13 Replies to “Saturday On Turtle Island”

  1. ah jeez. ‘not enough $5 trillion pot’. friggin hilarious considering there are 4 outlets within 5 minutes of my place and very competitive. l wish *every* retailer was as accommodating professional and polite.

    1. and tq to the TURDeau for legalizing it finally unlike harpooned harper wanted to go *back* to the ‘dark ages’ narcotic narcotic narcotic !!!! aagghhh !!! a naturally occurring plant that the neanderthals recognized for the relaxing effect. hey kids, your job to harvest and carry it any time you see it.

      1. 100,000 years ago, improvised pharmaceuticals but pinch faced clucking moralist conSERRRRRRRVatists are having none of it.

  2. too bad for you Canaduh that was his big gnat see foot in the door. too bad for you, you 4ced my hand.

  3. Can the leaders of the public service unions be reached for their comments on the Sh*t House Wars? Or, are they still busy battling the Spy Bots?

  4. the TDSB has a racism policy, a no religion by LGBTQWERTY+ policy, and wastes lots of money.

    1. They do have a racism policy. They support HAMAS and want to kill off Jews worldwide.

  5. All three men who think its ok for their wife, sister, daughter or mother to share a public toilet with mentally/emotionally disturbed dudes with tits, need to be horse-whipped.
    Woman – and there are a lot of them – who are ok with it need to be shipped to and enslaved in some Islamic shithole country (redundant, I know).

    1. Bluddy
      TurD’Ho will piss off a lot of muslims with this nonsense, and they won’t vote for him, or the NDP enablers. You need to learn to think a bit once in awhile.

      1. Identity politics only works when its practitioners work with very few identities, and this generally doesn’t work for that long because those identities grow stale and need to be replaced by more identities. Too many balls end up in the air and it comes crashing down. This is one reason why diverse countries do better than homogeneous ones. Diversity sabotages identity politics.
