39 Replies to “For The Crime of Heresy”

    1. Wexit? It was Saskatchewan’s provincially approved professional body that convicted him of heresy.

      The doctor will likely leave Canada and work in the USA. Saskatchewan want his type. SK, green on the outside, red inside.

      1. All the “provincially approved professional bodies” are beholden to “Health” Canada and they all sing from the same songbook. As it is now, ALL of those “bodies” are doing everything they can to cover their asses for the piss poor advice they puked up during the pandemic.

    2. Not with the number of people I still see in Saskatoon wearing masks. Western cities are just as fallen as those in the east.

    3. too late, dreamer.
      wexit took an exit before its window of a chance.
      and I say so with bitterness.

  1. When I was growing up, ‘peer pressure’ was referred negatively. Today, everything is stupid.

  2. I suppose I don’t have a dog in this fight. I don’t take medication (or I should say, I have not had the necessity to take any prescription medication). I think the last time I did I was 10 years old and needed a local anesthetic to get 80 stitches in my knee when I fell off my bike. Other than that, I prefer the “weathering the storm” approach to illness, and solidifying natural immunity. That is, somewhat, immaterial since I haven’t had so much as a cold since early elementary school days.

    I know this isn’t the norm. But, it’s my reality. So, when I see an institute like the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan issuing a specific memo stating not to use Ivermectin to treat Covid while simultaneously stating the only valid treatment is the “vaccine”, I question their motives (regardless as to whether studies back up the position). Ivermectin isn’t going to kill you. In fact, it likely isn’t going to effect you at all in any significant fashion. Shutting it down, and backing it up with suspensions of licensees seems counterproductive. It is especially so when the advancement of medical treatment is dependent upon innovative applications. Add to that my cynicism towards medical experts these days (brought on by their own actions), and their lack of credibility assures that such pronouncements carry little weight with me.

    1. Orson, that is my reality, too, brother.
      Thanks for articulating it so well.
      PS I fell off my bike, too. Walk it off!

    2. You do have a dog in this fight if a medical treatment is mandated that you do not wish to take.

    3. “I question their motives (regardless as to whether studies back up the position). Ivermectin isn’t going to kill you. In fact, it likely isn’t going to effect you at all in any significant fashion. Shutting it down, and backing it up with suspensions of licensees seems counterproductive.”

      Their motives seem to be mostly financial in nature, don’t they? I understand that the professional organizations for both doctors *and* pharmacists done their very best to make prescribing Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine all but impossible. I believe that is at the request of the government, who are doing it on behalf of Big Pharma…because apparently an ’emergency authorization’ could not be allowed if there were a viable alternative treatment. The government now has good reason not to allow what are basically pretty harmless (and award-winning) drugs from being provided, because what if enough evidence is finally accumulated to show that they DO actually work as alleged? Plus, I suppose that a case can be made for the idea that if you decide to take either of these two drugs then you will clearly not be accepting the ‘vaccine’, will you?…and that’s money right out of their pocket.

      (I still wonder how much our government pays for a single dose of the mRNA jab…anyone?)

      1. I don’t know how many Fouchi Ouchies jabs can be drawn out of those little vials of mRNA, but those vials cost $3000.00 each!
        A 72 hour supply of Ivermectin tablets cost $4.75! That’s why India sent people home with a supply of Ivermectin tablets enough for the whole family!

        instead , we were told to check back in 14 days if our lips turned blue, we would be hospitalized on a ventilator. didn’t make sense to me what the program we were given, so I opted not going for mRNA jab.
        and suddenly I was treated like a ‘Leper’ by people I had always been friendly with

    4. “… seems counterproductive …”

      That depends on what you think they want to get out of this action. If they want the doctors to toe the line and stifle their contrary beliefs and opinions, this action is productive.
      The job of running the health care system is about the system before the health care.

  3. The “professional” body that maintains its provincially-granted monopoly on the right to practice medicine suspends a doctor who “did no harm” but “herded” its sheep. oops I mean “professionals” who encouraged their patients to take experimental Mrna injections with a higher risk than benefit ratio that are not safe nor effective. Professional bodies are under the thumb of the state and are therefore just another captured institution.

    1. The prov gov appoints a good number of the council of the ‘professional body’ which given the elected members will be split politically means that the prov gov (aka Moe in SK) controls it. They are by construction captured by the state. CPSS is an organ of Moe and Moe is punishing this doctor for not following his orders. Moe was a totalitarian during the 2020-2022 period. Never forget it. Moe wears the same stench as Kenney and Ford and Pallister; two gone, two more to go.

  4. I might have been in this Doctor’s corner until I read his prescribed use of cannabinoids. Sorry. Weed is not medicine, any more than Magic mushrooms are medicine.

    1. Like hey man. Like what are you like, talking about man? Of course it’s a medicine. Like even our prime mincer realized that. Like, I don’t know where he’d be without it.

