12 Replies to “Today In Islam”

  1. Yabbut, it’s a dry heat 😉 ….50C isn’t that unusual in Saudi….ran a marathon in Jeddah, (more humid there than further inland), it was early morning, (pitch dark, pre sun-up), when we started.

    Still, I guess the old Global Climate Warming Change has to be pushed at every opportunity.

    1. Turning my holistic gaze to the part of the glass that is half-full… the number of ‘climate refugees’ has gone down by more than 550.

  2. “it was early morning, (pitch dark, pre sun-up), when we started”

    You’ve showed me up to hell and back. I do that to avoid Canada summer temps and this morning I decided to go tomorrow. And now i feel like a real slacker.

    1. That was 40 years ago though…..won’t admit it but I might have been younger then….

  3. I don’t think there’s one politician in any Western Country that has even picked up a history book covering the last 1000 years of Western dealings with the lands to the south of Europe, unless it was some ‘left-wing, blame the West’ history book.
    In the case of Justin Trudeau I doubt he has the capacity to read any book beyond a graphic novel.

    1. But his erudite “water box thingies” spawned a new lower level of stupid. It’s what happened when they tried to fix stupid. Can’t be done.

      So everything you said is certifiable.

    2. There is no need to read, when all you do is what you are told to do. They don’t serve us.

  4. But?
    It is the will of Allah…
    Or does that count for nothing in the Death Cult Media?
    Global Warming,so it gets hot in the desert..?
    Climate Change = Water Wet.
    The language of the Idiocracy.
