10 Replies to “Honey, I Finished The Internet”

  1. Nope. Couldn’t do that. I’m lucky to keep my front fender from rearending my own car ;o)

  2. I had to back A trains and B trains into wash bays every day for years. It becomes second nature after a while.

  3. Likewise, in Chinatown watching people fail at parallel parking their Camry is a thing.

  4. I used to work for one of the big breweries in the warehouse. One day a US trucker came in to pick up a load going to the US. He complained to the shipping foreman that he couldn’t park at the door he was directed to because he couldn’t get around the guard/sprinkler system inlet piping. It was the door right beside the shipping office next to the exterior wall. While he was still cussing, a female driver came in and asked for her truck to get loaded and the bills. Shipping foreman asks “which door are you in” . Reply “The one beside your office”. The other guy shut up and left.

  5. The guy is good, no doubt about it, but…try backing a trailer down an iced over snake driveway to a lakefront cottage someday.
    I can’t do it, but I worked for a guy who was a god when it came to that.
    Myself, I can jackknife a trailer just by putting the truck into reverse.
