21 Replies to “Thursday On Turtle Island”

  1. “Toronto has renamed Lower Coxwell Avenue to Emdaabiimok Avenue”
    The word Toronto is to believed to have come from the Mohawk word “tkaronto,” meaning “place where trees stand in the water”.
    And here I thought it meant “place where assholes thrive”.
    I believe the rest of Canada needs to push for this name change because it sounds like something Joe Pooh Biden would say.
    Tkaronto forever.

    1. Emdaabiimok means where the road goes to the water.
      Why would they have the word road? They never built any, had no idea what one was until whitey came.

      1. It’s probably named after F. Scott FitzGerald’s native cousin, M. Daabimok Fitzgerald.

  2. And without white man giving the natives an alphabet, none of this renaming garbage would be possible.

    1. And when did this language get written up? Is there a dictionary? And given it only appeared within the last few years, why isn’t it spelled the way it sounds? Who makes this stuff up? It’s all crazy!

      1. The Neutral nation and the Erie tribe are unavailable for comment. Ya know, cause their peaceable neighbours annihilated them. A few centuries ago

  3. Didn’t they claim the shot was safe.

    Feds try to delay release of non-public COVID vaccine safety data until at least 2026

    Biden administration seeks 18-month stay before processing

  4. “Emdaabiimok (Em-DAH-bee-muck) means “where the road goes to the water.”

    Now they’re telling us natives constructed roads?

    1. Oh now, let’s not get carried away. The natives certainly established trails and many are preserved in the Toronto street system. They don’t call it Indian Road in High Park for nothing, it follows the course of an ancient trail up the Humber Valley, and most of Davenport Road, and the curving stretch of Church Street north of Bloor, preserve an old trail up the Rosedale valley. They are rather obviously not using the word in the sense of a paved road, and not trying to make claims of that sort. They’re translating idiomatically.

      I rather doubt that this stretch of Victorian laneway has any actual native history, but on the other hand renaming “Lower Coxwell Avenue” hardly damages our heritage, not while Coxwell Avenue continues. In the circumstances, isn’t it just harmless silliness?

  5. Let us hope that at least some Liberals “hope and dream” that Justin will soon be gone.

  6. Re the Stonehenge vandals:

    Midway down in the linked article there’s an image of the Just Stop Oil (JSO) protesters marching with a banner that reads, “No prison for peaceful protests.”

    I agree 100% However, I’m 100% in favor of jail time and large fines for stupid, wasteful vandalism.

    Side note: People are fed up with JSO’s antics. I am noticing more videos of people dragging JSO protesters off the street, often quite roughly, when the protesters block traffic. Then in the Stonehenge story, bystanders jumped in and put a halt to JSO’s vandalism.

    The police used to protect the protesters and traffic would be tied up for hours. Now? Not so much as there are lots of videos where the protesters are given what for and the police just get the protesters off to the side. I haven’t noticed any of the angry drivers getting arrested. Maybe so, maybe not.

    Oh, and there are the videos of the police in France clearing the roads of JSO protesters glued to the street. Talk about rough treatment! The gendarmes are all about FAFO.

    1. Assault and vandalism by the left is deemed peaceful. Disagreeing by we on the right is deemed violence and hate.

    2. If the local police were arresting drivers, they would be shouting it from the rooftops, but they aren’t.

      the next step will probably be removing them from the street, and then locking them to poles or guardrails and throwing away the keys

  7. “Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Summoned to Vatican to be Excommunicated”


    I wonder why?

    ” Allow me to thank the organizers of this conference and to greet all the participants.

    Your presence and sharing the alarm about the global coup – along with many other groups and movements throughout the world – should be a great consolation for all of us, because it means that the assault we are witnessing faces a firm and determined opposition that is not willing to allow the criminal plan of the servants of the World Economic Forum (WEF) to be imposed.”

