45 Replies to “June 22, 2024: Reader Tips”

      1. Yes that, also even rabid Trump haters (like these two) realize that the trail was a sham from start to end, that is was pure lawfare.

          1. “He was found guilty on 34 out of 34 charges. Cope, mald, seethe.”

            Actually, most of us just laughed…then wondered aloud just how big of a bump Donald Trump would get in the polls (and in his campaign fundraising) because of those “34 felonies” (LOL).

            Didn’t take long to be vindicated, and the all-but-guaranteed overturning of this ridiculous verdict will also be fun to watch.

            (well, not so much for you, I’m guessing…;)

  1. This morning my regular browser, Opera Mobile, blocked me from accessing this site. I am using a different browser to post this.

    I just get a message ‘403 Forbidden’

    Is this just my phone, or is it something bigger?

    1. The 403 comes from SDA not recognizing Opera. Do you have VPN turned on? Content blocker?

      1. Yes, I have VPN and ad blocker.

        It seems to have cured itself, I am on Opera now.

  2. I was on a plane in the southern USA yesterday, sitting in the Emergency Exit. They told me what to do in the event of an emergency, mainly the part about pulling the handle and pushing the door out so that passengers could exit the plane. I looked around and realized that probably 50% of the passengers would not fit through the emergency exit. What happens – in the event of an emergency – if the fat guy in front of you is the second person attempting to exit the plane and gets stuck?

  3. Dr. Drew interviewed two researchers , one was Canadian, attempting to explain TDS. It was interesting and, not, very flattering, as you might expect. I wished they had also discussed if there are personality types more prone to scapegoating, and cheerleading for lynch mobs.

  4. Three guys to run Liquid Marketplace in Toronto — a techie company that claims to invest in rare collectable using cryptocurrency — are accused by the Ontario Securities Commission of fraud, of stealing millions of investor funds for personal use, cooked accounting books, that sort of thing:

    This will be a big deal, I think, since lots of investors lost millions. But as suggested, massive white collar crime is now de facto legal in Canada. No one in our “justice” system cares enough to complete a successful prosecution. And the corporate media could care less.

    The tree perps are Ryan Bahadori (CEO), Amin Nikdel (chief technology officer), and Dennis Domozet (former CFO).

    1. I spent a few seconds Googling Ryan Bahadori’s name for the above post, and quickly came up with this TIME magazine investigative article:

      The article is about Logan Paul and CryptoZoo, and all the malfeasance underpinning that company (that’s a different story). But scroll down the lengthy article to where it discusses how Logan Paul co-founded Liquid Marketplace with Ryan Bahadori. The TIME article was published in February 2023, so for the past year and a half Liquid Marketplace has been happily operating in Toronto with nobody raising any warnings.

      Investors should always do their own due diligence. One gets that. But the scam world of white-collar crime is so pervasive in our country that the perps don’t really try to take cover any more. The powers-that-be have ceased caring.

    2. I feel nothing for the stupid investors – they deserved to be scammed for being so stupid!

      1. Well, they did call it “Liquid Marketplace”. A great place to liquidate your investments.

        I remember a junior exploration company called Cartaway Resources and that is exactly what they did with investors money.

        1. A good name for a bar, too. “Liquid Marketplace”, that is. “Cartaway Resources” is more like the cab service for the bar’s patrons.

  5. Currently (9:32 Eastern), the top article on Instapundit (Glenn Reynolds), is about AOC twisting in the wind, due to Nick Fuentes supporting her. He highlights where their policies and claims overlap.
    I’ve never encountered Nick Fuentes, I only know that he is accused of being a white nationalist and supremisist as well as anti feminist, antisemitic,homophobic, Islamaphobic……

  6. America, Canada and a few other countries will bring their own air conditioning units to the Paris Olympics.


    “Organizers have promoted plans to use a system of cooling pipes underneath floors to cool rooms in the Athletes Village, which will house more than 15,000 Olympians and sports officials during the Summer Games, according to The Associated Press.”

    “U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee CEO Sarah Hirshland said Friday that the U.S. team appreciates efforts to address sustainability, but that the committee would be supplying AC units for U.S. athletes during the Summer Games.”

      1. Always thought it would be neat to sink a pipe in a cold lake or river, run it up to an automotive radiator and blow air through it for cheap A/C. Solar power pump and fan and it’s “free”.

        1. “Always thought it would be neat to sink a pipe in a cold lake or river, run it up to an automotive radiator and blow air through it for cheap A/C. Solar power pump and fan and it’s “free”.”

          Free except for the electricity to run the fan, and hopefully you live very close to a small waterfall so you don’t need to use an electric pump to circulate the water. But yeah, swamp coolers work well…we made one out of a Pinto radiator with a box fan and a garden hose to cool a garage near Shuswap Lake.

    1. Steve, thanks for this story. I wonder how athletes from other countries will handle the heat in a cooling-pipe environment. Seems a bit iffy to me.

      1. I was thinking of posting an article on the pollution in the Seine River and how it would affect swimmers but I’m sure the French have bigger problems ahead of them (ahem, security).

    1. Louisiana to allow physical castration for sex offenders. My kind of state.

      1. It’s a good first step. Imagine having no problem with all levels of government promoting and celebrating LGBTQ ideology and it attendant lot of veneral diseases, pedophilia and child mutilation, but being triggered by a display of a moral code. If one’s criteria for measuring “modernity” is how the state permits the destruction of the unborn, it’s not difficult to see why one would have a problem with at lest one of the commandements.

        1. Far be it for me to question your authority regarding inbreeding, … though your consistent defense of pedophiles is telling.

    2. Your existence makes a convincing pro abortion argument… also pro child abandonment in dumpster argument.

  7. Well if the UAE does it, it means it’s good, right? I’m sure the UAE would be OK to display the ten commandments.

  8. Naheed Nenshi wins the Alberta NDP leadership race in a landslide. He’s a favorite of the corporate media. The media think he can beat Danielle Smith’s UCP party come election time.

    1. I try not to run on instinct, but my gut tells me that he’s the left’s Ron DeSantis.

      1. “I try not to run on instinct, ”

        (says the guy infamous here for his knee-jerk reactions and complete immunity to logic and common sense…)
