If It Wasn’t For Government

Who would make it too much of a pain in the ass to celebrate Canada day?

Montreal Gazette- Organizer cancels Canada Day parade in Montreal

Nicholas Cohen said the decision was made after he found it increasingly difficult to obtain the needed permits and funding from different government authorities over the past year.

“Cowen was faced with rules that changed at the last minute and requests that made organizing the parade virtually impossible,” it said in the news release.

28 Replies to “If It Wasn’t For Government”

  1. Well Duh…..he should have told them the parade was ‘Jihadists for LGBQ & Transitionists’.

    “Sorry to keep you waiting, here’s your permit.”

    1. Those “organizations” don’t need to apply for permits. They don’t need permits at all. They’ll march wherever and whenever they feel like, because they know no one will shut them down.

  2. Why would anyone in their right mind want to celebrate “Canada” Day?

    This 3rd world banana republic shi!thole has been dead to me for years.


    1. Just be sure to take Redmonton, Gondek and the leaky pipes with you.

      I’m sure it’ll be the paradise you envision, comrade.

      1. We will. And we’ll have about $20 billion more to spend on infrastructure every year while everything east of Saskatchewan becomes a collection of have-not provinces in the attenuated country of Canada. But you’ll still have ‘the best healthcare system in the world’

    2. Don’t listen to “Semi-…,” whom I doubt is really a conservative (unless he is a CINO).
      I’m with you on this. People like Semi, who still feel the need to celebrate this far-left, dystopian shell of what this country has become, should seriously question their own conservative roots.
      You can’t be a conservative and continue wanting this country to continue down this path of leftist destruction. True conservatives would demand that these chains we find ourselves wearing be unshackled, and if we can’t do that as a country, then the country itself should be dismantled. Let the left go its way in the east, and leave the rest of us the hell alone.
      Labelling people as communists because they demand their rights and freedoms to be respected is NOT what a TRUE conservative would do!

    3. We used to celebrate another day on that date, golly, I wonder what day it was and what flag it was celebrated under. For the intellectually challenged don’t bother criticizing. Canada is in a serious downward spiral.

    4. I’m on that list too….

      On the plus side, my flirting with 3 sweet, cute cashiers at our local grocery store is going really well. If they were outside in the garden center this week on very hot days, I brought them Ice Capps.

      You find little bits of happiness where you can….

  3. And what are the odds that the pride parade or the Jean Baptiste parade would have to jump through the same hoops?

    How many separatists are employed in the permit office?

    Can the rest of us just vote them out?

    1. St-Jean Baptiste is no longer celebrated in Quebec. June 24th is now known as the Fete nationale, ie. National Holiday. It’s Quebec’s version of Canada Day.

  4. and it happened in quebec naturally, er, uh, excusez moi;
    et c’est arrivé au Québec naturellement

  5. Should have called it “يوم كندا” in the paperwork. Would have sailed through in a day.

    1. “Have never been to Quebec, do not care about Quebec. Enough about Quebec.”


      But still…why don’t the ‘pride’ parades ever have this problem? And how did the Toronto version ever get away with excluding police officers? Oh, okay…No cops? Then NO PARADE unless you can pay for your own security.

    2. The jerks, the pure lane ( I will not spell it correctly) control Canada. Have you not noticed that? Their goal is win the war they lost so many years ago. I am right. Don’t bother responding.

      1. Quebec has managed to finagle it’s way to having oversized influence but that is coming to an end thanks to mass immigration, the cure for pretty much every problem.

        1. uhuh. yet another politishun ‘fixing’ one problem by creating thousands more.
          so many of them do that. they run out of things to legislate and wind up with nonsense

  6. Nicholas Cohen said the decision was made after he found it increasingly difficult to obtain the needed permits and funding from different government authorities over the past year.

    “Cowen was faced with rules that changed at the last minute and requests that made organizing the parade virtually impossible,” it said in the news release.

    I thought that our media was paid $600 million to ensure high standards of professional journalism. Yet they have no one to verify if the organizer is Cohen or Cowan. Seems like the proof reader is working in a parent’s basement in some third world hole

    We need to get a refund

  7. Parades suck, and I hate that they get to take up roadways that should just be for cars and other transportation.

  8. I don’t really care. I can honestly say, I detest this country.

  9. “Who would make it too much of a pain in the ass to celebrate Canada day?”

    The same morons who already took away most of what we used to celebrate, and left us with not quite enough for a six-pack after taxes.

    Let’s hoist a tepid glass of Walkerton tap water to honor the Demented Dominion.

    1. and keep in mind walkerton happened SOLELY because harpoon harper CONserrrvatist wannabe mikey six toes harris sacked hundreds of civil servants including water quality inspectors.
      and left the whole wakerton life sustaining vital water supply to stan kobel a godam drunk

      1. Drinking water quality is a local concern, not provincial or even RM/county issue. I know because I looked after a small-town treatment plant for a short period. If the community was okay with a pisstank taking care of their drinking water, that’s on them.

      2. Walkerton occurred because two yokels didn’t believe in chlorination and sent faked water test results the government.

        Harris had to cut expenditures because Cretin and Martin cut transfer payments to provinces who had to download services. Harper was not in government at the time
