They Took Away The Rights

Put ’em in a Rights Museum ♫ ♪ ♬

Shortly after Dattani was appointed to lead the [Canadian Human Rights Commission] in mid-June, National Post learned that in 2015 he had shared the stage with a member of an Islamic fundamentalist group and repeatedly lectured during “Israel Apartheid Week” at British universities about the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement. According to a Government of Canada factsheet, attempts to boycott and sanction Israel are one of its six core examples of antisemitism.

Shimon Fogel, the long-standing president of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA), told the Post that the organization is “deeply concerned” about Dattani’s appointment given that he “has directly associated with individuals and groups affiliated with listed terror entities and has a history of making highly troubling antisemitic statements.” Fogel saw Dattani’s ascension to head the CHRC as underscoring “a crisis of confidence” with the body that “undermines our confidence in the Commission’s ability to adjudicate issues of hate and discrimination.”

Fogel said the controversy calls into question the justice ministry’s vetting process.

No, it doesn’t. He was exactly the kind of diversity hire they were looking for.

16 Replies to “They Took Away The Rights”

  1. He can lead us in our mandatory 2 minutes of hate, which will soon be required under the Liberal government.

  2. The Canadian Human Rights Commission seems to be modelled after the Volksgerichtshof. It is a disgrace and should be flushed…..twice….no…make that three times.

  3. The Online Harms Act, if passed into law, will give the Canadian Human Rights Commission new powers to prosecute and punish offensive but non-criminal speech by Canadians if, in the subjective opinion of unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats, they deem someone’s statement to be “hateful.” The Online Harms Act will empower Canadians offended by non-criminal expression to file complaints against their fellow citizens.

    Those who are prosecuted by the Human Rights Commission cannot defend themselves by establishing that their supposedly “hateful” statement is true, or that they had reasonable grounds for believing that their statement was true.

    Those found guilty by the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal can be required to pay as much as $50,000 to the government, plus up to $20,000 to the person(s) designated as “victims” by the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal. These significant financial penalties will discourage or eliminate necessary discussion on controversial but important issues in our society.

  4. Liberal bigots are completely disgusting, obviously, their national socialist policies are spreading hate and destroying civilization.

    Here is another small point, but one that is maddening from the article:

    “We are carefully reviewing these statements and discussing them with Mr. Dattani, as well as relevant stakeholders.”

    ‘Relevant stakeholders’ – the rest of us are irrelevant when disgusting bigots are hired by the Liberal government? Everyone should be pissed at Liberal racists, we’re all ‘stakeholders’ but these weasel politicians just want to buy off the victims so they’ll stop squawking.

    “Stakeholders” are everyone who lives here, not just victims or parasites that have to be paid off.

  5. Godwin’s law must have been invented by a progressive as their highest form of cover. The only relevant question is will PP get rid of the commission or keep it and staff it with conservative squishes to keep the seat warm for the next Jihadist that comes with the next LPC/NDP regime?

    1. They certainly should disband the human rights tribunals. The Canadian criminal code is sufficient to handle actual crimes and labour boards hear cases of employment discrimination. Human rights commissions will always regress into political star chambers and kangaroo courts because those hearing case will inevitably be staffed by activists who don’t follow established legal practices like due process, evidence, witnesses, etc. that have the best chance of ensuring a fair trial.

      Imo, human rights commissions are abominations of the legal system (not that our legal system isn’t also dysfunctional in many areas due to the political appointment process). When there is no cost to accusing others of human rights offenses plus a high chance of getting a big payout then, of course, the system will be abused and used for political vendettas.

  6. Everyone on an HRC should be offered two choices: resign or be hanged.
    WTF is wrong with Jewish leaders thinking these commissions are anything but group think double plus ungood.

  7. This is all the more evidence that the HRCs all need to be abolished. All these do is give a malcontent a position to bully other people while claiming it’s just being “righteous”.

  8. “Dattani’s earlier activities are difficult to trace because he went by his middle name, Mujahid, during his academic years. However, he acknowledged to the Post: “I did, and sometimes still do, go by the middle name Mujahid, or by my full name, first, middle and last.””

    “Mujahid”, an arabic term that broadly refers to a person who engages in jihad.

    So who is responsible for his appointment? Because that’s a burning red flag

  9. Heh.
    Never interrupt your enemies when they proudly self identify.
    Any citizen who is willing to serve these commissions,is too dangerously stupid to coexist with.
    They are fools and bandits of the lowest order.
    Harken back to the one Ezra Levant made famous..
    There you have it.
    “I am just following orders”
    Hanging is too good for such ..a long lingering miserable existence in a frozen hell?
    Every person involved in these “Human Rights Commissions” and their show trials does not deserve even the presumption of innocence..
    And the beauty of this,is they proudly self declare their hatred of civil society..exposing themselves a little twerps who gloat over abusing everyone else’s rights.
