It’s not 2024, it’s 1984

The reaction was fast and furious to this horrible intrusion on freedom of speech.

There is no way in hell Pipeline Online will be censored in this manner. I did not wear an air force officer’s reservist’s uniform for seven years to be gagged by my own federal government. A lot of companies, and individuals, feel the same. Here’s their statements:

Oilpatch to Ottawa: To hell with your gag law.

Here’s first evidence of the new law in action. It wasn’t the last.

Pathways Alliance oilsands group removes all website, social media content


Alberta environment minister unworried by movement toward methane tariffs

Top 10 Saskatchewan conventional oil wells for April


33 Replies to “It’s not 2024, it’s 1984”

  1. Mistake number one is going along with the myth that “climate change” is real, and pretending to do something about it.

    1. The climate changes constantly, just not quite as the zealots like to say it does. CO2 is not a pollutant or a climate driver. That foolishness is a flat out lie.

      1. “The climate changes constantly, just not quite as the zealots like to say it does. CO2 is not a pollutant or a climate driver. That foolishness is a flat out lie.”

        It is, but it’s a profitable lie for a certain group of people.

    2. Absolutely. The paint never dries infront of the corners they’ve painted themselves into.

    3. “Mistake number one is going along with the myth that “climate change” is real, and pretending to do something about it.”

      Couldn’t agree more…

      (aside from the normal small amount of ‘climate change’ that is always happening)

      The vast majority of weather events mislabeled ‘climate change’ are NOT caused by humans, but by the sun.

  2. If the people were not cowards this would not be complied with. The government would have to charge thousands of law abiding Canadians for ignoring their foolish made up regulations. There are more of us than them and it is past time to show it.

    1. Agreed….and the valves to oil and gas heading east need to be shut off…..completely. Frankly, the West needs to stage it’s own “Boston Tea Party” against the Ottawa fascists.

      1. BINGO! That’s the only way to get these Bastards attention.
        And then it is well past time to get the Separation Process underway.

        1. As 1 living in the East I have to agree with you. Rule of law and reason have no effect on communists

      2. yep blow them up if ya have to.
        l live in ontariowe and invite harsh action against east Canaduh. l am perfectly *capable and willing* to hunker down and watch it play out right in front of me.
        and when you separate l will take my 1/4 mill nest egg with me and apply for Alberta citizenship.

        one of my all time favorite women was an exchange student from Edmonton. Alice. summer ’69
        lve never nor will ever forget you Alice you were so so nice to me unlike the locals.
        maybe by some miracle . . . .

  3. I remember 1984. I was young back then and we did not live in fear of totalitarian gubmint.

  4. If this isn’t proof that it has nothing to do with environment (and never did) and everything to do with punishment, I don’t know what is.

  5. Correct the headline to “Pathways Alliance preemptively and enthusiastically bows down and does its part to advance globo homo clown world fascist agenda in order to be allowed to play at the TSX”

  6. Brian, I agree with your basic premise on this but seriously, how did you or these oil companies think this was going to go when they started playing along with this nonsense? Being an environmentally responsible company has nothing to do with this climate change scam being pushed onto all of us. It’s time to close off all pipelines and energy flowing east. No more games, no more nonsense if they don’t start pushing back now they might as well just admit defeat and hand it all to the federal government so they have full control.
    We just do nothing but lose in this country, no pushback, no fight, it’s pathetic.

  7. Trudeau and his fellow walkers of the same path know it will be killed probably by the Supreme Court in the future but this is election interference now. The liberals want to shut down a source of funding for an anti liberal alliance before and during the election.

    The libs call it something else of course.

    1. so many ways the TURDeau mirrors adolph, right from the start ‘create a crisis’ be it a reichtag burned to the ground or a bunch of truckers milling around a remote border crossing.
      and the gun seizures
      and the euthanasia
      and the censorshit
      and the paid off MEdia
      and abetting antisemitism
      and and and

      1. The only thing you left out was his admiration of communist China because, “it can turn on a dime.”

  8. It’s like the media. You think you hate them enough, but then along comes the next challenge. I can meet it.
    Get them good, Mr. Z.

  9. Gee I guess paying lip service and playing footsie with “climate change” comes with highly and easily predictable outcomes.

    Yet our Alberta premier continues to do so.

    Control and ration of hydrocarbons is the foundation upon which totalitarian rule is based and built.

  10. Nah.. some will resist, but most will do what the weakling companies you listed did: dutifully start slashing their website and social media content. It’s Canada and we’re basically sheep at this point. We’re sheep because if we don’t act like sheep the full weight of the state is pressed on us and we lose our livelihoods and even our freedom.

  11. Best part of this,is that there is no place for the minions to retreat to.
    Once they start enfo cing such thuggery,they place themselves.
    The “r” causes erasure

  12. Shakespeare shall be our model response..
    Or one could research the fine work of Brad Keyes at “Climate Nuremberg”.
    The English language is tricky…Does those words support or ridicule the minion being addressed?
    my response being “I help you..Super Good”.

  13. LOL physicians concerned about false advertising in the oil patch.

    Maybe they should get their own house in order first and have a chat about “safe and effective” and make sure that’s proven before they spout Pharma industry propaganda at us.


  14. “Suckhole to tyrants and eventually they’ll get around to you” seems to be the motto these days. Pity we never seem to learn the obvious lessons of the past do we?
