15 Replies to “Don’t Worry, It’s Transitory”

  1. 2.9% inflation. Sure thing in government fantasy land. Those of us who still pay for what we have to consume know it is closer to 15%.

    1. That sounds about correct. I was NEVER buying any of this “we beat inflation” sunshine that officialdom was blowing up our kilt.

      But when you’ve intentionally built much of your national economy on housing – related to mass immigration and the Immigration-Industrial Complex – you need low rates to keep the whole scheme from collapsing, so that why we’ve been seeing all the propaganda from all the usual sources

    2. VDH summarized it nicely below when he said that the PEOPLE … real people … not government automatons … know that a piece of plywood that used to cost $15 skyrocketed to $90 and then fell back to $45 … arent “buying” the fact “inflation has been reduced”.

      Sadly, I was in the middle of my largest remodel project at the $90 peak of plywood cost. Yes, I had to increase my loan amount … at a newer, higher (can you say DOUBLE?) interest rate. FJB … hard! … and all the 81 million (sic) who voted for him F-them too!

  2. That’s more Stats Canada bovine excrement. Buying groceries will easily convince you of the truth as you know.

  3. The Liberal government could lower the inflation rate in Canada quite quickly if they were willing to sacrifice one of their sacred cows – the carbon tax. When Saskatchewan stopped the carbon tax billing on Saskenergy’s natural gas, the inflation rate dropped significantly the next month. If the federal carbon tax was gradually eliminated over a 6 month period, that might tame inflation over an extended period of time. Allowing BoC interest rates to be cut and housing/rent prices to stabilize.

    They won’t, of course, because climate change and carbon taxes are the foundation of their ideology and their coalition with the NDP. They’d rather Canadians suffer an affordability crisis and the Liberal Party get crushed in an election than give up their carbon tax.

  4. Not even the Bank of Canada can help the Liberals get re-elected. Looks like they’re down to Bob Rae and Sheila Copps.

  5. Stats canada made an adjustment to the rate to reflect that more money is going to food now, but it doesn’t look like they included all of the increase.

  6. The progressives will argue this is scientific proof that inflation is caused by electing Conservatives.

    Side note, it feels like not enough SDA’ers are happy about yesterdays results in Toronto-St Pauls.
    In the past two decades, elections there are pretty much 50% Liberal, 25% Conservative, and 25% Economic freak parties.
    This is a major win. CPC won in a reliable Liberal riding.

    Keep your stick on the ice folks.

    1. Excited? Why? The only people excited are the ones who don’t know history. The first Trudeau created such a mass, that the CPC won 221 seats with over 50% support. Brian moved quickly to line pockets of his friends, and speed the dismantling of this country. Through FTA we lost all of our manufacturing and created dumpster ghettos in industrial areas in every city. Then when the government lost the revenue from the Manufacturers tax, he installed the 7% GST which brought tens of billions from the citizens of this country. Then he created pandering compromises to Quebec so he could have some legacy for himself, and only the citizens stopped him. Did life get better under Mulroney? No. Western Canada got screwed for the CF-18, he never fixed the imbalance, the senate, lowered taxes, or freed the oil industry.

      PP will throw you a crumb and the Laurentians will get the cake as usual.

      1. FYI
        The National Energy Policy / NEP was repealed by the newly-elected Progressive Conservative (PC) government of Prime Minister Brian Mulroney on June 1, 1985.

    1. That would involve creating an account, signing in… too much hassle on both ends. But it would be nice to have.

  7. Statscan is to veracity what Juthtin is to manliness.
    The BOC can lick my balls..
