Saskatchewan, Alberta, to fight back. Manitoba? Crickets

Saskatchewan, Alberta governments respond to federal gag law: ‘considering all options to fight back’

As for Manitoba – does its Premier Wab Kinew even know they have an oilpatch? Because the previous NDP government sure didn’t. Back in 2009, I attended a ministerial tour of a new oil pipeline in southwest Manitoba. It had taken the Manitoba energy minister a full year in that position before he bothered to drive outside of Winnipeg to see a pumpjack.

But the Manitoba Conservatives weren’t much better, either. Former premier Brian Pallister once spoke of “oil producing provinces” by conveniently forgetting Manitoba is one of them.

Anyhow – it’s been crickets from the Manitoba premier thus far.

30 Replies to “Saskatchewan, Alberta, to fight back. Manitoba? Crickets”

  1. “He holds a bachelor of arts degree in economics from the University of Manitoba and a master’s degree in Indigenous governance.”

    ‘Nuff said.

    1. If you want to separate, you’re going to have to get all those Sohi and Gondek voters on side. Edmonton and Calgary are more than half the population of the province.

  2. Manitoba has a cunning plan.
    By denying they have an oil industry,they will deny that anyone could be advertising on said industries behalf.
    Of course we could play the federales game..
    Truth in advertising..
    Is there one government bureau that would pass?

    They are all serial liars,the source of the misinformation that they find so criminal..
    The irony is beyond parody.
    Lifetime serial liars.
    Fountains of deceit.
    And they will tell me??
    What “truth” is..
    Death is far too good for them.
    A nice relaxing High Arctic rest,would be a ‘just’ way of “rewarding” such persons.

    1. Yeah, but unfortunately our “Constitution” does count it as a province. By the way, the most overgoverned piece of land in Canada.

  3. Manitoba: old Saulteaux word meaning “where we lie low in the tall grass”.

  4. anybody know why that page link does not zoom in and out like billions others when l do the
    control button- mouse wheel spin thing?
    l dont want it to scroll until the print is big enough. is that asking too much?

  5. Wab promised to renew health care in Manitoba. In order to fix Manitoba’s health care woes he retained everyone in the bureaucracy that created the nightmare and he shuffled a few of them around a bit. That should fix everything. He’s far too busy reshuffling bureaucrats to do anything else, besides Manitoba gets a token 62 million or so in transfer payments. Just enough so Wab doesn’t want to risk irritating Trudeau.

  6. Wab is counting on bigger transfer payments as he implodes the local economy. The unions and connected parasites will do well, but the rest will not. Currently as has been now for sometime, thanks to Doer/Selinger/Unions, for every person moving in two move out. Worst performing province in Canada. Bread basket? No! Basket case.

    Manitoba once had it all, and then unions, city amalgamation, “diversity” and now the last productive person leaving can turn out the lights. If Wexit ever happens, you’d best not take Manitoba with you.

  7. Canoe probably thinks oil is colonialism, so we can’t have it. They are too busy renaming Bishop-Grandin Boulevard to be bothered with an industry his sugar daddy is trying to destroy.

  8. From the article:
    “I see your gag law, Ottawa, and raise you Sec. 2(b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which states, “2 Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:
    (a) freedom of conscience and religion;
    (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;
    (c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and
    (d) freedom of association.

    Poor fool. I’ll see ya and raise with article 1: “… subject to reasonable limits…” I mean since we are in an existential climate crisis that threatens life on earth, it’s only reasonable to destroy the oil industry. A “reasonable” person would think. See how this works?

  9. Posters here make it sound like there is a difference between Manitoba Conservatives and the NDP, it’s all the Uniparty, same goals same policies. They each cater to their own groups, but the end game is the same, more government, more spending, more taxes and fewer freedoms for its citizens.

      1. It seems to me that Manitoba wants to be more like Ontario rather than a proud Western Province.

        Being from Ontario, I just can’t understand why they would want to be so bland.

        1. They weren’t always bland:

          The Pemmican War was a series of violent confrontations between the Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) and the North West Company (NWC) in the Canadas from 1812 to 1821. It started after the establishment of the Red River Colony by Thomas Douglas, 5th Earl of Selkirk in 1812, and ended in 1821 when the NWC was merged into the HBC. The conflict was sparked by the Pemmican Proclamation issued by Governor Miles Macdonell, which forbade any person from exporting pemmican, a key foodstuff for those involved in the North American fur trade, out of the Red River Colony. This was fiercely opposed by the Métis, who were mostly affiliated with the NWC and opposed to both the colony and the HBC’s dominance in the region.

    1. Prairieboys
      You forgot the usual, that is complain about ontario, what the WANKERS in here like to do.

  10. Wabbie K is another useless idiot that gets elected by not doing anything, being anything and saying nothing. Just like Trudeau nothing but garbage. Gigo as we used to say.

  11. To Hell with their Gag law——–Trudeau and Singh the coalition of the Devil and his helper! Separation of the West can’t happen soon enough!!!!

    1. Oh please!
      Seems to me that you forget that half the West are left of Mao and the other half is Conservative/conservative.
      The same Cons/cons that have been getting their ass thoroughly kicked by Liberals since days of yore.
      Yet all of a sudden, no longer feckless, cowardly, incompetent, disingenuous and of course, more Liberal than Liberals.
      I’m pretty sure Conservative in Canada is an old Indian word for Big Loser.
      Replace the beaver with a mouse.
      The red flag aptly shows the embarrassment all Canadians should feel for their spectacular failure.
      Best country in the world rushing towards worldclass shithole status.
      On your watch.
      Well done.

      1. Maybe look at the electoral map sometime, Einstein. The country is self separating.
