66 Replies to “June 25, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. Calgary Police, the most corrupt Police Department in this corrupt Post Nation State.

      1. OPP, Toronto Police, Peel Police, the list is long. They all serve their political masters, take a knee in front of BLM thugs, bring coffee to Paleosimains and then turn around and beat up people protesting Wuhan Flu absurdities.

        1. They serve their paychecks….over paid, under worked and will do anything to keep the cash rolling.
          This applies to most everyone who receives their livelyhood from the taxpayer.

      1. The cops said it isn’t us……… well just who the hell is it? It is the cops period.

        1. I don’t think it is the cops, this came from the top. Like the persecutions of Couts Four, Artur Pawlowski or Tamara Lynch the unaccountable Librano machine is bending every law on the books to persecute and silence the inconvenient voice. Cops are the willing enf0r(ers but not the decision makers.

    2. Just sickening. Another blow to free speech in Canada. It would be good to know who gave the order for this.

      1. LOL, cope. It is a small price to pay for a daily reminder about the need to eliminate Orgimmar.

      1. Russia is rotting and one outcome of war is certain that is russian collapse. Hopefully it will be complete with a nice civil war.

  1. A google search for D Day gave 17 billion results while Bagration produced 2.38 million; that’s a factor of 7,200! Even though Operation Bagration was larger in scope than Overlord.

    People in the west are as ignorant of Bagration as Russians are of Overlord.

    Oh, and by the way, has anyone heard of the Great Bengal Famine of 1943, caused by the good guys? Less than a half million google hits.

    1. “…has anyone heard of the Great Bengal Famine of 1943”

      Great Bengal Famine was in 1770. 1943 was about tenth its size in absolute numbers and less as a fraction of population. Really just a backward shithole having its usual shithole problems (most died from disease not famine).

    2. Had I heard of the Bengal famine of 1943?


      Insignificant compared to the Great Leap Forward famine.

    3. Bagration involved 140 soviet divisions and destroyed about 28 German division. Even if you consider that soviet divisions averaged 6,000 men, and allied divisions averaged 18,000, that still has the the allied Army achieving the same result with fewer divisions. 39 to 46.66.
      The Normandy campaign involved 39 divisions and resulted in the destruction of about 25 German divisions, with about a dozen more shattered. The allied offensive began with 9 divisions on D-Day, and slowly expanded as their bridgehead grew. All supplies had to land on beaches until a port was captured. Trucks had to be used to move supplies because the French rail system had been largely destroyed. The soviets had rail lines to support their attack. Overlord was the greater victory, because it was far more difficult.
      The Great Bengal Famine was caused by the Japanese invasion of India out of Burma, causing millions of refugees to flee.

      1. David

        During the cold war , 2 democratic nations had viable COMMUNIST parties, one was the vaticans homestead, the other Israel. Communism was invented by a Joo, and pussed by 2 more Joos, lenin and trotski. Try keeping up wood joo. Denying the truth doesn’t change the truth. And some bad apples doesn’t spoil the whole lot.

        1. Nyet!

          Lenin was not brought up as a Jew and under Jewish law he was not a Jew, but Russian Orthodox, though his maternal great-grandfather was.

          Since under Jewish law, it goes by the maternal lines by which he does not qualify, and that even that Jewish male converted to being Russian Orthodox, you are incorrect that Vladimir Lenin was a Jew.

          Yes, Trotsky was a Jew, and we all know how he ended up thanks to his Communist comrades.

          1. Don’t worry, GYM knows perfectly well that Lenin wasn’t a Jew. He doesn’t give a shit.

  2. The newly-appointed head of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, one Birju Dattani, has tweeted a number of antisemitic statements in the not-to-distant past:

    Maybe HI Ho can fill us in on Mr. Dattani’s profound thinking. Maybe HI Ho is in fact Birju Dattani. Imagine being a white guy hauled out to face Dattani’s CHRC.

    (under a paywall but no other article available for posting).

    1. If rent went up 8.9% I can’t see inflation at 2.9% because something (many things) would have to fall in price to offset the difference and rent is the “big one”. So despite the government trying to engineer a lower CPI, even they can’t hide the real inflation rate which I estimate is still between 5-10% (based on my purchases and costs). Municipal taxes are out of control here in Southern Ontario. Insurance, repair costs for vehicles, food. How many flat screen TVs do we have to buy to benefit from lower prices?

    1. Now when I hear “mouse jigglers” I can’t help thinking of braless dancing girls at Disneyland…

  3. 10 vs 2: German teens hospitalized by migrant gang, one in ‘acute danger of death’

    Outrage in Germany after woman convicted for ‘insulting’ migrant gang rapists and hit with longer jail term than the rapists
