15 Replies to “DEI The Friendly Skies”

  1. I’m starting to feel as though this all has been caused by sabotage. Perhaps all the bean-counting and cost-cutting has pissed off the UNIONISTAs … so there has been strategic sabotage committed by workers who hate being told to work quicker and more efficiently. I don’t put it past communists to murder passengers to make a point

    1. Unlikely. This is most probably the result of DEI requiring the hiring of people less qualified to perform a job because of DEI hiring requirements. After all, DEI required that people be hired on a quota system of what they look like rather than what they know or are skilled at.

      Never attribute to malice what can be explained by sheer incompetence.

      1. ah yes, the drunken s.o.b. who ‘polgizzzzed profusely and got a pass because oh, harumph harumph woulda coulda made CONservatist mikey ‘six toes’ harris look bad for firing the inspectors and ‘balasing da boodjet’

  2. 9 out of 10 passengers who suffocate reduce their carbon emissions.

  3. I met a fellow who was a Boeing QC guy looking at the wing spars of a Boeing model. A number of spars came in below standard so he removed them from the production line. He went on holidays a week later and when he came back all the spars were gone. He asked what happened and was informed that his ‘replacement’ had passed all the spars and they were put back into the production line. He quit that afternoon.

  4. one tactic SURE to work, ua book a flight? NO CIRCUMSTANCE a 737
    yawell yawell yawell booking agent lse doan knows nuff abouditall to know *which ones* to stay off of

  5. Just got home from Calgary. I chose Porter over Westjet and AirCan because Porter has Embraer 195s and the other two have 737-8s on that route.
    Strange thing is that the outflow valve is made to fail to the closed position which would cause higher cabin pressure. If that happens the safety valve will open to prevent over-pressurizing the cabin. It takes very deliberate commands to set the cabin altitude and rate of change. Pressurized planes have been around since WWII so this is not new technology.

    1. Remember years ago when Lear jets were killing it’s owners, because the valves were failing in flight.
