33 Replies to “Deep Impact”

  1. Ya know… with some momentum there’s a chance it could be $0.01 by August, by which point it may be worth more in buildings and equipment than share earnings potential. Just like the New York Times actually!

    The #Libranos could save them by calling an election and flooding their airwaves with how great things are?
    /possible sarc!
    I only wish it was the CTV this was happening to


    Go to “5 years” and tell me how helpful the #Libranos are…

    1. True, but, that would mean BCE and all its business divisions, aside from the embarassment of CTV would be on deaths Door. As much as I despise CTV, if BCE was going down, many, many other blue chip Canajun stocks would also be in dire trouble. Not gonna happen.

  2. Heh, take a look at the 3 pillars of Corus Entertainment’s Sustainability Report. The irony is amusing. I think they, likely, raised more in charitable funds than they created in revenue (I’m talking gross…not net).

    New Motto: “Our stock may be lower than Peter Dinklage on a futon, but 48% of our employees have breasts, 21% aren’t from around here, and we give to over 500 charities without making a profit in our business. We rock!!!”

  3. How much of that is because they have to pay Han Dong a bunch of money for accusing him of being a “chinese agent” without sufficient proof or documentation?

  4. They could turn it around overnight if they chose to report truthfully and honestly.

    1. But then they would lose their federal support payments and most likely their CRA ‘journalism’ credentials.

      At a penny, maybe Rebel will buy them out.

  5. As a former employee it does my heart good to see this. Many other former employees of the AM/FM small market outfit feel the same, with one several days ago reminiscing the good ol’ days when Corus stock was $20 a share. The Qlowns at Corus Quay went on a downsizing spree until they discovered they were the remaining staff and there were still too many on staff.
    Good riddance = Bad rubbish

  6. Going the same way a degree in “education” would go if there were school choice or a voucher system.

  7. I dunno. When I had cable I stopped watching Global and CBC and CTV. When I spend time in a hotel room I don’t turn on the TV. I think they are still on the air with their radio chatter but I couldn’t tell you since I prefer to listen to Country Music.

    1. “you are a total effing idiot and are as stupid as 99% of the regulars who post

      Stay back folks. McCabe’s loaded, and has a keyboard.

  8. Idiot. You can’t see the connection between quality of content and losing subscribers.

    1. Yes. People cut their cords because they love the content that they get through it.
      You are as dumb as a stump.

  9. I dunno. When I had cable I stopped watching Global and CBC and CTV. When I spend time in a hotel room I don’t turn on the TV. I think they are still on the air with their radio chatter but I couldn’t tell you since I prefer to listen to Country Music.

  10. I sort of agree, and sort of don’t.
    As one who spends a fair amount of time behind the wheel, I used to listen to talk in order to keep a finger on how others felt about issues. In March 2020, I turned of all radio, because it was wall to wall propaganda and “stay safe” brainwashing. Around the same time podcasts either came into their own or I just happened to discover them.
    Now I could not care less if my vehicle has a radio. Either way, they shot themselves in the foot.

  11. ATT UVerse eliminated OAN News … so I eliminated ATT. It seriously makes me feel good … still … after all these years. Fkcu-em … right up their gaping sphincters

  12. The propaganda sucks.
    Those interested in the affairs of men are losing interest in what the ‘journalists’ have to say.
    They themselves, the ‘journalists’, are a mutual admiration society that is telling others that they are stupid and the ‘journalists’ know things.
    It is massively obvious that the ‘journalists’ are the least informed people in the country or, which one can’t discount, are purposely misrepresent, distort, omit and add to their spiel.
    When, for example on a radio yap, a person that know whereof he/she speaks, the ‘journalist’ is constantly diverting from it and puts hisself up as though he knows.
    More often then not one has to switch to, unfortunately CeeBeeCee fm where the classical music is on most of the morning and 3 hours in the afternoon, checking back and forth to hear what is being said by whom about what.
    The early morning duo are unlistenable so is not listened to. The yapper from Edmonton is bent on injuring the brains with his yap. The afternoon guy is pretty much even and one is able to listen.