    2. gotta disagree with that k, thc is a complex molecule that definitely has effects of one’s brain functiona nd mood and level of aches and pains.

      google ‘cannabis and epilepsy’. like *any* pharmaceutical its not for everyone and some side effects vastly outweigh benefits.

      but l dont ‘get’ how SOOOOO many drugs originate in plants in nature, just like weed but out of thousands (millions of prescr drugs eh?) why is it pot is singled out as unacceptable? how does that work? is that the ‘stigma’ thing?? kinda like heroin at one point was the utter LAST resort for seriously ill terminal cancer patients, but harumph harumph “we’re not prescribing an illegal substance to the patient they might get addicted”.

      ya. for the last 2 weeks of their life or something?

      also pls cite the research that showed time and again the stuff is a dud.

    3. If you boil willow bark, you get a solution of salicylic acid. It’s great for numbing pain, but will also make your stomach bleed. Wash it with acetic anhydride and you get acetylsalicylic acid – aspirin, which has all of the painkilling effects without the stomach ulcers.

      There’s lots of valid uses for cannbinoids and psilocybin. Those don’t go away just because some people are dumb enough to chew willow bark.

      1. Yet whenever anyone mentions medicinal plants … they always endorse how the “native peoples” used them “naturally”. There’s never a mention of leaching the harmful substances out of the plants.

        Knee jerk “medicinal plants are goooood Mmmkay” … is ignorance on steroids. “Natural” steroids, of course.

  5. Screw the ivermectin – hang this guy for the crows for his overbilling! If y’all done read to the end of the article, you’d see this –

    In March of 2016, he admitted he was guilty of unprofessional conduct relating to his excessively billing the Saskatchewan health-care system.

    For that, he was fined $5,000 and ordered to pay costs associated with the investigation and hearing, in the amount of $11,425.82. He was also required to take an ethics program and a records keeping course. That was all in addition to an order that he repay $119,867.06 relating to inappropriate billing.

    Overbilled and he has to take a records keeping course to learn how to hide it going forward!

    1. Yah Lick, he over billed, but was acting better as a doctor than those who made over $200,000. pushing the dealt VAX shit. Not very bright today are we?

        1. I don’t know, I’ve seen more impressive ad hominems.

          Beg your pardon, I’ve seen more impressive ad hominems, shitbox. Sorry, what was I thinking there.

    2. True, he’s no Angel, but the fact remains that he was suspended for prescribing IVM. His previous history notwithstanding.

  6. Off label use of a drug administered billions of times and received a Nobel prize is now a crime.

    1. While off label use of puberty blocking drugs (which are only approved in smaller doses for delaying, not stopping, precocious puberty) given to minor children whose Munchausen mothers have convinced them they are the wrong gender is not just fine, but celebrated.

      1. Diabetics had difficulty getting Ozempic because it was being prescribed to non-diabetics as some miracle weight loss drug. Not holding my breath waiting for those doctors to be censured.

          1. “Seems to me the Blue Pill wasn’t originally designed to treat Limp Bizkits …”

            Heart medication, wasn’t it?

  7. It looks like he was guilty of over billing which is a serious no-no. But the initial charges against him (over a year ago) were for ivermectin prescribing.
    Speculation: “Only after they had him dead to rights on the more serious charge, did they tell him to plead guilty for a slap on the wrist for everything or the CPSS will come down on him like a ton of bricks if he fought any part of it.”

  8. Tyrants always find unlikable people to attack and bring about bad law they can use on the masses.
    Find a person who says things that don’t conform to conventional wisdom or historical understanding and bingo…put limits on “free” speech.

    Here…find a flawed unlikeable doctor and make an example out of him.

  9. If Ivermectin is viewed as a life saving drug for this, starting in 2025, it remains that the drug was used against the College of Physician’s advice at the time. I know it’s not right and am NOT advocating for the college, but the college is simply following the rules laid out.

    It’s similar to the folks who hid Anne Frank, they were breaking the law, and after the war had the property taken from them as they hadn’t been paying taxes on it for the previous few years.
    “that’ll teach ’em”

    I feel it would be worthwhile to keep this sort of governance of any of the professional oversight committees in mind when any of our various overseers are asking for money, benefits, or even more comfortable working conditions. Note as well, all the necessary gov’t overseers will participate in having this Dr. pay the fines, including the provincial courts and it’ll be with their blessing that they’d do it again to any Dr. falling out of line.

    I especially enjoyed the part of the article mentioning the Dr. having to. take an ethics course. A gov’t ethics course? lol..

  10. I’m reliably told it was horse paste.

    Can you imagine losing your career for listening to Joe Rogan, the guy has taken more punches than the time clock at the post office.

  11. Ivermectin is an effective medicine. It has helped millions of people world wide for over 50 years. The stupid people in government in canada want to destroy the lives of people who could be helped by Ivermectin. Sadly it cannot cure stupidity.

    1. I agree Ivermectin has shown some positive results in Australia –Dr.Cambell
