Tuesday On Turtle Island

Woke Britain:  The Frank Report.  Notes from the sticks.

Dementia Joe’s America:  America is crumbling – Victor Davis Hanson.  The migrant murderers.  President Benedict Arnold.

Blackie’s Canada:  Ezra Levant turns himself in.  Today Dear Leader burns jet fuel to Vancouver to talk about fish or something.  Will Justin resign?  Conservatives win Toronto byelection (CBC).

Your morning meme.  Another meme.   A cartoon.

20 Replies to “Tuesday On Turtle Island”

  1. Your call, but maybe you want to provide a link to Polling Canada or somewhere that talks about this?

    Toronto-St. Paul’s Unofficial Final Results:

    CPC: 42.1% (+16.8)
    LPC: 40.5% (-8.7)
    NDP: 10.9% (-5.9)
    GPC: 2.9% (-3.1)
    PPC: 0.6% (-2.1)

    (% Change With 2021 Election)

      1. One person got no votes?? You mean, he didn’t even vote for himself? Lol

        Maybe he lives outside the riding, so can’t vote.

        1. Maybe he was signed up to be on the ballot without his knowledge given that the vast majority of those people were protesting the lack of “electoral reform”

    1. More on Dementia Joe’s America.
      Two Orange County teens have been arrested for stopping hispanics while pretending to be ICE agents and then robbing the victims. Anaheim, CA police made the arrests within 5 hours of the robbery. This robbery is linked to other similar acts in Southern California. Laurentiu Baceanu and Vasile Alexandru were taken into custody and are being HELD WITHOUT BAIL. You would think they were charged with murder or something serious instead of posing as ICE agents. Did Baceanu and Alexandru muscle in on “real” federal agents collecting the Big Guy’s 10%?

  2. “I’m shocked! Shocked to find that a Conservative is going in there.”
    But I am so pleasantly surprised.
    I suppose the liberals will want a recount and suggest voter fraud as well.

  3. Cribbing from the Frank Report:

    Our goal for Justin Trudeau’s Liberals next election is Net Zero seats.


  4. Now here is an impossibility!

    To quote the CBC article, “this could prompt some soul-searching for Trudeau”.

  5. The media would be frothing at the mouth and bleeding from their eyes if Catholics’ attempted to take control of a public place for mass. I am sick of the double standard, the only group allowed to show their supremacy over all others is the Islamists and their liberal bullies-I hope they do charge him, because he’ll expose all levels of government giving supremacy status exclusively to Islamists.
