40 Replies to “Another One Of Justin’s Lies”

  1. That was 2 lies

    1. 2 billion trees to be planted.

    2. That there was a plan or intention to plant them.

  2. To me the 1st sentence is even more mind-boggling. A circular A=A statement, Kamala style:

    “The 2 Billion Trees program will plant the majority of trees toward the Gov of Canada’s commitment to plant 2 billion trees.”

  3. Assume that the all governments lie and you will be closer to understanding reality. The moral code of Canada is gone and has been replaced by anything goes as long as you don’t get caught. And it will be extremely difficult to get it back because we are importing cultures that will not allow Christianity to attain a foothold, like Islam, for instance, that actively preaches death for anyone not Muslim.

    1. Yep. Politicians in general are not honest people. But, the Trudeau Era has been particularly awful and this is probably why:

      “It’s common knowledge that manipulative personalities tend to engage in a great deal of pathological lying and deceit. In fact, compulsive lying is associated with narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders – likely connected to the lack of empathy and propensity for exploitative behavior inherent in these disorders (Ford, King & Hollender, 1988; Baskin-Sommers, Krusemark, & Ronningstam, 2014).

      How do they get away with their lies? Covert wolves in sheep’s clothing build a very convincing, charismatic false mask for society and often have a great deal of “social proof” in the form of enabling supporters who believe in their facade. They lead double lives and engage in con artistry under the radar, often going unnoticed for years.”

      Unfortunately, Trudeau’s enablers in places like Toronto, Quebec and Atlantic Canada are kinda slow learners so the rest of Canada has been stuck with this narcissistic federal government far longer than we should have had to endure.

  4. There are 318 billion trees in Canada.

    The “plan” to plant 2 billion more is thus idiotic.

    1. Judging by the millions that pop up like weeds on our acreage, our Creator God must be laughing at Trudeau’s silly boasting.

    1. For a few years back in the 1970s, I planted well over a hundred thousand trees all over BC.
      I got to see some amazing remote places, got in great shape, and made good coin for those days.
      It was hard work, and tree camps were pretty basic, but it sure built character and resilience.
      I have seen a few places we planted and was gratified to see stands of mature trees.

      1. Same club, and yes we sure saw some beautiful places: Knight Inlet, Loughborough Inlet, Queen Charlottes, north Vancouver Island, and as you say, the money was pretty good for the time.
        I later was hired by the BCFS as a forestry tech., and in the late ’70’s we were planting about 60 million trees per year. Apparently B.C. now plants about 200 million per year.
        Everyone out West knew the promise to plant 2 billion trees was just another cynical photo-op by Trudeau, with no program in place or established to carry out the phony promise.
        I suppose to big city residents though, the figure must have seemed amazing! Greens probably swooned when he announced it.

        1. I saw those places, Don. Thanks for the memories.
          I am still hanging, after 40 years, with my old tree planting boss these days, and we laugh at what a goof Turd is, who knows nothing about the sylviculture industry out here, as you outlined.
          My boss’s company did millions per year as just one contractor.
          Turd wouldn’t have lasted a week back in the day, despite his ability to “roll up his sleeves.”

  5. How is that not fraud, the public service should be held accountable for pushing the Justine regime’s lies.

  6. It’s hard not to come to the conclusion that all these “programs” are set up as grafting mechanisms for friends of the government.

    1. I agree, as an owner of 7 homes over the last 42 years, I have planted more trees and shrubs than Justin ever will.

  7. I watched a Facepalm Reel this weekend ( – and how’s THAT for an authoritative, “not-disinformation” source? – ) in which the guy asked “Why’re Canadians paying a carbon tax?”

    The respondent comes back with ‘Net Zero’ ( – rehearsed, anybody? – ) to which the presenter runs-through how much CO2 a billion trees consume, and follows-on with how many tens of billions of trees Canada has, ending by pointing-out that Canadian trees take several-times the country’s CO2 emissions out of the atmosphere, and that Canada is ‘WAAAY above-and-beyond ‘Net Zero’ already.

