6 Replies to “How It Started”

  1. Why would all the archives be scrubbed? Can’t afford the bandwidth? Sorry … too soon?

    Note to the brilliant MTV execs who decided that the M in MTV was old and tired, and needed refreshing? Enjoy your unemployment.

  2. Another comment lost for “forbidden words”.
    The internet is following along with this destruction.
    “We put the past onto Fuji,then erase it totally”.

  3. sooooooo basically 500 years from now if the orb isnt a radioactive nightmare, the historians will ponder the fact that the old paper and ink stuff and photos and drawings and cave markings etc STILL EXIST but the digital schtuff?

    all gone in original format.

    locked up and inaccessible in magnetic polarities so tiny at the molecular level.
    on a hard drive.
    buried in the rubble. etc etc

    how convenient!!! because ‘those in charge’ at that time can make the truth whatever they want it to be !!!

    aint technology wunnerful !!!
