21 Replies to “Don’t Upset The Muslims”

  1. The pathetic irony of living in Trudeau’s Canada is that “Hate Speech” laws were instigated by Jewish organizations and now they are being used to attack those who criticize the Jihadis and their useful idiots who are blatantly directing so called hated speech against Jews. The Jacobins and Bolsheviks know that Muslims outnumber Jews 5 to 1 in Canada and 100 to 1 globally and Ezra is a Jew. What starts as multiculturalism ends in Islamic Jihad.

    This should be a lesson for those who always rant about the need for more laws from your enemy the state.

    1. Muslims destroy every country they move to. just look at Sweden, Germany, France and the U.K. Canada is next on their list

      1. Literally none of those countries are being destroyed by Muslims. You’ve been hocking this crap for decades, it isn’t happening.

  2. So all the garbage they spew in campuses etc against Israel is “free speech” but Ezra’s truck ad is islamophobia?
    When police in GTA is busy to buy donuts&coffee for pro-Hamas yellers + to decide what is ‘islamophobia’ or not, of course gold heists, carjackings and violent crimes go without pb.

  3. ‘police claim’ well claim all you want Tranna cops.
    l claim there is an astonishing percentage of random citizens share a disgust and contempt for cops each their own reason there ares so many reasons.
    l likewise claim a lot of the more vehement ones celebrate when any of you stop a bullet.

    jist sayin’. they really have a festering PR problem.

  4. Sorry not sorry – hate laws were put forth by JEWS …specifically by guys like Bernie Farber et al. who didn’t t give a rat’s ass about christian churches being burnt down (Ezra Levant gets honourable mention here because he’s a righteous Jew and actually cared) over the last 4 years, because Bernie’s jew ox wasn’t getting gored. Well now things have changed and apparently it’s not looking so good for them. Geez, that’s a shame.
    Go FO.
    Want to make a difference? Stop voting Liberal you dumbasses.

    1. True. And the members of that same tribe you have mentioned have boasted on how they played a huuuuuge part in multyculturaling the west with cultural enrichers. That is why I am not taking a side in this fight but my own.

  5. “The moment somebody says, ‘I believe in free speech, but…,’ I stop listening.

    Salmon Rushdie

  6. “If you don’t believe in free speech for people you find repellent, you don’t believe in free speech at all.”

    Mark Steyn

  7. First you need to “eliminate” the cops from the equation.
    (They’d kill puppies to keep their job/pensions so loading train cars is easy.)
    Once the cops are sidelined, you go after the elites.

    1. curious every dictatorship l can think of cops front and centre crushing freedom, rights, free speech all that.
      l really dont know why anyone in particular find themselve fans of these political sledge hammers.
      why were ‘cops are tops’ among the family man types?

  8. Ezra, as usual, is loving the attention.
    His twitter (X) account is very entertaining.

  9. So how many churches have burned?
    And what would these same “Media” have to say,should a Mosque burn?
    There is no such thing as Islamophobia..
    As there is nothing irrational about taking murderous Tribal Nitwits at their stated words,proved by their consistent actions..
    Hamas showed us all.Oct 7th 2023 ,why we shall make them extinct.
    All who support and enable such creatures shall share their fate..
    To our glorious future.

    Heh when you read the CBC and all the progressive parasites..
    They call the adds “Anti Moslem”..So in their eyes all moslems are as guilty as Hamas.
    They too acknowledge..There are no moderate Moslems.

  10. No group should ever be above criticism whether it is Muslim of Jews or Christians or Atheists or …… Each have their own faults that should be pointed out and never ignored. I am speaking as a Christian who disagrees with much of what my church teaches and preaches. They are fundamentally wrong on some points and thus destroy their own witness.

  11. There are two basic religions in the world.

    Top down and bottom up.

    Top down religions require you to fit yourself to the religion’s prescribed path.

    Bottom up religions try to help you find or create the path that is best for you.

    That ones that have been infiltrated and are being used to create and prolong war are all top down religions.

    1. In Christianity we express it a little different. There are those who worship Yahweh and those who worship Caesar. Those who worship Caesar expect the state to provide their every need. Those who worship Yahweh expect that Yahweh will bless them as they do their best to improve their lot and the lot of the world around them.