    Don’t know what’s on CeeBeeCee or CeeTeeVee, never watch. Global is on by the spouse, hear it by chance.
    Most of the presenters are women, on the news now they dabble in sports. Don’t bloody care to listen to the Harpies.
    Some kind of chauvinist … eh?

  13. May I ask you why you are so rabid ?
    You don’t think many think people have turned away from the news?
    You certainly have a point, but there are also so many people seeing what’s going on, and they don’t see anyone having solutions.
    Not even talk show hosts scared to rock the boat.
    You can chomp at the bit all you like, hell I’ll even insult myself for you and say “the best part of me ran down my mothers leg.”
    But I must say …… just maybe the left leaning progs might just have their day, and bare witness to consequence of their own making. And just maybe deep down what’s good in you knows you where full of sht and it scares you ?

  14. McCabe, mostly I agree with you here. All of Corus’s assorted properties, particularly Global, have been shedding watchers and listeners for years. The disintegration started when it was Canwest Global before it went into bankruptcy about 2008. Corus was completely unable to halt the downward spiral. It could not survive the mountain of debt on its books incurred by bad acquisitions.

    The garbage about woke and editorial policy only came long after the company’s fate had already been determined. It’s been a walking zombie for at least a decade.

  15. That’s what you get for bowing down to talentless hacks and cancelling real talent.
    John Derringer is laughing his a$$ off.

  16. If you say so..
    I stopped buying their product because of their “Editorial Policy” years ago.
    I refuse to pay fools to lie to me,
    They chose that policy.
    So “Zero”?
    Sure ..you know every subscribers reasons.
    So sure of your short term wisdom,that you feel obliged to insult with “But you extreme right weirdo maga clowns “??
    There is a word for such as you.

  17. No discussion of the downfall of this shitty company would be complete without touching on the idiocy of Charles Adler.

  18. Hell, I’m still mourning the loss of the Morning Zoo and even a little bit of Mojo which wasn’t great but was more entertaining than just about anything else we could pickup on Northern Vancouver Island. We’d have an aftermarket car radio screwed into our excavator and run a couple of car aerials with wire wrapped around and over to the other aerial to pick up the signal and blast the volume while building logging roads. Now most newer rigs have satellite radio capacity built in and the hoe doesn’t look like you could hang laundry off of the cab! Good times, good times! Corus management could bugger up a night with a $1000@hour pavement princess I’ve come to the conclusion decades ago!

  19. Ha. Begs the question. Financial performance is the effect not the cause. It’s losing audience and thus revenue, requiring cost-cutting, with declining prospective profits and share price. So the question that matters to anyone other than accountants is what’s turning off people who formerly tuned in? We see a similar trend with CBC, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, Washington Post and NY Times.

  20. The simple fact is they are losing subscribers due to cord cutting because people don’t see the value in the product any more. There’s enough content on the internet to find endless news and entertainment without maintaining a cable subscription. If the content on the cable subscription was compelling, people wouldn’t be cutting the cord. But when 90% of your time watching news/entertainment is spent using Facebook, Netflix, YouTube, and Amazon Prime, the choice to get rid of cable is easy.

    1. Again, cord-cutting is an inadequate explanation as different news providers have been affected differently and the same trend has affected different types of non-cable media in lock step, such as the decline in WP readership (cross platform) and decline in Hollywood with its franchise-destroying woke-addled product (“by-product”, really) and even selective streaming (like Disney). Accurate identification of cause leads to prescient investment decisions, like selling Disney stock last year. 🙂

  21. Fox News has pretty close to half the cable news audience in the US. Everything news in Canada is pansexual pink panties promoting pinko policy. You would think that one network would separate itself from the pack and seek the audience on the right that everyone knows is there because they’ve been denigrating them for decades.
