I, Napoleon

Nashville Shooter’s Manifesto Released Despite FBI Resistance

The 2023 Nashville Covenant School murders understandably received massive news coverage when they occurred. The fight over obtaining the murderer’s diary also received news attention. But when “nearly four dozen pages” of the murderer’s diary were finally released last week, the mainstream media completely ignored it. It turns out that behind the scenes, the FBI had fought hard against the diary’s release. Some Covenant School parents also opposed releasing the diary because it would force families to re-live the nightmare. The Tennessee Star’s parent company, Star News Digital Media, successfully filed two lawsuits to obtain the diary.

Five days after the release of the diary, with the exception of the New York Post, which is a national news outlet, the news coverage was limited to seven other conservative outlets such as The Daily Wire and Newsbusters.

The school murderer was transgender, and her diary reveals a suicidal left-winger who hated whites. The FBI expressed concern that the release of the diary from a transgender person could lead the public “to dismiss the attacker as mentally ill,” which would “further permeate the false narrative that the majority of attackers are mentally ill.” It worried that the diary could “potentially inflam[e] the public.”

15 Replies to “I, Napoleon”

  1. Interesting that a transgender person can be mentally ill but a white man is a right-wing white supremist who must be stopped at all costs.

  2. “…the FBI had fought hard against the diary’s release.” This is what Biden’s administration means when they say ‘We got your backs’ when talking to the alphabet freaks. Public should be demanding to know what ‘drugs’ she was on while ‘transitioning’. Same with the freak that killed his parents in Utah recently.

  3. Oh my!
    We can’t have people thinking that the mass murderer of children was insane….

    Liberals are amazing.
    So much twisting to keep their ideas in sight.

  4. Every so-called “Transgender” is mentally ill. Period. Next!

    I’m old enough to remember when the FBI didn’t invent facts … they found evidence.

      1. You’re right … the FBI invents evidence by running scams with paid informants when they want to gin up a little ‘white supremacist’ narrative … or governor kidnap plot

    1. “Every so-called “Transgender” is mentally ill. Period. Next! ”

      You beat me to it. Gender dysphoria was quite correctly called a mental illness at one time…what happened?

      There are TWO genders, male and female. XX and XY. If you were born a male (and no, not ‘assigned male’) you will die a male…and no drugs, hormones or cosmetic surgery will ever change that fact. Likewise for females.

  5. Since when do the FBi get to decide?
    Or any police to discern the narrative?
    Because the public DOES get to decide, based on evidence or not, it doesn’t matter.
    Now the pigs have obviously sided with the mentally unstable freak over children.
    There needs to be hangings.
    A lot of hangings.

  6. I don’t think they were worried about inflaming the public. They just want the public “inflamed” over mental illness rather than guns. If the attention goes to mental health then there is less opportunity to disarm the citizenry.

  7. Psychotropic drugs cause the already mental ill, to acts of violence. Big pharma makes a lot on these drugs so they wouldn’t want to let ppl know haw dangerous the drugs actually are.

  8. Weird, unbalanced people can become a significant threat to themselves and others.

    We all know that when a Looney walks into a place, we all subconsciously play “Spot the Looney” because we don’t want to be near the Looney when he or she loses it.

    Media has been trying to cover up for the Loonies, the Nutjobs, and the Whackadoos for years. They tell us that they are simply neuro-divergent, and that such divergence is just more diversity to be celebrated.

    1. It all started with teaching our children … “self-esteem” … fake, contrived, empty, meaningless, self-esteem. And “anti-bullying” … empowering any dweeb whose feelings got hurt. And then, “tolerance” … wherein every deviant must now be acknowledged … and then celebrated

  9. If the public finds out why something happened they may want the authorities to stop it from happening again, and again, and again.

    Liberal’s, Democrats or whatever totalitarian leftists call themselves today cannot allow that to happen, they need mass shootings for political reasons, they get lots of support from the public when they campaign on dead bodies. It’s an empathetic thing…
