14 Replies to “When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal”

  1. But the ends justify the means claim FBI luminaries like James Comey and Christopher Wray.

    Meanwhile former 54 year Chicago Alderman Ed Burke was just sentenced after his trial in US federal court. Burke was charged with 13 counts including racketeering, soliciting and extortion. Burke was found guilty on all charges. Under federal law, racketeering and extortion could result in up to 20 years per count. Soliciting can mean 10 years per count and lying to the FBI can mean 5 years. On Monday, Burke was sentenced to just 2 years in prison and $2 million fine. A Democrat winner in America’s two tier justice system.

  2. Yet the mass-ive fraud media continue to insist that the “Trump appointed judge” is somehow arbitrarily derailing the case against Trump.

    The media must be destroyed.

  3. It seems that when the FBI teamed up with the Mafia back when they had their gayest ruler, J edgar Hoover ( or Mary as the Mafia called him ) it was a match made in hell and also built to last.

    That partnership between the two just seems to get closer and closer.

    The FBI/Mafia.

  4. One you get an answer to “how did they know what cover sheets to bring on this raid” it all comes into focus that this was a setup and frame job, from a FBI who has been and Influence and Blackmail operation for all of it’s history.

  5. Come on, you people! He was confected! On 34 counts! 34! Even Sesame Street only had one!

      1. Ha Ha …. beat me too it … ya gotta love it when the illiterates try to make a point and only make themselves look like half wits

      2. God, how embarassing. I’m sorry, I mean “convected”. I just hadn’t been keeping current.

          1. Well, I want to call him “convicted”, because that’s what the Kremlin botmasters are paying me to say, but the problem is that I followed the trial and I know that Trump proved beyond doubt that no crime at all had been committed. So I need to come up with a word that sounds and looks like “convicted” and could lead someone sufficiently motivated to interpret as “convicted”, without actually lying in a way too gross for my high standards of lying.

            My high standard of lying is what gets me the botbucks in the first place, you know. Try it yourself, I suggest to all. Try to lie with a trace of dignity instead of just spewing horseshit. Things might look up!

  6. One of the reasons OJ got off is because some cop moved one of the bloody gloves out from under the bed so it could be staged for pictures. You’d think that would be used in FBI school as a lesson in why you don’t tamper with evidence

  7. They wouldn’t have admitted to this voluntarily unless they are looking to have the entire case removed. It’s not paying the dividends it was designed to achieve (just the opposite, really, mostly due to an objective Judge) , and highlights the difference in treatment between Trump and Biden (despite Biden’s abuse to be more flagrant and….actually illegal). I suspect the case will get tossed rather shortly once the Supreme Court releases their opinion(s) on Presidential Immunity tomorrow (pushed back from last Friday).
