Finland Freaks Out

NBC- Finland to offer bird flu vaccinations to at-risk residents in a world first

The Nordic country has bought vaccines for 10,000 people, each consisting of two injections, as part of a joint EU procurement of up to 40 million doses for 15 nations from manufacturer CSL Seqirus.

The Australian company in a statement to Reuters said Finland would be the first country to roll out the vaccine.

Finland has not detected the virus in humans, THL said.

25 Replies to “Finland Freaks Out”

    1. Ma was right about Finnlanders when she clued me in to my own kinfolk, around 1963…

  1. How many “at-risk residents” are there when they have not detected the flu in humans?
    2nd question – is this a genuine vaccine comprised of dead or weakened viruses, or is it another MRNA nightmare?

    1. Its a flu right?

      so like any flu it mutates ie they can vaccinate against h5n1 only with a traditional vaccine but not against mutations.

      if multiple people catch it, its almost certainly mutated.
      I think here(Australia)they are advising people who work with birds to get vaccinated against human flu,

      ie if they catch bird flu and human flu at the same time, one of them may mutate to a bird flu that is easy for humans to catch.

    2. Apparently mink catch bird flu. Article states this shot will be offered to fur farm workers. Last year they had to kill off a bunch of their valuable weasels. Hence only 10,000 doses.
      Poultry farm and fur farm workers, not necessarily to prevent a pandemic in humans, more to protect the industry.

  2. If you are having relations with chickens it might be a good idea. Run Chicken Run.

  3. Vaccine developed, head of CDC warning of bird flu pandemic…where’s my tinfoil hat?

  4. First they came to inject the chickenpluckers, but I wasn’t a chickenplucker so I didn’t care…

  5. It’s about time somebody freaked out, it’s been almost five minutes…

  6. Excellent.
    They need to sterilize their throats as well,some of that 110% alcohol booze would do the trick.
    It should be a drinking game,with hard spirits and sharp instruments..
    “I have no memory of that event,send more vaccinators.”

  7. Speaking of lockdowns, vaccines, and loss of constitutional rights … the US Surgeon General just declared a “gun violence” emergency. COVID was declared an “emergency” … and hence every Amendment of the US Constitution was suspended. And when that happened, all us tinfoil hatters predicted that “global warming” and “gun violence” would soon be declared “emergencies” … and hence all the “troublesome” parts of the US Constitution can be suspended while the fine people in the Obama, err Biden Administration work extra hard to solve the “emergencies”.

  8. CSL used to be the Commonwealth Serum Laboratory, but it hasn’t been that, or ostensibly a government entity, for ages. They did some great work on antivenenes and the like too.

    Read their blurb. Very global. Frankly, I wouldn’t trust a bandaid from them now, even (especially?) if they were still Australian government-run… Monkey pox didn’t work, so bird flu is next… Don’t you even think about eating that nugget!!! And yes, I agree a vaccine is useless unless it is proven to actually protect HUMANS from a specific disease…!

  9. Here we go again. Just don’t participate. Simply don’t. I’d go to jail rather than comply.

    1. Well I do hope if they pull the same shit to save “Normal” , people catch on a little faster this time. But I’m not holding my breath or buying in. FK them one and all.
      It’s from a movie but if you have lived at all “there’s worse things than dying”.
      One being seeing how easy people like being puppets.

      1. The worst pain a man can suffer is to have insight into much and power over nothing……Herodotus.

  10. Finnlanders. lol Not surprised at all. My mother told me to stay away from them. Don’t get me started…

  11. Viruses are solvents produced by one’s own body to combat infection.

    “Vaccines” are poison.

    Those creating vaccines are aware of this.
