20 Replies to “And The Budget Will Balance Itself”

  1. It’s not that Juthtin is a ‘good politician’, but rather that a high percentage of the electorate are ‘poor voters’.

    (I like the phraseology “No disrespect (but they’re all f’ing idiots”.)

    1. And O’Leary is a f..ing idiot for saying he respects politcians. He also talks about corporate taxes as if the money comes out of the corporation’s strongbox when it’s customer paying the freight given that taxes are rolled into the prices charged.

      1. To be sure, corporations don’t pay taxes, end users pay the taxes. People of normal intellect understand this fact. It is the delusional socialists that believe corporations can be heavily taxed and the working people’s lives will improve. As O’Leary said, the capital in corporations can move elsewhere. Socialists are also firm believers in zero sum economics. They believe every dollar the wealthy make comes out of the pockets of the downtrodden. No wealth or value can be created, it is merely transferred from the proletariat to the greedy, well off privileged class. And they believe this despite the massive increase in wealth under capitalism throughout all strata since the industrial revolution. They believe this despite the abject failures of communism. Adam Smith’s “invisible hand” has been proven to be an apt metaphor for the benefits of capitalism over state control of commerce.

        1. Sure, O’Leary said that but he also said that corporate tax rates shouldn’t be too high or too low and should fall somewhere in the mid-range of the G-20 countries. Since when is a low tax rate not a good thing.

  2. Could we please make O’Leary the finance minister!

    How messed up are we as a nation that we have incompetent Freeland instead? Unreal.

  3. I was recently informed it’s easy to be a critic. This was was the response after expressing my disbelief at the yawn about a 223 thousand + catering bill versus the fervor over a 16 dollar orange juice. Well, don’t you know, some irellavent fact can always be dug up. I stated and still maintain, you don’t need to be an fing genius to understand there is something wrong about that type of expense for catering an airline flight. They don’t have a serious finance minister because they don’t want one and they don’t want accountability. They did save money buy cutting the auditors budget. And the orange juice? I was told you could fill two Olympic size swimming pools with that cash. I did not verify that.

  4. Freeland is an untalented journalist with a eco/neo-Marxist upbringing, WEF-style. Of course she’s zero qualified in finance. She’s zero qualified in high-level politics too btw: no knowledge whatsoever in law/human rights, no people skills, shrieking, condescending, impulsive. Overall repulsive.

    1. But, but, but … she’s a Rhodes Scholar! The best of the best of the best! Vomit emoji

    1. Or too old to leave. I could say I hope you don’t get there, old that is, but that would be unkind.
      Canada is not a serious or real country these days.

  5. O’Leary is correct in his criticism but wrong in his solution. Whenever I hear someone saying we need a better “manager” to “run” the Canadian economy, I think of industrial strategy and fascism. Deregulation and massive shrinkage of scale and scope of all government is the solution.

    1. That is exactly what should happen.
      The idiot politicians can’t help themselves to get out of the damn kitchen.
      Too much graft.

  6. I have one major problem with Mr O’Leary after watching him being interviewed many,many years ago. He cares not one wit about country or people or places. The only thing he cares about in this whole wide world is money. He doesn’t care about the people that are in a country, their culture, their history or their future. All he cares about is the dollar. Countries and people are only monetary units to this guy. They are nothing but units to be moved around in order to make money. He truly is the picture of a rootless cosmopolitan. I have nothing against the guy except for the fact that he only sees dollar signs, nothing else matters.

    1. There are all kinds of people with different wants.
      Some like to collect coins.
      Some like to play hockey.
      Some like to meander in a garden.
      Some like to collect money. Lots of money. They work on it. Some know what are they doing. Some get lucky. The majority are on the edge of survival.
      The business is always on the edge of survival, if someone comes with a better idea, the original business is toast. The guy who ran it maybe ok, though the business is done. Works that way every time.
      Remember the name Kodak?
      It maybe single minded, though everyone is collecting something.
      The guy has his syntax right, don’t need to agree with what the guy says, he is not risking anyone else but hisself.
      He loses, he wins, he likes to play the large game, it’s his business.
      Your agent does not care one way or another.

    2. “He cares not one wit about country or people or places.”
      Actually he does care about those things, as he referenced Norway compared with Canada, and how they pursued the advantages of their natural resource base.
      O’Leary shilled for ‘effective altruism’ guru Sam Bankman-Freid’s FTX empire, and FTX investors certainly don’t have to worry about taxation of profits from that arena.
      How different is he from Freehand shilling for Justin Trudeau’s sonny ways?

      Life Follow Art dept.
      Money – Cabaret

  7. I wonder when that Muskoka boating incident will be reopened. It will be just a coincidence. No interference.

  8. The economy isn’t failing because of “poor management skills”, its failing because of actual malice aforethought; it isn’t being mismanaged, its being sabotaged.

  9. Will the finance minister be addressing the failure of the #Libranos to build 500k houses in each of the next 8-10 years so the new canadians aren’t freezing in the dark? Or, taking up each and every hotel room in the country?

    The economy failing, slowly… and in related housing news, here’s a broker’s opinion which may be somewhat closer to the bone than folks with gov’t opinions:


    There is a thread of at least 6 under this tweet.

    1. I heard from an agent that a couple weekends ago there were at least 3 projects that failed their opening weekend with zero sales, and at least one of them was a relisting.

      The place next to me is offering 3 years mortgage at 0% on their outstanding units, but all that means is the expected interest is built into the price.
