Toronto–St. Paul’s Byelection (Bumped)

If you’re looking for something to watch on a boring Monday evening : Toronto–St. Paul’s Byelection Results Livestream (No results posted as of an hour after poll closing.)

UPDATE: Morning has broken…

Conservative Don Stewart 15,555 42.1 %
Liberal Leslie Church 14,965 40.5 %
NDP Amrit Parhar 4,044 10.9 %
Green Christian Cullis 1,059 2.9 %

Now, I’m off to X to drink in the lamentations of the Truanons with my morning coffee. (link updated).


Will he or won’t he? Trudeau presser in BC (live)
… and he’s staying on.

81 Replies to “Toronto–St. Paul’s Byelection (Bumped)”

  1. Boring Monday evening? Not when I have the College World Series and the Stanley Cup final to choose from (along with a very fine Aussie GSM).

    Have you seen the number of candidates on the ballot? What a joke. Just like the city. They’ll get what they deserve.

      1. Will He—-Won’t He__ Kate you know only too well a narcissist will never retire! In his mind none of the problems in Canada are his fault!!!!
        Ya- we are talking about Justin!

  2. Wealthy influential neighborhoods pumped full of cash from the Liberal government – golly I wonder who’s gonna win…

    1. Good morning.
      I hope you don’t spill coffee on yourself or choke on your bacon.
      It was quite wonderful for those of us staying up to watch the results spill in.

  3. A liberal win is another death knell for Canada, its awful, everyone knows it, and they don’t care or think it will change. Bye-bye shithole, and good riddance.

      1. Yes there is a God. And he is Great!

        Also, even the Devil may be upset with Justin. The house of the wicked is always divided against itself!

  4. From the Election Canada site as of 12:25
    Toronto—St. Paul’s
    Party Candidate Votes Percentof Votes
    Liberal Leslie Church 3,115 43.1 %
    Conservative Don Stewart 2,666 36.9 %
    NDP-New Democratic Party Amrit Parhar 954 13.2 %
    Green Party Christian Cullis 234 3.2 %
    Cue the news reports of Trudeau beating expectations, Comeback Kid!

      1. uh, 3115 votes at time of reporting, SPACE = 43.2% of the ballots thus far.
        you disappointed? using liberal ‘budget balances itself’ maths?

    1. When I am wrong, I am wrong – CPC win
      Hope Trudeau stays, best argument for voting conservative in the next election due in 16 months.

      1. Ha Ha … I want to see the peckerhead gone but I hope Trudeau stays on to guide the good ship Liebral onto the rocks in the 2025 election!!

  5. A Liberal win here is a nothing burger. In fact, it could give them false confidence going forward, and Blackie McBlackface is dumb enough to drink his own bathwater. Let’s hope.

    1. Quite true. St. Paul’s has been Liberal since 1993. With a mere 5,000 vote lead, this is pretty much the smallest plurality here that they’ve ever had in the last three decades. The results here suggest very bad things are waiting for Justatwit and his gang of fools everywhere else in Toronto except for Toronto Centre and University-Rosedale.

  6. Never fear,even if the Not Liberal wins,the clowns on Election Canada will “Correct” the results,claiming a win by the chosen ones candidate.
    What was that word TIME Magazine used?

    Apparently such things are OK,as long as it is our Progressive Parasitic Overload that is doing it.

    1. Final results: 43.5% voter turn out.
      Pretty good for a by-election in the summer.

      1. Perhaps a lot of the non-voters were liberals expecting an easy win so they didn’t bother to vote.

  7. Now that the hockey game is over, the Libs are still holding on to Toronto-St. Paul. Nothing much to report.

  8. It appears the liberals have lost St Paul’s
    Today will be the day that liberals will be urgently concerned about election interference.

    1. So true.
      Peter Peoplesbridge will have to put on his serious face. (Assuming he is still around.)

  9. According to news reports this morning the Conservatives won 42% to 40%. Strange doings.

  10. Glad to say that I contributed in one small way to Stewart’s victory. Now the rest of you, get out and do your part!

  11. The deepest darkest hole of Saint Globohomo Satanic Clownworld WHO NWO WEF UN Service for guilty middle aged white women has voted out the liberals. Now we KNOW there is election interference.

  12. Congrats to Mr Stewart!!

    However, while purusing that incredibly long list of candidates, there seems to be a helluva lot of fwog names on it. Were they all liberal bilingual imports to work the cbc?

    1. It’s amazing that one note wackos were able to find 75+ people in one riding willing to sign up to create a protest against Trudeau’s lack of action on “election reform”.

  13. Surprised that the Communist Party of Canada and the N*zi Party of Canada got so many votes (second and third place).

    1. Over half the voters are complete idiots in this riding obviously, but there could be a bright spot – so many voters get their pockets stuffed with cash from the Liberal government in this riding that maybe they’re just @ssholes?

  14. I live in the riding. Leslie Church – accompanied by her two racially and sexually “diverse” assistants (an Indian- and a Chinese-Canadian) whose presence was – transparently – to intimidate anyone confronting her about her Party’s out-of-control immigration policies – tried to buttonhole me at a local subway stop.

    I told her to her face that she was “an AWFL person” (aka Affluent White Female Liberal – a term that she’d apparently not heard of because she is one) and that I wished her “an ignominious defeat.” Her response to me was “how can I be awful when I’m a mother, lawyer and advocate?” Yeah, that’s EXACTLY what she said.

    I’m sure some plush sinecure awaits this parasitic swamp-dweller, whose husband is also some political “consultant”-type (what an entire family of political-class parasites)! This class of people – and I would include many nominal “conservatives” in this denunciation – are ruining the country.

