12 Replies to “Madness”

  1. supporting biden is like the USA ramming the broom stick up its own arse.
    but, hey, thats the power of propaganda and the wilfully misled silent majority!!

    1. A friend, of 50+ years, has long espoused the theory that 80% of the population have below average intelligence……at one time I thought he exaggerated, now I’m thinking he underestimated.

      1. I woke up this morning in a foul mood but, then, I read your statement that “80% of the population have below average intelligence”; that put a smile on my face.

        In my opinion, though, you should have substituted the word “judgement” for “intelligence.” That would have been closer to the truth. Still, I take your point.

      2. It can only be 50%, by definition. That’s how averages work. And it’s a standard Gaussian distribution, so it doesn’t matter if you’re talking mean, median, or mode.

  2. I think all of these problems will be dealt with over time. It had to be this way, sometimes you can’t tell the people , you must show them. Each and every week more sleepy villagers in the US and around the world for that matter are waking up to the perils of Collectivism. There is pretty good circumstantial evidence that we have been watching a movie since Trump rode down the escalator 9 here ago (probably even before then). Even our own JT is probably a character in this movie, as he is wittingly or unwittingly waking people up. Things may have to get worse before Inauguration day in 2025, so have hope.

    1. Executing the Cloward-Piven strategy to its catastrophic conclusion.


      And what should really anger you is that all the self-labeled “true conservatives” led by Mitch McConnell signed on to everything Biden has done. Their passive inaction, while fighting against Trump and the American working people makes them complicit.

  3. I really like AG articles, but the volume of ads usually has me giving up reading them.

  4. Pierre Trudeau did much the same thing in Canada….and his (?) clown son is doing much the same thing. Takes a couple of generations to undo the damage done much like it takes a long time to repair a house that has had a bunch of irresponsible drunken teenagers holding a rave in their parents home when they are out of town.

    1. If Bezmenov was right – and he was right about everything else – we have already passed the point where anything can be done. Collapse, revolution and invasion is the only future.

  5. Not so.. They own the internet and the media.. Grifters will grift :).. What they have is politics and little else.. They will either run out of gas or the people will grow tired and move on.. Rolling around on your front lawn over global warming and transgenders has no legs..

    All things, come to pass..
