Capital gains, Weyburn wind and oilsands

Quick Dick McDick takes on Trudeau’s capital gains tax changes.

Saskatchewan government to back Indigenous investment into Weyburn wind project.


Alberta regulator projects 17 per cent growth in oilsands production by 2033

5 Replies to “Capital gains, Weyburn wind and oilsands”

  1. So, “they” are going to throw more money at useless wind projects by what, making sure indians don’t lose money they got for nothing, on useless investments that will produce nothing? What a great country. s/

  2. I know a subcontractor that got screwed royally from one of those native bands for a couple months work they did on a bunch of homes on a reserve. The money that was supposedly allocated by the Gov’t for the work disappeared leaving nothing to pay the subs. I understand the Band was able to get their hands on the Gov’t money and had no intention to honor their obligations. THIS. Is what I expect will happen here. Just another swack of cash to drain off and leave some unfortunates holding their empty bag. No honor among thieves.

  3. Funny of the day: “When the 20 wind turbines that constitute just one small 100-MW wind farm wear out, decommissioning and trashing them will lead to fourfold more nonre-cyclable plastic trash than all the world’s (recyclable) plastic straws combined.”
