Friday On Turtle Island

Woke World:  Can’t wait for independence day.  The Planet Is Boiling:  Net Zero will prevent almost zero warming.

Blackie’s Canada:  Toronto’s French university.  Justin’s CBC reports that evil Rebel News owns the truck spreading Islamophobia.  Our Dear Leader is having a wonderful time in Nova Scotia.

Dementia Joe’s America:  The left is furious.  Trouble coming to Indian country.  Say their names Joe.

Your morning meme.   A cartoon.

19 Replies to “Friday On Turtle Island”

  1. Amazing when telling the truth about islam is considered a hate crime yet the book that islam uses says the Jews must be killed. That is the truth.

    1. And of course the useless media is publishing quotes from the the “islamophobia” rep from the muslim brotherhood who is employed by the canadian government, that conflate “hate crimes” against jews with those against islamists, claiming that they are up 500% over the last year.

      Never mind that it’s mostly islamists and their fellow travellers doing it to jews.

  2. The Toronto cops are corrupt and evil, but not stupid. pound on a Christian, and they will say “more, please.” Pound on a Muzzie and you’ll get “I will cut your throat, infidel.” Toronto cops are tough when on horseback trampling unarmed citizens, but up against someone who’ll fight back they will run and cry.

  3. When PM Juthtin goes on his We-were-here-first Peoples walk in the woods today, I wonder if he’ll tell his story about the time he dressed up as an Indian and tried some bareback riding with a horse…

  4. Whenever you hear “Moderate” Muslims using the word Islamophobia, you know the truth nerve has been hit.
    The only thing they fear more than their Taqiyya being called out, is their Radical Brethren impatiently waiting in the shadows for the Tipping Point to arrive.

    1. Mark Steyn asked the question several years ago: “what percentage Muslim does a society have to become before that society starts taking on the characteristics/earmark, etc., of a Muslim-majority country?”

      People don’t want to answer Steyn’s question and – like those afflicated with Gad Saad’s Parasitic Ostrich Syndrome – just bury their heads in the sand, and/or shout “Islamophobia!!”

      I’m watching the Green Parties in Europe become pseudo-Islamist and I see the same developmment in Canada with the both the Greens and the NDP (and remember, anything the NDP does, the Liberals can do “better”)

  5. Bluddy
    Yup, all muzzies are bad, till you bible pounders need to use them to beat the CCP over the head, grow up and try being a real man for a day!

    1. ??? WTF. When you use the rabidly anti-Christian term “bible pounders”, you reveal your moral and intellectual attributes. At least you are honest about yourself.

      1. GYM has been “pounding” Christians ever since he first appeared in this forum (him, and his various aliases like for example: “GYMM”).
        GYM doesn’t realize he’s actually providing moral equivalences between Islam (note: I deliberately avoided using the term “Muslim”) and Christianity.
        I have no qualms against Muslims. I respect all peoples’ rights to hold individual points of view and various beliefs. GYM thinks that makes me a “Bible Pounder.” So be it. GYM has his views, and he’s entitled to have them. Everyone has the right to be wrong. What irks me about GYM is that he refuses to listen and learn. In his quaint little mind, HE holds the moral high ground, but what he will find out in the end is that his hate will wind up working against him.

  6. Weird how it is okay to openly call for genocide of Jews but not even the mildest criticism of Muslims is to be tolerated.

    1. Yeah, generally ‘protected species’ are those animals that are diminishing in number – Muzzies, OTOH, are breeding like flies.

    2. Well TBF … The Joos are are just white colonialists on stolen Palestinian land … so yeah … genocide is approved. You know … same with the white Canadian colonialists … Right?

  7. As I said in my reply to David Murrell posted above, everyone has the right to be wrong in a free-speech society, but I’m afraid we are no longer living in a free-speech society. That should obviously go without saying, but I said it anyway.
    As much as I agree with the views expressed on that truck, I knew immediately upon seeing it for the first time that the truck was going to upset someone somewhere, and I think that was the intent.
    Having said that, and having noted that we are no longer living in a free-speech society, but a society driven by ever-changing authoritarian “hate-speech” dictums, of which the definition of “hate” seems to change on a weekly bases, I suspected that there would be… [ahem]… “legal challenges” ahead facing the registered owner of that truck.
    And not even a day later…
    So in light of this ever-changing climate of speech domination, I have to wonder why Levant would choose to deliberately step into this pile when any other sane individual would know enough to step around it?
    You need to be smart enough to choose your battles and decide which hill you are going to die on. IMHO, this wasn’t a good decision at all. All it does was invite scrutiny, and justify the media narrative against you. Worse, it justifies the turd’s assertion that Rebel News is not a valid media organization.
    How do you spell “backfire” again?

    1. Perhaps it was done to provoke the reaction it has, and then some scrutiny of that reaction.

  8. “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter” – Martin Luther King, Jr

  9. Net Zero will prevent almost zero warming.
    That’s why it’s called Net Zero.
