With God As My Witness, I Swear, -PAPER- Was Going To Kill Us All

Blacklocks- Feared Paper Carried Germs

The Public Health Agency in an in-house memo says it introduced the $59.5 million ArriveCan app because it feared ordinary Customs forms were infected with Covid. The Agency’s own doctors at the time said there was no evidence paper spread the coronavirus.

Public Health Agency doctors never claimed Covid-19 was transmissible by paper. “I am not quite sure what the risk would be,” Dr. Howard Njoo, deputy chief public health officer, told reporters March 23, 2020. “The risk is not really out there. There should be no chance of interaction.”

Managers have never identified the source of their paper germ theory.

21 Replies to “With God As My Witness, I Swear, -PAPER- Was Going To Kill Us All”

  1. I distinctly remember MIT “scientists” tested and proved that the COVID virus could live on hard surfaces for days, if not weeks. My common sense told me that was utter garbage … but the media called me ignorant for not “believing in science”

      1. The government issued their ORDERS … and colleges “certified” the politicians orders. And the media broadcast their “findings”. And dissenters were mocked. They ALL lied, and people died.

  2. That’s why I refused to wear a mask. I was afraid that it was saturated in the Covid virus. Heh, ok, that’s not true. But, a vast majority of face masks were manufactured in China. And, who’s to say if the 10 year old that spent 16 hours a day doing the packaging of the masks might have slipped up.

    1. I wondered why my mask smelled funny until i saw them being made out of used tyvek painting suits on a dirt floor in India.

      Also, mice and rats love to make nests in pallets of face masks.

  3. Our locked down libraries “quarantined” returned materials before they could be borrowed again because, you know, we might catch Covid from a book. What a crap show that was.

  4. Well, that’s how monkey-pox is spread: paper. Toilet paper …. right?

    Has to be. Because we were ALL susceptible. And there were little hints that just maybe, possibly, it had something to do with the back hole.

    Not turdo … the other back hole.

    Okay, maybe turdo.

    1. You’re wrong about that…
      Turdo is a front hole.
      Not the naturally occurring sort either. He’s the surgically engineered poop-smelling sort that’s completely useless.

  5. This sort of dementia is only possible because of a thoroughly badly educated general public. This simply confirms that people can no longer separate reality from the most erratic superstition.

    Either that or they are lying through their teeth.

    1. Ignorance starts in the home environment: if parents can’t detect bullshit, then they can’t be expected to pass the ability to do so on. I’ve got this theory that the culprit to the on-going demise of the Western World is the death of curiosity. I started teaching in community colleges back in 1998 and I was immediately astounded at the lack of desire of a depressingly large portion of students to literally turn the page(s) to go beyond what was absolutely necessary. “Do you think this is good enough, Sir ” almost outnumbered “I couldn’t find anything on the net.”

      It’s the Death of Curiosity that has killed us. No one turns over a stone anymore to see what crawls out from underneath. Nobody questions. It is the inevitable result of poor parenting.

      1. Generally I agree with you here. I have two siblings in the education industry and both would agree with your “death of curiosity” view.

        However, it’s more than just poor parenting. It’s also about the inability to use technology responsibly or usefully. Far too many young people find all they need via their mobile phones (including walking out obliviously into traffic). Information no longer has to be worked for any more; it’s easy and available on almost any topic simply by looking up wikipedia or doing a Google search.

        1. – And please, PLEASE!!!, let’s not forget to factor-in “the complete lack of being able to believe or trust ANYTHING we see or hear anymore…” to that mixture. And this is only going to get worse as AI gains abilities in manufacturing visual evidence.

          I fast-forward a comment I saw on teh interwebz after the Titanic movie came out; a girl gassing to her friends – “And my stupid brother said Titanic was a real boat – whatta dumb@$$!!!” As a lifelong sufferer of perverse Titanic-fascination syndrome, I shamefacedly confess that if I’d known about it (and had the money), I’d’ve likely been aboard the Titan when it imploded, so her comment rankled with me…

  6. Why not.. Lets pretend to cure the common cold.. Impose a police state and run off with 100 million dollars.. Hero’s, every last one of them..

  7. I was on vacation in the Caribbean in March 2020, and had to return early on March 18, as the borders were being closed. At Pearson airport they had us packed in close like cattle, and we all had to us the same touchscreens that thousands of others had already used.

  8. I remember stories of people spraying down their groceries with Lysol and wiping everything before bringing them indoors.

    What a useless exercise that was

  9. Even with the useless arrivecan app, you still had to use the kiosks to get the printout to hand to the bored border agent, while packed in tight.

  10. The Covid Stalinism was a period of time when we discovered that all the adults in charge had left the building long ago and all the sophomoric authoritarians took charge of leviathan to test how close to cattle they could treat citizens.

  11. This “Managers have never identified the source of their paper germ theory.”
    So who wrote the memo?
    Guess they don’t know that either.
    Dread Covid Theatre showed us all.


    The norm state for Government Expert.
    With a frightened and gullible political class and a “Go along to get along” public.
    We became The State of Thuggery.

    And to think those poor bastards went overseas to fight the NASty’s..
    While they were hiding amongst us all along.
    And no “Election” is going to restore your rights or freedoms..
    You have none,in the eyes of The State.

    And when you seek to identify those responsible?
    No one knows.
    No one .

    1. Some people are finally realizing what I and others knew from the start of the fraud.