    I was shocked – honest… -_- And remember, Climate Barbie (and Hans Gruber) are ADAMANT that global warming is happening faster in Canada than anywhere else. Just ask them.

    1. During the “negotiations” for the Kyoto protocol, the Liberal government argued that trees don’t count against peoples emissions.

      1. – And the Global Warming Alarmists likely still insist that Hydroelectricity is not “renewable”… #SMH

  8. Yup, the peoplekind’s lisping choice started the rush to ruin back in 2015. But the irreversible point was reached when ALL sitting MPs supported the enactment of freedom suppressions that dealt the death blow to our already shaky economy.

  9. Thinking….
    Anyone that ever thought that this bullshit was actual goal, deserves the government that is.
    The majority of the rest are, for lack of better term, the victims of that minority.

    Only in Canada, you say?

  10. 2 Billion sounds like a “big number” … only someone who TRULY cares would plant such a great number of trees.

    Sounds like 90% of Canadians would never check to see how many trees are actually in Canada, nor consider how many trees are cut down each year to build “your stuff”

    How many trees are needed to build those 500k houses? well not very many at the current construction rate, sorry!

    Slogans. That’s what the next election campaign needs… let the people eat slogans!
    How large will the number be of whatevers is the #Libranos “big sale” in the next campaign?
    Will it be a trillion? Will it be a google? Well the only one to go larger is the googolplex!

    1. I think in the next Canadian election the Trudeau Liberal-NDP party will be mostly focussed on negative campaigning. They can’t very well run on their political record since forming government in 2015 because they failed on almost every promise in their electoral platform – balanced budgets/fiscal responsibility, electoral reform, poverty reduction, transparency and accountability, helping the middle class, etc. Instead we have crushing inflation, a very unpopular carbon tax, lower standard of living, a housing crisis, food affordability problems, higher violent crime, worst GDP per capita numbers in my lifetime plus intentionally provoked social, religious and regional divisions.

      The LPC-NDP party will use every dirty trick in book to go after Pierre and CPC candidates. My inner cynic thinks that the hard push by media for Pierre to get a top secret security clearance to see the foreign interference documents was part of the plan : CPC leader views the documents, names of MPs collaborating with foreign governments gets “leaked”, Pierre gets blamed, RCMP charge him and he gets taken out of play by legal maneuvers.

  11. Yes, the two billion trees is BS. And so is the 3 million homes by 2030. And so is the end of ICE vehicles by 2035. And so is the aid for Ukraine. And so are those electric car battery plants. And so is the F-35, the navy ships, the ice-breakers, on and on.

    Face it. They’re stealing the money. They’re just plain stealing it.

    1. Institutional looting of the public and private treasury. Communists doing what communists do best … TAKE other people’s things

  12. l would settle for either the 2,000,000,000 trees are planted or
    the TURDeau gets ‘jfk’ed’ and *he* gets ‘planted’

  13. The Spawn, likely without consulting anyone who knew anything about the realities of planting 2 billion trees incremental to the forest industry, urban and agri-programs, pulled the number out of his Singh-hole and then eventually discovered reality much like all of his life experiences. It will get lost in accounting and verification will be difficult and moot as the national vandalism continues in all other directions. The “leaked” lie was likely Katie’s way of covering his Singh-hole.

  14. We only need a few million trees.
    To hang every single Liberal/NDP voter.
    Rope is cheap.
    Knots are free.

  15. Ain’t Kleptocracy grand?
    All lies .
    All the time.
    What can you expect from government by bandits,for the benefit of said bandits?
    See,it ain’t Treason,it ain’t theft and its not “bad for the State”,not when the bandits write laws,legalizing their theft,destruction and lies..
    And lies are all they ever had.

  16. Who is going to count them and they grow like weeds anyway.. And they cant even pull that off.. LOSERS..
