the role of the Germans? Just asking so I can understand your point.

        1. Sudetenland. 1938.

          Hitler bombarded the German people with propaganda that Germans were being persecuted in Sudetenland. We must unit the German people!

          Czechoslovakia even had defense treaties with European countries. Those were ignored because they didn’t want to aggravate Putin, I mean Hitler. Just let him have some land, he will be happy and peace will resume.

          Hitler invades, Europe turns the other cheek and let’s him take Sudetenland. This only emboldens Hitler, who invades Poland next and starts ww2. Appeasing thugs never works.

          The post ww2 world with the UN charter was supposed to end these wars over territory. Putin invading threatens to turn us back to a pre ww2 world. There was something like 18 wars in Europe between 1918 and 1939.

          1. “Hitler bombarded the German people with propaganda that Germans were being persecuted in Sudetenland. We must unit the German people!”

            Did a larger and more powerful nation first engineer and fund the overthrow of the legitimate, elected German government? Nice try.

    1. They could be deemed to be “diversity cleansing” murders and the liberals would shine it on.

      1. “Russia can leave at any time.”

        Or stay as long as they like.

        (as has been pointed out to you on numerous occasions already….DAMN you are a slow learner…)

    1. Oh he gave Kim a ride alright, can you translate from Korean? See my post above.

      1. One of the few really scary moments in any scif-fi/horror movie I ever saw. RIP even though you were a Canadian Champaign Socialist,.

    1. One of my favourite actors. I admired him because he was scrupulously professional, would take any role that paid and do an honest and valid job in it. He appeared in many of the worst films ever made, and never gave a bad performance. I suppose most experienced actors could draw up a llst of the films that they were the best thing in, but his would outdo them all. God bless him and give him rest.

  2. Some Gazan propaganda, courtesy of the CBC:


    So there is the “child dying of malnutrition” lying on a bed. Yes, it’s an awful sight (all skin and bones)…until you notice that the mother, father, sister, doctor and all the other mothers with children in this hospital ARE ALL OF NORMAL WEIGHT. Hmm….and our National Broadcaster actually fell for this? Wow.

    1. Liberal government practice as usual. It’s the loot they get elected for.

  3. A couple of months ago, Boeing’s blow-out door “issue” was laid at the feet of a DEI-proud female crew at one of their sub-contractors. Rightfuly or wrongly I do not know. However, I thought you’d all appreciate this footage of a female crew working in a very early aircraft factory.
