17 Replies to “Lost In Space”

  1. Not to worry … Elon Musk will rescue them. Or better still … The Russian Space Agency.

    1. Like Bezos’ wang shaped rocket that just goes up and down real fast.

      AI designed. Scanned all available information on the internet, determined the ideal shape for penetrating… the atmosphere.

    2. Is there something fundamental going on inside your thruster, or are you just glad to see me?

  2. I’m sure an aerospace company can sell the gubmint a $30k roll of duct tape to fix it. So they are saying Boeing has lost the expertise to make thrusters? Or that the thruster is busted?

  3. The actual problem is that they forgot to include a couple of towels in the cargo package.

  4. Boeing has a serious quality control issue across the company. Off the top of my head: a software “fix” that overrides pilots and flies planes into the ground; garbage in the fuel tanks of KC46s and a bunch of undelivered 737 Max planes; a door panel blew off at 15000 feet; a shipment of Chinese “titanium” in planes which isn’t up to standard and may cause planes to break apart in midair. All of that in the last couple years.

    By cutting corners and firing experienced engineers, the MBAs running Boeing have played Jenga with the company. There is almost certain to be a disaster, soon, due to poor quality control. It’s almost criminal.

  5. Tell the engineers and their managers that they are on a Starliner next week up to the ISS to fix the issues.

    They’ll find them quick. Nothing like having your own ass on line to motivate.

  6. I hope that crack team of proud Black, America-hating lesbian engineers gets it act together soon.
