We Need Another Lockdown

Longer and harder this time. And more taxes. And more regulations…

Calgary Herald- Canada’s ‘productivity emergency’ called the most widespread in history outside the pandemic

Outside of Quebec and Ontario, gross domestic product per person is not only lower than before the pandemic, it is lower than the peak in 2014-15.

“That means many people outside our two biggest provinces feel worse off today than they did 10 years ago,” he said.

19 Replies to “We Need Another Lockdown”

    1. Yeah, I was straining my memory to recall what happened in 2015 that could have led to this situation.
      Speaking of 2015 and thereabouts, have you noticed all the coincidental ‘installations’ that occurred in the west at that time? Think New Zealand, France, etc.

      1. The wrong person was elected prime minister, the one who wasn’t ready and has shown himself to be an unmitigated disaster For this country.

  1. An aside; Tommy Robinson was arrested in Calgary last night and I’m unable to find an article about it in the Calgary Herald though my Google search revealed the The Herald of Scotland (and other newspapers) have articles on the arrest.

      1. aka Tommy ‘lightning rod’ Robinson

        l suspect lm being targetted by poo-lice vendetta behaviour
        -a tenant knocks me on the floor and smashes 3 doors and 3 lare windows, aby 3 k damage,
        dismissed as (exact quote) “occupancy rights”
        -an intruder bfreaks in to a tenants room and because l cannot irrefutably identify her as NOT being a ‘guest’ she’ (exact quote) “entitled” to be there. a stranger, committing a criminal act to get in, is allowed to stay indefinitely? who knows? no one will talk about it.

        thought for the day: there are reasons some of us out here a delighted, a great and genuine sense of satisfaction, when cops are shot dead.

    1. I expect British authorities will send a sternly-worded letter to the Canadian government saying persecution of Tommy Robinson is Scotland Yard’s prerogative.

  2. What is it?.. Canada is a 3 Star Hotel with 5 Star prices :).. Thank the boy wonder and his Jacobin cohorts for running the place like a grade 7 social studies class.. Thinking hard on leaving when mum passes away..

  3. If there is no reasonable likelyhood of keeping any profit made when performing skilled work?
    What will a rational person do?

    Can Ahh Duh is a late stage kleptocracy.
    The bandits have run out of other peoples wealth to steal.They have run out of OPM that they can borrow.
    Now they have started robbing each other.
    We will return to hanging such highwaymen and leaving their bodies twisting in the winds at every crossroad.

    When you think about it,theft is the most productive activity ever.
    For zero input costs,you can run off with all the wealth available.
    In “modern economics” this is a good thing.
    Just as an insanely bloated government spending spree,increases the GDP.

  4. We’re importing low rent, high cost turd worlders…of course productivity is plummeting.

  5. speaking of taxes, l know a rooming house landlord hasnt paid a cent in fed taxes going on 8,9, maybe 10 years at least. because in a good year rental income, he looks around at whatever he’s done on the propuddy, chalks it up to ‘some anonymous bloke found on kijij’, forges the receipt for some reasonable amount, forges the signature and WRITES IT OFF. thus, oh dear, $189 rental i/c 2023 what to do . . . .

  6. If you change the way you “feel” about things, the things you feel about will change. Problem solved.

  7. I bet if you took out government workers, Ontario and quebec would also not be any further ahead

    1. I was wondering how ontariowe and queerbec was escaping this downdraft and then you reminded me that there are almost no private sector employment left in those provinces. Everybody works for the government there.

  8. I wonder why GDP per person is decreasing – maybe it’s related to population increasing by over 3% annually (through immigration) coupled with a recently announced annualized GDP growth of 1.7%. It ain’t rocket science especially when the immigrants aren’t the skilled variety.
