23 Replies to “Scratch An Anti-Semite”

  1. Joly can FOAD.
    Horrific Kbec Hag should be sanctioned then shipped to some Islamist shithole country and sold into slavery.

  2. This was inevitable. Joly’s seat of Ahuntsic-Cartierville will unquestionably be lost to the Bloc Quebecois. She’s about 20 points behind, and the Libs have been pimping for Hamas for a year now.

    Now she’s suddenly afraid. Suck it up, honey-bunch; you goin’ down.

    1. “honey-bunch”…I haven’t heard that in many moons, and it made me laugh.
      Oh, and Melanie is used to “going down” but not in the way you rightly predict.

  3. Question: Do the Liberals actually think that Canadians are so stupid and gullible and reflexively deferential to the Federal Liberal Party that they will accept such a nakedly-transparent change of policy based on the Liberals collectively fearing for their political hides (not to mention their plush political privileges, perquisite, pensions, etc, etc.)?

    Answer: They do indeed.

    And why? Because a significant plurality of Canadians ARE that stupid and gullible and reflexively deferential to the Federal Liberal Party.

  4. Uh-huh, sure. The Trudeau Liberal-NDP government has done nothing but tweet as bullets were shot into Jewish schools or when Jews were being harassed at their synagogues and neighborhoods or when Hamas protesters were supporting the October massacre. Only after losing a key by-election is the government concerned about Jewish Canadians. With the Liberals you definitely have to watch what they actually do, not what they say they’re going to do.

    Did the minister remember to include “we are taking this very seriously” and “we won’t take any lessons from conservatives” in her announcement because I think that those vacuous talking points are mandatory for Liberal MPs.

  5. Doesn’t need to. The Canadian Jewish community are afflicted with white liberal guilt, and have drifted far from the tenets of Judaism. Voting Liberal is a pain free and usually profitable enterprise, they are dying to have a reason to do so, this will be it.

  6. The New Liberal Party. Now with added pro-semitic. Election results may vary.

  7. Has Fraulein Freeland announce that “we will have a Liberal dynasty that will endure for a thousand years”… yet?

    1. Israel’s genocide department is lousy at their job. So lousy, the “Palestinians” whose name comes from a Roman attempt to erase the connection of Jews to their land, have quadrupled their numbers after every “genocide” perpetrated against them.

      That said, the goal of the “Palestinian” is to “finish the work of hitler. “

  8. Politics, the effort to achieve the impossible using the improbable, and failing to achieve any worthy goal.
    This turn about is attached to financing, and not a true repentance .

  9. “Israel’s main goal is the extermination of Palestinians – retired NATO colonel”

    Sadly, that has become necessary. Thanks for the encouraging news.