    1. Borrowing AWFL… could get the “U” in there with ’Urban’…

      Affluent White Female Urban Liberal – still accurate, maybe more

      1. Dunno. Are you familiar with the concept of “the Hicklib?”

        I just came back to the city from up north this morning, and it’s disturbing, albeit illustrative to watch radical, uber-progressive Liberalism ferret its way into rural Canada, largely by way of our large “woke” corporations (Canada’s much-vaunted “national champions” – grocery chains, telcos, banks) plus our hegemonic public sector institutions – i.e., schools, hospitals, charity agencies, etc.

        Interesting article. The context is American; however, as Peter Brimelow noted many moons ago, Canada’s reflexively left-leaning “public class” is even more powerful – relatively speaking – than its American counterpart, so perhaps the rot is even worse here.

  15. Working from home must have made Elections Canada totally useless,even to the Liberals.
    So this winning candidate differs from the losing Liberal …how?
    Uni-Party of Can Ahh Duh.

  16. I only hope that this win is an indication that the average Canadian voter has somehow come to the realization that governments that take your money so easily do not have an earthly idea of how to invest it. To boldly say that the Liberal party will invest in Canada by increasing the capital gains tax on investments that Canadians make privately in Canada shows how completely out of touch the Liberals and the Dippers are. Money spent on political pet projects never has the same return as private investment in the market.

    1. I would guess that Jewish vote that Sheila Copps was writing about voted early in advance polls, just in case they were blocked access to the election day polls by “protesters”.

      “Have another tequila, Sheila. And…..”

      H.T. Honourable John Crosbie.

  17. This riding is probably the most likely in all of Canada to have people significantly affected by the increase in capital gains tax and the by-election was held the day before the tax comes into effect. Liberal apparatchiks are generally more clever than this. Arrogance makes stupid.

  18. What is the difference between the Suez Canal and Sheila Copps?

    One is a busy ditch and the other is a dizzy….

  19. Breaking News;;;
    Obviously,,, affluent urban Liberal voters from Toronto, don’t really care to pay the “new capital gains tax” on the cottages they own, north of the city. They not going to be fooled by the Deputy P.M Freeloader, or whatever her name is.
    Her quote from last night disparaging those in the center and right leaning voters as, ” Cold, cruel and small ”
    CTV broadcast the video of her saying this earlier in the morning, but have now nixed it from the top of the hour national news.

    Full quote from CTV, “”I’m really calling on the people of St. Paul’s to go out there and vote for [Church] because the alternative is really cold, and cruel, and small. The alternative is cuts and austerity, not believing in ourselves as a country, not believing in our communities and in our neighbors,” Freeland said.

    Political commentators this morning were comparing her quote to Hillary Clinton’s “deplorables” quote.

    1. That annoying “little girl” voice of hers…

      It just REEKS of condescension and entitlement

    1. Marc from Calgary: Yours truly, the slightly gloating Mr. Strauss lives in the neighbourhood in question. Assuming the poster lives here it is definitely NOT sarcasm, as I saw several examples of The Mask in the ‘hood today

      And it probably isn’t sarcasm if it’s from a Torontonian – or Ontario resident in general – either!!

      As Joe Rogan remarked, we lost a lot of people over Covid and many of them are still alive.

  20. I am glad TurdHole is too arrogant to resign. It makes the possibility of complete annihilation of the Lieberals a reality. Of course, the bad news is TurdHole and his gang of criminals will be more determined than ever to destroy what is left.

    1. Mulroney was smart enough to see what was coming and set up Kim Campbell to take the fall. Nothing personal, she was just next.

  21. I wonder if the ruler of Turdholeland, Klaus anal Schwab will be upset with his hand picked subordinate, Juthtin the Turdhole and ask him to resign and make way for another WEF stooge and Nazi Granddaughter, Krystal Meth Freezeland.
    Not that she/it would do better than Justa Shit, but Klaus must be worried about his iron fisted grip on zeee cabinet and the Government he rules over.

    I think Klausy loves Juthtins Turdhole too much to fire the stupid bastard, but you never know what these fascist WEFers are up too next.

    1. “They” still have pockets, that haven’t been filled to overflowing,
      “They” still a about a year to rob Canadians !
      How can you fund a general election political campaign, when such a large percentage of voters, declare,,, they’re not voting for YOU !
      The money for the LPC has to come from somewhere. Big elite donors aren’t going to contribute to a loosing cause(heck, there are no kickbacks or appointments when you donate to the third or forth place party), so the money has to come for the taxpayers through government scams.

    1. I’d be happy to see the Turd campaign one more time, I want complete annihilation of the LPC, I want the Turd and his family to feel completely and wholly rejected.
      Complete humiliation be loosing his own seat in Papineau.
      Even the ChiComs can’t save him this time.

      1. Also takes care of any further dynastic aspirations of his brood. If he goes down in flames bad then no one will let those two anywhere near the libtard party.

  22. Add up Lib/Dip/Mould with the honest-label Marxist-Leninist, and 54.5% still voted for anti-freedom anti-prosperity goose stepping authoritarians.

  23. I watched Justin Castreau talking about the by-election results. He kind of looked a bit ticked and a bit like someone had given him a good swift kick to the crotch. He was not a happy camper.

    1. “They won Toronto St. Paul’s by accident and now they might have to deal with Trudeau resigning”

      Will he resign for the good of the party, or be ‘asked’ to do so by the party?

      I can’t see him leaving unless he is f*rced out…his ego is too huge (and fragile).

    1. I thought so too, but the economy is cratering, the BoC showed their hand and the information they are giving cabinet may be that it is only going to get worse. Jugmeat may cut and run, as it looks like he’s wearing this as he should, the Dippers might not want to go down with HMCS Turdhole.
