Clean Electricity Regulations, part of the biggest story of our times

Boundary Dam Power Station

I’ve been saying for a while now, this whole “energy transition” is the biggest story of our times. And the biggest part of that is implementation of the Clean Electricity Regulations, which will affect every person, business and industry in this country. On Tuesday, Saskatchewan said it’s not going to follow them, because they’re impossible to follow.

I will have numerous stories on this over the coming days and weeks, deep dives into what this is all about. I just got off the phone with one cabinet minister and will be talking to another in a few minutes. Watch for that in a bit. In the meantime, this is the executive summary of the report prepared for the Saskatchewan government, a report whose purpose is to give backing to our saying “F off” to the feds. That’s basically what Saskatchewan is doing.



13 Replies to “Clean Electricity Regulations, part of the biggest story of our times”

  1. Meanwhile Danielle smith continues to tweet about all sorts of progressive issues while failing to address the fraud of climate change.

        1. You wouldn’t know it by her words or actions.

          Precisely. I spoke to my MLA about this, he noted that it’s the big city MLA’s (Cowtown & Edmonchuck) who are still on board w/ Globull Warmening. I asked him why she just didn’t set the entire crew down, lay down the law & move on. He didn’t have a response.

  2. I am living in New Brunswick but have been monitoring the events of federal “Clean Electricity Regulations” implemented
    by an incompetent federal bureaucracy.
    Everything they attempt to do turns to shite.
    If they tell you to do something a certain way, do the exact opposite or at the very least do not implement.
    I am all for Saskatchewan elevating a certain finger pointed in the general direction of our incompetent rulers.
    “Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead Saskatchewan”.

    1. Everything they attempt to do turns to shite.

      Of course it does. It’s the gov’t, after all. And, it’s not just energy regs. It’s absolutely everything.

  3. No one is going to follow the CER with the possible exceptions of British Columbia and Quebec. They still have large remaining untapped hydraulic resources. No other Canadian province has this. So it’s simply a matter of timing and political tactics as to whether a province states its non-adherence overtly or implicitly.

    And since Justatwit’s government is done like dinner in October 2025, and Mark Holland will have his last and final nervous breakdown, none of it really matters.

    1. Agreed. Renewable energy is a game for grifters looking to loot the taxpayers’ pockets.

      1. yep. jenn fails to either know or acknowledge thats what happens at the top of the climate ponzi scheme.
        do some maths ms/mz/xw/xwr/xim jenn

  4. Hey Jenn, tell me how you build your renewables without coal, oil and gas? Can’t be done Jenn.
