34 Replies to ““Canada is like a 3-star hotel charging 5-star rates””

  1. I’ve personally thought of moving to a Central American country but don’t want to give up here. Am I wrong?

    1. Yes. Canada is effed. Like the blue states in the US. Massive unfunded entitlements cannot be unwound quickly, and that is the house of cards we live in. California, Illinois and New York are the same in the US, which is why the US will ultimately shatter. People in solvent red states will not have their wealth confiscated to pay corrupt public union pensions in California.

      Canada is one slightly bigger New York, the Federal government being a large offender, but Ontario and Quebec are not far behind. Canada will not shatter, however, as a set of intact nuts in Canada are scarcer than at a squirrel convention. Leave, or accept an impoverished future.

    2. I’m headed out at the end of the year. I have my pensionado visa to live in Panama at 1/3 of what I do here even accounting for US exchange. Medical is top notch, standard and quality of living is great and lots of Cdn and US expats if I’m wanting some of my native culture.

  2. Thanks but I’m stuck here.

    Like being in the 1923 Shining (further back neither Jack nor Delbert).

        1. What is a “decent” job in Canada? The illusion that you have a good income, of which only half is confiscated for virtually no benefit? Half will grow to three quarters, then what? if you are of a certain age, I am, and rely not a whit on Government for income or service, you can stay if you like it. But when the bill comes due, what you like will not exist, then why are you here? For the weather?

          Your kids, whether having the illusion of a “decent” job or other, should get out while they can. Expect controls on leaving soon enough, or controls on your money leaving, which is similar. Anyone who thinks that can’t or won’t happen has already forgotten Covid, and deserves their fate.

          1. My income is invested in Canada. Too old to bother moving as long as I can get back to the sun for part of the winter. Stayed home during the covid fraud, there were just too many morons out there. Starting back again.

      1. Ditto…..I haven’t done a country count but I figure I’ve lived/worked in, visited, been through, set foot in, around 85 countries. We still like to travel, but at my age, (with a naturally finite life expectancy), I recently said that I’m no longer saying I’m going somewhere until I’ve already come back from there.

        Yesterday, (and this is but one example), we looked at a vid on Tbilisi as a trip prospect….Tbilisi! Went wow…..and here Trudope is handing out our money like bird seed for pigeons!

  3. This is not new. Canada has a large immigration rate, but as an Australian once explained: “Yours leave. Ours stay.”

    Anyway, Canada’s GDP per capita is about 2/3 of the US. And Quebec GDP per capita is half Alberta. But then, PEI has the lowest GDP per capita; and NWT the highest. I know where I’d prefer to live.

  4. Capital flight
    It’s a short, easily understood concept.
    Will find out if it’s sink in yet after the ballots are counted when the polls close tonight in St Paul’s.
    Or not

  5. I got out in 1992 because I fell in love with a Spanish girl, who I ended up marrying. Canada wasn’t all that bad then except for the ingrained anti-Americanism. Since then, besides going back to visit family and friends every second year or so, I’ve been keeping an eye on things there from a distance. Things decidedly took a major turn for the worst following the election of Justin Castreau.

  6. People aren’t leaving Canada, they’re leaving the world’s first post-national disaster.

  7. In the rural areas stagnation may be setting in. Land base consolidation using cheap money from 3rd parties is riskier with Prime at 5 rather than 2. Zoning regulations make it impossible to hive off a small acreage to entice families to move out of the cities and help sustain the rural business economy and social institutions (school, hospital). This could just be my neck of the woods

  8. I got to know writer Willim Watson during graduate-economics school during the 1980s. He has a sharp wit as well as an encyclopedic knowledge of pro sports. Anyways during a Friday evening drink-up, among the teaching crew at a local Kingston bar — discussing some policy issue emanating from Ottawa — Watson blurted out this: “Canada is the Canadian Football League”.

    Apologies to CFL fans.

  9. I think the civil unrest will begin with the illegal aliens who realize that they’ve been lied to. We’ve seen it in the EU. In the US we’ve seen it in NY and Chicago. The Left is purposely bankrupting the West to equalize the living standards with 2nd and 3rd world countries.

  10. This fellow is also propagating the myth that we need eternal immigration in order to shore up an economy.

    We do not. Countries have populations that shink and grow naturally and they are just fine.

    Who do you think needs an endless stream of cheap labour and consumers?

    It isn’t us, that’s for sure.

    1. The only people that need eternal immigration, is the government and it’s insatiable maw for taxes.

  11. The vast majority can’t leave. But you can create a bubble for you and your family. Make it safe, fun and prosperous.

  12. I worry for my (now adult) kids and their families. Both are well educated (as are their spouses), but unfortunately with professions that does not necessarily travel well (at least not outside the Canada/UK/AU/NZ countries – which are all going down the drain, it seems).
    (My wife and I are lucky enough to have lived in many places, at the moment in one of the areas nomadcapitalist is talking about.)

  13. Canuckistan is total dumpster fire. The turd has wasted all of its wealth so the next generation gets to pay all they make in taxes. Gotta pay for the war and the battery plants somehow. Nobody has invested in the true private sector for years now. All investment has been directed at real estate speculation hoping to catch an inflationary wave. Health care is in ruins after the scamdemic.

  14. Lemme say this about that.

    This place, Canada is on a slide down hill, in spite of that, the life here is better than 97.5% of the rest of the world, for now.
    That being said, the downhill race is accelerating with the allowed invasion from the shitholes of the world.
    If that crowd got hold of themselves and worked all 100% of them, things may improve. Though a lot as in a lot of those from the south of Europe, across Mediterranean just wander the streets without aim, collecting the freebies as they live, not knowing what to do.
    It is not the way of those that came here in earlier times and built the country into the 2 highest standard of living in the entire world.
    Since the socialist/fascist clique of politicians and mass media cartel, took over, the unfortunate country ‘been sinking and dropping one rung at a time.

    1. 97.5% implies there are only about 4 countries better. Can you advise your opinion what those are? I can think of 10 without any effort, and I haven’t been everywhere, not even close.

  15. Yup, the peoplekind’s lisping choice started the rush to ruin back in 2015. But the irreversible point was reached when ALL sitting MPs supported the enactment of freedom suppressions that dealt the death blow to our already shaky economy.

  16. The peoplekind’s rush to ruin started with the pig Trudeau Sr., but was forestalled by Chretien then Harper to a degree. The wretched spawn of the pig completed the Marxist job, and did so irreveocably. This cannot be saved by supply side any longer, and i doubt the US can either, but there is a slim hope. Canada is done. Over. MAID it, then bury the corpse.

  17. I began researching the possibility of fleeing when the Liberal commie bastards invoked War Measures and froze bank accounts. But all my grandchildren live in Canada. So here we stay and hope for better days to come.

  18. I left New Zealand for Canada 48yrs back, Canada was a great country then but after two trudeaus Canada is the same as NZ was almost 50 years ago.
    Trudeau and son justin castro have destroyed a once great country.
