75 Replies to “June 24, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. The Nazis weren’t an aberration in Germany. They were the norm. Human rights offend German sensibilities.

        1. How does it work then?
          If “46% of respondents indicated that they are unlikely or very unlikely to purchase an EV” then 54% had to have indicated they were likely or very likely to buy an ev again. Maybe ‘undecided’ was an option.
          Second question- why you always gotta be a dick?

          1. Typically a survey will give you following options:
            1. Ver likely.
            2. Likely.
            3. Undecided/don’t know.
            4. Unlikely.
            5. Very unlikely.
            6. Do not plan to buy another car.

            6. Is a niche answer, someone may be getting old, or their eyesight may be deteriorating or they are changing their lifestyle for whatever reason, or they have just inherited a car or something else (probably a very low probability of answer). But, as you have pointed out, you still have answer 3, and we have no idea what the value is there. For all we know it could single digit or it could be half the sample.

            As for your second question: not always, I just don’t like YW very much for reasons I will not be getting into here now.

          2. Yes Colon. Its clear that pretty much everything you say is motivated by some sort of pathology.
            You are psychotic.

    1. Does Saudi Arabia have no drones? Seems like you could wipe out a whole bunch of these Nazi’s with a single missile ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    1. Thanks for the two posts Ibrahim. It’s good to read opposing views, against the conservative narrative, from the CBC-Hamas point of wiew. What have traditional Western values given the world anyways? ):.

  1. Sometimes, the MSN (in this case CBC) write articles that remind you how biased they have become in their messaging – repeating the message over informing the reader.


    Here the message is that SUVs and trucks are not only bad for global warming, but they are unsafe. The evidence for this is both wrong and silly. For example, the perceived safety of SUVs which “is really at odds with the reality that SUVs are much more likely to be involved in fatal traffic accidents than cars” which is followed by “the risk of serious injury [in an accident] decreases by 25% for SUV passengers but increases by 20% for occupants of a car involved in an accident with an SUV.” Would that not be a 5% net reduction in harm?

    But the main theme of the article is that the auto industry is pushing consumers into heavier, higher priced vehicles with the subtle suggestion that maybe we need to be more regulated by the government on what we buy. This is ironic given the push by the government into heavier, more expensive EVs. A push that is causing the auto industry to bleed red ink.

    1. I don’t drive (I’m partially blind), but my wife and I decided all throughout our marriage to buy only SUVs, for safety reasons. The CBC of course partakes in quack journalism.

      1. I park my 2006 Chev HHR from November to April. It is my main vehicle for the rest of the year. My other is a 2015 GMC Terrain. Unless I need it to tow a trailer or go on a long road trip, it gets parked May-October.

        The HHR has a standard transmission, so it is ‘fun’ to drive compared to the Terrain.

    2. “But the main theme of the article is that the auto industry is pushing consumers into heavier, higher priced vehicles ”

      That would be the industry that was f#rced by the government to stop producing small pickup trucks.

    3. Every 21st century environmental disaster is the result of a government policy.
      EPA mandates on emissions dictate that large trucks are the only possible vehicle of that type it is legal to manufacture. Their rules are so absurd, so arcane that the manufacture (and achievement of the required emission levels) in a small pickup is impossible to achieve.

    1. As a Liberal I think he considers these to be historical parts of the palestinian lands.

        1. “Please think of it as an interactive map to teach kids our geography, or to start to learn more about these amazing places.”

          Maybe this map should be given to foreign-born MP-candidates. If they can’t find the errors without assistance, they are ineligible to run for or hold federal office.

  2. The Australian Senate had a hearing about excess mortality.
    It’s 6 hours long the most interesting part I found, at the 3:06 mark, was the report by Dr. Jeyanthi Kunadhasan about the covid vaccine trials. The trials reported 6 death, 2 in the vaccinated group and 4 in the unvaccinated but she found that there had been 11 death and 6 of them in the vaccinated group.

  3. Sooooooo, some in here just figuring out the COLON has mental problems, now that is phunny, as it’s been obvious for years. I stated before that I figure it may be a bi-polar issue, but STUPID also is in the running:-)))

    1. Well someone has to be trained to watch the CBC continuously to know the official number of “genders” the government says they are supposed to be treating that day.

  4. I am getting tired of the media pumping up the Toronto St Paul byelection as a close race. Canada338 has the polls with a 5 point Lib lead and a 75% probability of a Lib win. In the (expected) event of a Lib win I anticipate hearing that Trudeau has pulled victory from the jaws of defeat and is roaring back to take on Poilievre in the next election. Like reading the sports pages.


  5. Just walk the streets of any major Canadian cities and how many seriously mentally deranged people will you see?

    (NYC) Straphanger blinded by vagrant in random attack says she is grateful to be alive in statement read at sentencing

    38-year-old man killed, 2 others injured in broad-daylight stabbing on ‘out-of-control’ NYC street: cops
