21 Replies to “The Lone Rangers”

    1. It’s Beers, Steers and Queers – RevCo.
      Did The Sun hire Sid to write for them?

  1. “What do the Rangers say about not hosing a Pride Night?”

    Toronto Sun seems to be saving money on copy editors.

      1. Well, I’m sure the Texas Rangers will be happy to blow the dust of Canada off their cowboy boots. They can “Take off eh, hosers!”

        Sorry – had to…

  2. Even Toronto’s Ripley’s Aquarium had a pride night, with drag queens for the kiddies.

    1. “I’m proud of The Rangers.”

      Me too. Disgusted by my hockey teams who immediately caved to the pressure instead of standing up and opposing this ridiculous coercion, though. PLAY SPORTS. It’s what we pay you for.

  3. Here’s a novel thought: Perhaps the sport of baseball has little to nothing to do with sexual orientation. The only application of “alphabet day” is to appeal to a specific fanbase and encourage them to see a game (and more importantly, pay to do so). However, the negative backlash of focusing on a group based only on sexual orientation (which used to be a personal and private idiosyncrasy of the individual) outweighed the financial benefit of this marketing move. So, no “Pride Day” for the Rangers. Common sense and financial competence…simple as that.

    Now….how do we get rid of those pink bats? I think we are all aware of breast cancer and aren’t rooting for it.

  4. Good for the Rangers. I love watching sports and am so tired of all the Pride and alphabet crap. A recent Blue Jays broadcast featured a couple of trannies dancing in the DJ area between innings. Enough already! Blue Jays broadcasts are bad enough without having to see that garbage as well.

  5. A recent Blue Jays broadcast featured a couple of trannies dancing in the DJ area between innings.


    Things that perplex me:
    1. If someone all of sudden decides they are the opposite sex…why, exactly, does their appearance change? Different clothes, different hairstyle, application of facial make-up etc. Why wouldn’t they show the appearance they always did in the past? Afterall, it is an internal calling is it not…not an overt one unless the individual feels the necessity to proclaim it to the rest of the world.

    2. Why would the dancing “trannies” at a Jays game require acknowledgement? If this is normal behavior, why mention anything about it at all? It’s disturbingly close to animal displays at the Zoo where people take it in based on the uniqueness of the animal in question. The difference is that, at the zoo, the animal doesn’t necessarily appreciate all the attention.

    1. Well Orson, why do bible pounders always try pushing their Bullschiff on others?

      See how that works?


      1. Perhaps because they don’t have protection provided by the authorities, bible pounders are braver in their convictions and suffer derision received from the unspiritual. Also they have read Genesis 19.

      2. Very often, Christians preach the faith because they see in front of them a worthless and contemptible thing, and recognize in it the humanity that they share with Christ.

  6. I was asked in the local LCBO at the cash if I wanted to make a donation to Pride. Out of respect to the poor man who had to ask me, I simply said NO, rather than launch into a tirade.
